Girlie by tomtom45,tomtom45


Chapter 1

“That’s not a cunt!” I exclaimed, as I leaned forward pretending to look closer.

“W.. what is it then?” squeaked my young pretender, fearing that she was somehow deformed!

“Well, at best it’s a cuntlet.” I said flatly.

Fearing the worst, my small neighbour let her bikini bottom smack back against her thigh and quietly asked what a cuntlet was.

“Well, Girlie…” I hesitated, dragging the answer out… “It’s, it’s a kitten!”

“A kitten!”

“Exactly! Not quite a Pussy yet!” I said lamely.

Nikki stared at me in disbelief, her cute little nose flared as she prepared to defend herself.

“Now, you listen here Mr Mac! I know it’s a proper cunt. It does everything a cunt should do and I love it. I’ve had it all to myself until today when I foolishly decided to show it to you because I’m so fucking horny and I don’t know what to do with myself! I’ve always trusted you Mr Mac and I know you are an experienced man, old enough to be my father. And I thought you might help me to understand… and just get myself off for fucks sakes!”

And with that outburst, all in one breath, she burst into tears and headed for the door. It had been some time since I’d moved so quickly, and I surprised myself by scooping her up and holding her tight.

“Sshh Girlie…” I said tenderly. “I was only playing the game we always play. We always give each other a hard time! But I’m sorry, I didn’t realise the gravity of the situation. I thought you were just being… well… you!”

I had not seen my Girlie cry since she was about 4 or 5. With my neck and shoulder wet with her tears, I walked to the lounge and sat down as gently as I could with my warm foetal-position bundle who snuggled into me and burrowed her way into my heart yet again.

We stayed like that until dusk, neither of us speaking. Eventually I said quietly: “Hey Girlie, should you be getting home?”.

“Nah, the oldies have gone to my Nan’s and the others will be stuffing their faces on pizza by now. I’d rather stay with you.”

It was starting to get chilly after a warm day, so I got up and went to my bedroom, retrieved a flannel shirt and tossed it to Nikki. “Here, put this on.” I said as I headed to the kitchen. Nikki put it on, but the bikini and t-shirt were on the lounge when I got back, with a bowl for crisps, a bottle of chilled Pinot Grigio and two glasses. The front of my “flanno” was not done up!

“What are you trying to do to me Girlie?” I asked as I adjusted my board shorts. She looked pointedly at what I had just done and said: “Exactly that!” with a huge smile.

We settled into the lounge and Nikki drew her right foot up under her so that her heel nestled neatly into her small cleft. Over the next 10 minutes while we talked her foot continued to move.

“Now listen Girlie… “I said. “We need to get a few things straight.

I’ve known you since I stuck my head over the back fence to see what all the giggling was about. I’ve fixed your bike, and recently rebuilt the engine in that thing you drive to University. I’ve watched you climb trees better than boys, outplay them at soccer and win swimming and athletics medals at a high level. Until about 6 months ago you were an out and out tomboy and hated me calling you Girlie!

All of a sudden you are a very sexy young girl and”

She cut me off: “Woman! I’m a woman!”

“Well, that remains to be seen… and maybe you are!” I looked at her tenderly and she smiled that smile that melts my heart every time.

“So, you’ve discovered your sexiness and you love everything to do with it… right?”

“Yes! I have!” replied Girlie.

“But you don’t know exactly what to do with this new-found delight?”

“No!, I mean Yes! Oh, I’m so confused. I just know that I need to do something about it or I’ll go crazy!”

“And, you are still a virgin Nikki?”

“Fuck yes! I tried a couple of guys at Uni but I think I picked gay ones who ran a mile!

“But, you masturbate, you know, touch yourself.” I said gently.

“Oh yes Mr Mac! Sometimes several times a day. But it doesn’t make any difference and I’m missing something, I know!” and with that she burst into tears again.

I moved towards her on the lounge and she launched herself into my arms, my right hand somehow inside the shirt. I almost recoiled at the heat of her. Her body was so warm… and inviting. As if by instinct I ran my hand down her side and up her back whilst she snuggled into me and kissed my neck. This girl was seriously “in heat”!

Again, instinct took over and suddenly I now had both hands inside the shirt. The back of my right hand pushed up towards her small breast and I lightly caressed it, feeling her proud nipple with my knuckle. I trapped it between 2 fingers, squeezed and pulled.

“Yes!” she hissed, and I felt her rubbing herself against her heel.

“Nikki, it’s OK to touch yourself. Show me how you do it.”

Nikki shook her head slowly, but I proceeded to open the shirt and laid her back against the arm of the lounge.

“Get comfy and show me. You’ll love it once you get started.”

