Grandpa's Guide to Women Pt. 10

Your response to Grandpa’s Guide to Girls was so flattering that it motivated me to write this sequel. You voted your approval and made very kind comments about the story of Grandpa Frank helping young Ben woo his first girlfriend.

You need to know why I placed this sequel in the “first-time” category. Ben is not a virgin when he arrives at college, but every sex scene in this 10-part sequel has at least one character having at least one “first-time” experience. Oral. Bondage. Anal. Roleplay. Reluctance. Facials. Threesomes. New partners. The recurring theme is the gradual surrender of diverse kinds of innocence.

As you know, many stories in Literotica defy categorization. It’s almost impossible to give readers all the information they deserve while deciding what stories to read. If you’re looking for a tale of young lovers having erotic experiences for the first time, you’ll find it in Grandpa’s Guide to Women. Just know that these characters surrendered their virginity before this story begins.

Part 10 shows Ben parting from his new girlfriends for Christmas break, then reuniting with his high school girlfriend after months of separation.

All characters are adults over 18.


The last weeks of the semester were great. I’ve never been happier in my life. I got to spend most nights with either Julie or Sonya, and we got together a couple of times for more threesomes. With a little practice, we got pretty good. Julie had been terrified of the whole idea of having sex with a woman, but eventually, she acted like a committed, lifelong bisexual.

Sonya claims Julie is better than me at eating pussy. Am I supposed to be jealous? It doesn’t surprise me that a woman would know more about what feels good to women. Besides, sex is Julie’s superpower. OF COURSE she eats pussy better than me! I’ll start to worry if Julie ever figures out how to grow a cock.

One night Julie and Sonya said they wanted to try hooking up without me. I used my free time to write a term paper.

Teo and I saw each other regularly in class, and about once a week we’d go to her apartment afterward to have sex, cuddle, talk, and have sex again. Every time I saw her, I felt overwhelmed by her beauty. It seemed to grow as time went on. It would not surprise me if she becomes a model. Hell, she’ll probably become a supermodel.

She did something very nice for me. I told her how much I appreciated the nude selfie she gave me, and I promised I’d never show it to anyone. She said “I’m not shy, Ben. You can show that picture to your friends. Just don’t give them copies. I made that photo for you, and all I ask is that you make sure it doesn’t end up on the web.”

After that, Teo began sending me nude selfies on a daily basis. I’d be sitting in class, my cell phone would vibrate, and I’d pull it out to find a new addition to my growing collection of Teo’s nudes. Some of them looked like they’d been done by professional photographers, with great poses, nice bright lighting, and excellent composition. I couldn’t figure out how she managed to take some of the photos, and when I asked she told me she used a tripod, a ring light, and her camera’s self-timer. Very creative.

I didn’t show anyone Teo’s pictures, despite having permission. I felt they were too private. The closest thing I had to a soulmate was Sonya, and although she happened to love looking at photos of naked women, I didn’t think it was right to show pictures of one lover to another lover. I didn’t want Sonya to imagine I was comparing her to Teo. They were both gorgeous in completely different ways.

My feelings for Julie and Sonya were so strong by the end of the semester that I decided to tell them both that I loved them. It made me remember some advice I got from Grandpa when I was planning to tell my high school girlfriend Beth that I loved her.

“Ben, don’t ever tell a woman you love her right after you’ve had sex,” Grandpa said. “She’ll think that what you really mean is that you love having sex with her. Do it while you are both fully clothed. Do it somewhere other than the bedroom. If you can, give her some small gift that will remind her of the first time you said you love her. Saying the ‘L’ word is a big deal, Ben. Do it right, or don’t do it at all.”

I started with Julie. She was born in December, and the birthstone for that month is blue topaz. I got her topaz earrings. I wrapped the gift in pretty paper and asked to meet her for lunch in the student center.

“It has been wonderful getting to know you,” I began. “We have been through a lot together in a short time. I feel like we’ve known each other for years.

“I’m sure you know how much I like and respect you as a person, but today I want you to know that I love you. I love you, Julie. It feels wonderful to finally say I love you. Thank you for being the person you are. Thank you for being with me.”

She unwrapped the gift, found the earrings, and I explained that they were her birthstones. The expression on her face was unimaginably happy.

“I love you too, Ben,” she said. “I haven’t said that because I’ve been afraid that you didn’t love me back.

“I’ve dated other guys, but this is the first time I feel like I’m in love.” I figured that was a good time to kiss her, but when I did she began crying uncontrollably.

“What is it?” I asked.

“I remember when you told me you didn’t want to be seen in public with me,” she said, sobbing. We were sitting in a very public area, and I realized she hadn’t expected me to kiss her in front of all those people.

“Come here,” I said, wrapping my arms around her. For the next several minutes, I kissed Julie so passionately that I’m sure we must have attracted attention in the busy student center. If anyone who saw us remembered Julie’s drunken episode at the beginning of the semester, they would have no trouble seeing that we’d reconciled completely. I was proud to be seen with her.