Nikki did as I suggested and slowly moved her right hand down to cover her vulva. This was the first opportunity I’d had to really look at her beautiful little-girl’s bits. There was almost no pubic hair, just a light fuzz of blond curls like she’d had on her head as a 4-year-old. There was a perfect little slit running down with just a hint of rolled labia either side. No sign of a clit or a hood to keep it hidden. Despite its youthful appearance, there was a forbidden sexiness and it took a serious talking to myself, not to just reach out and take possession of this thing of beauty and desire.

As her right hand began to move, her left hand moved to her right breast and her eyes fluttered shut.

“I can still feel your fingers pulling my nipple. Fuck it feels so good!” she said.

“I’ll do it again and I’ll suck them once you show me what you do to make yourself cum.” I said.

Nikki’s eyes flew open and she began to tear up again. So, that’s it I thought. This girl has never had an orgasm and, somehow she knows something is missing!

“It’s OK Sweetheart, just relax and go back to showing me what you do. You were beginning to enjoy that weren’t you?”

She nodded her head and began to mover her hand, pushing her knuckles away from contact and angling her fingers towards her vagina. Gradually she used one and then two fingers to push into her vagina. She was wet, very wet and a squishy sound began to build in pace and voracity as her hips bucked to meet her furiously moving fingers.

OK, I thought, this is different. She’ll go for her clit soon. But it didn’t happen and with the sounds of frustration in her laboured cries, her worn out wrist gradually slowed, and she came to rest, breathing hard but more frustrated than before she started!

“See! Something’s wrong! I can’t cum! What’s wrong with me Mr Mac?”

More tears.

“Girlie, I don’t think there’s anything wrong with you. I think you just need to learn a little bit about your body and your new-found… err, new-found girl bits! Just like you had to learn to swim, ride your bike, kick goals from anywhere!” I said beaming at her.

“And Mr Mac, who taught me to do all those things? Do you reckon you could teach me to use my girl bits properly?”

I looked at her for a long time. I looked at her beautiful perfectly formed little breasts and the most luscious brown nipples I’ve ever seen. How I longed to suck her entire breast into my mouth and nip on her nips! I looked at her tight little tummy and down to her sparse triangle of fuzz with the slit sitting snugly below. As I watched, her knees fell apart and Nikki revealed herself to me, even drawing her knees up slightly. I tore my gaze away and looked into her smiling eyes.

“Do it to me Mr Mac. I want it so bad…”

“Easy Girlie, this isn’t a race and there is much to learn!” I said softly.

“Then you will?” shrieked Nikki.

“I’d be honoured Girlie. But we need to take this slowly and you need to do as I ask. Oh, and you can ask me to stop at any time. And I will.”

“OK, what do we do now?” Nikki whispered.

“Back to school Girlie. Anatomy lesson coming up! Wait here.” I said.

In the back of the bathroom cabinet was an old hand mirror which I retrieved and handed to a puzzled Nikki.

“Put the mirror down for a bit Nikki. Now feel your breasts.” She complied. “No, really feel them, roll them around and squeeze them.” After about a minute of this, Nikki’s head lolled backward and she sighed. “Now take your nipples between your thumb and index finger. Grip them. Roll them and pull on them a little.”

“Aahh, that feels sooo good!” breathed Nikki, looking at me through half closed eyes.

“Nikki, where else can you feel this pleasure? Where else feels really good?”

“Down in my… cunt!” said Nikki with emphasis on “cunt”.

“Good! Show me where. Touch the spot where it feels good. Open your legs Girlie and show me the spot!”

And the tears poured out again as sobs wracked her small frame.

In a flash I was on my knees straddling her and pulling her tine body into mine.

“Nikki, Nikki, Nikki. It’s OK. Just relax and tell me what happened.”

She sobbed and clung to me. I imagined all sorts of abuse, traumatic events, even rape and I held this tiny girl close to me without a shred of sexual feeling despite her nakedness.

When Nikki had calmed and her breathing returned to normal, I whispered in her ear: “Nikki my sweet, I want you to tell me what happened. Take your time… I’m here for you.”

I could see Nikki building her resolve to tell me: “Nobody did anything to me. I touched something there and at first it felt good but then it began to scare me and my whole body started to shake, and I knew I was doing something wrong or bad. So, I stopped and haven’t touched that spot since. Is it a bad spot or bad thing to do?”

“No Nikki, you did nothing wrong and it isn’t a bad spot, and you can’t hurt yourself by touching it! It’s all OK and you’ll soon learn to love every bit of yourself. Now, lets get back to that Anatomy lesson! Take the mirror and look at yourself down there.”

I handed the mirror to Nikki and she moved her right leg to rest over my knees opening herself to her mirrored gaze. I could see under the mirror and watched as her labia started to peel open revealing her pink inner folds and the entrance to her vagina.

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