It was obvious that Julie had learned from her experience. She didn’t wear such revealing clothes anymore, and she never tried to manipulate me by leaning forward in a way that exposed her cleavage. For a woman as sexy as Julie to flaunt her sexuality was overkill. It made it obvious that she was being a sexual braggart. I was glad when she stopped. It made it easier for me to believe she was being sincere when we talked.

Things went a bit differently with Sonya. She was born in February, so I bought her an amethyst necklace. I told her I loved her, but she didn’t say she loved me. I wasn’t surprised. Sonya wasn’t there yet. She is too smart a girl to say something like that before she’s ready. But I was happy with what she said instead.

“Ben, I’ve never felt a connection like this with any other person,” she said. “I’ve never been so attracted to anyone. I’ve never wanted to have sex this much! I hope we’re together for a long time.”

You might be surprised to hear that I earned an A in every class. It probably seems that I spent so much time with Julie, Sonya, and Teo that I must have neglected my classwork. The opposite happened. I was so happy about my romantic life that it energized me, and I used a lot of that energy to keep up with my classwork.

Besides, it was my first semester, and freshman classes are pretty easy. I’m sure things will get more challenging in my upper-level courses. I just felt good to come home for the Christmas break with a grade report that makes my parents happy.

I was also glad to have a chance to see Beth again. We called each other several times during the semester, and she seemed to miss me as much as I missed her. Beth was the first girl to hear me say “I love you.” I still feel that way, even though I also love Julie and Sonya.

Grandpa says that most adults like to tell young people it’s not possible to love more than one person at once.

“That is a crock of shit, Ben,” Grandpa Frank said. “The heart is a muscle. It gets stronger when you flex it. The more you love, the more you can love.”

It was pretty obvious to both of us that Beth and I were anxious to renew the intimate relationship we enjoyed in high school. I suggested that I rent a motel room for two weeks so we could go there anytime we wanted a private place to have sex.

“I’ve got a better idea,” Beth said.

And that’s why I picked up Beth and drove her back to Grandpa Frank’s property, where he kept his van parked behind his workshop. Inside was the inflatable mattress we’d used so many times, along with fresh sheets, blankets, and a cooler full of drinks and snacks. We got out of our clothes as fast as we could.

Beth looked . . . different.

She told me she’d had a lot of fun playing on her school’s intramural soccer team, and it looked as though she’d become fitter and gained a few pounds. It did wonderful things for her breasts, which felt noticeably bigger. Her hair was different. Her makeup was different. Beth looked more mature. Happier. You could tell her first semester at college went well.

As I ran my hands over her new, improved body, it was almost like being with a different girl for the very first time. Beth and I were always particularly fond of the missionary position, but I felt like trying something different, so I maneuvered her into the lotus. That’s the position where the man sits cross-legged and the woman straddles his lap. It is a particularly relaxing way to make love while being face-to-face.

“I’ve missed you, Beth. Missed this,” I said as I moved my cock in and out.

“Good. I’m glad you missed me,” Beth said. “I missed you like crazy. I met a few decent guys last semester, but most of them were boys dressed in men’s clothes. I could barely stand talking to them.”

I put my hands under Beth’s bottom and helped lift her up and down as we had sex. It was slow, loving, and very intimate.

“I love you, Beth,” I said.

“I love you too, Ben,” she replied.

There was something wonderful about being back in the van where we’d taken each other’s virginity. Beth was right; this was better than being in some generic motel room. I was so hungry for Beth that I made sure I didn’t get too excited too quickly. As always, I wanted this to last, and I’d become pretty good at taking my time.

Beth and I got excited slowly. We’ve never been able to climax in the lotus position, and we both knew it wasn’t going to happen this time. Beth finally asked me to lie back so she could straddle me like a cowgirl.

Beth does a great job in that position. The expressions on her face are inspiring, and she looks beautiful as her nude body rides me like a horse in a rodeo. Up. Down. Right. Left. Forward. Back. Around and around and around.

I could tell she was getting close when she began grinding her clit against me. Beth squeezed her eyes shut and started breathing heavily. Her skin was warm and damp with perspiration. She looked shiny. Her inner thighs were wet enough that she could slide around on top of me. I felt like the luckiest man alive. Beth was just as wonderful as she’d ever been.

Watching her climax was like watching a beautiful erotic movie, with Beth putting on a performance just for me. “Ohhh . . . ohhh . . . ohhhhhh . . . Ben . . .” she moaned as she began to tremble. Beth shook for a long time. It went on, and on, and finally Beth fell forward, lay on my chest, and giggled.

“You do such a good job making me happy, Ben,” she said.

“You did all the work,” I said.

“You’re sweet,” she said. “That was just wonderful. God, it’s sooooo good to see you again!”

Beth had climaxed, but not me. My cock was aching for release. I rolled Beth over on her back and began the nice, slow, in-and-out movements we’ve always loved so much. When we had sex in the past, I was usually able to make Beth come once, then make her excited again so she could cum a second time. But not today. Even though I’d followed Grandpa Frank’s advice by masturbating before we got together, my cock wasn’t going to last much longer. I needed release. Immediately.

I climaxed quickly. Beth seemed to enjoy how it felt as I came and came and came inside her. Because Beth was on birth control, there was nothing stopping me from filling her pussy with warm, overflowing wetness. She must have liked it, because there was a big smile on her face as she felt my cock throbbing.

We held hands as we lay next to each other afterward. We looked up at the ceiling of the van, and everything was so familiar it was easy to feel content.

“Ben . . . there’s something I need to say,” Beth said.

That sounded serious.

“You can tell me anything, Beth.”

“Before we left for school, we talked about dating other people,” she said. “Ben . . . I just want to make sure you know that’s how it worked out for me. I’ve dated other men. I never found anyone I like as much as you, but I looked. I hope that’s alright.”

“Beth, of course that’s alright. I want you to be happy. I want you to meet other people. We talked about this before, and I still feel exactly the same. I dated other women at college. We are too young to declare everlasting love and commitment to any one person. That wouldn’t be sensible. I am surprised that you felt you needed to say anything. When I say I love you, that’s part of what love means.”

Beth smiled. “I knew you’d say that.”

She rolled over on one side and looked at me. “It feels funny being with you again after being away for so long. Funny in a nice way, but funny.”

You won’t be surprised to know that we laid there and talked for a while, then Beth began stroking my cock to get me hard enough to have sex again. She remembered our routine. As always, the second time was slower and lasted longer. We laid back afterward, recovered for a while, then had sex a third time.

I hadn’t realized just how much I’d missed Beth. Lying there in her arms felt so wonderful that I hated driving her home afterward. Of course, we planned to do the same thing the next day. We spent so much time together over Christmas break that I’m sure our parents realized we were having non-stop sex. I don’t think they suspected it was happening in Grandpa’s van.

But we are legal adults! We are successful college students getting good grades! We’ve earned some leniency.

It was nice seeing Grandpa Frank again. Although it had been just a few months since I’d seen him, he looked older. He was still healthy and active, but I realized he wouldn’t be around forever. I needed to take advantage of every opportunity to spend time with the one adult who’d always treated me with honesty and respect.

He was glad to hear that my first semester was a success. “I knew you’d do well,” Grandpa said. “You’ve always been good at organizing your life so you give everything the attention it needs. Classwork. Friends. Women. Everything takes time and effort. The students who don’t make it at college are the ones who don’t possess the part of the brain required for multitasking. That’s never been a problem for you, Ben.”

“I’m expecting next semester to be even better, Grandpa,” I said.

He shook his head. “That’s the least surprising thing you could have said, boy,” he said. “You’re established in a dorm with some good roommates. You’ve figured out how to be a student with a 4.0-grade point average. You have buddies. You have two sexy girlfriends. As we speak, Julie and Sonya are thinking about how much fun they’ll have next semester, letting you keep them warm at night.”

“Actually, Grandpa, I have three girlfriends. You forgot about Teo,” I said.

“Oh yeah! How could I forget?! Teo the goddess. I guess I don’t consider her a girlfriend, Ben. She sounds like more of a fuckbuddy. A friend with benefits.”

“I don’t know about that, Grandpa. We do more than have sex. Teo has told me a lot about herself. I’ve shared a lot with her. We are very different people, interested in different things, but I like her a lot. I’m still a little surprised that a girl like her seems to like me so much. She could date any guy she wants. But we’ve been together for a while, and she doesn’t seem to be getting tired of me yet.”

“Not surprising, Ben,” Grandpa said. “I’m willing to bet that lots of girls are still flirting with you. Am I right? Are lots of girls letting you know they’d enjoy spending time with you?”

“Yes. It seems weird, but that’s still going on.”

“This is what happens when women see that a man is attractive to other women,” Grandpa said. “What is it you young people call it? Oh yeah – you call it ‘FOMO.’ Fear of missing out. Congratulations, Ben. All the girls on campus who haven’t had sex with you fear they’re missing out.”

“Not ALL the girls,” I said.

“Let’s not turn this into a semantic discussion, boy,” Grandpa said.

“Since we’re talking about Teo, there’s something I want to tell you,” I said. “I don’t think I’ve mentioned that Teo likes to send me nude selfies.”

Grandpa laughed. “No Ben, you haven’t mentioned that little detail. That’s something I’m sure I’d remember.

“Naked pictures, eh? When I was your age, we had these lousy little Polaroid cameras that produced instant pictures you didn’t need to process in a photo lab. That was the only way we could get naked pictures of our girlfriends.

“People your age are spoiled. You’ve got first-class digital cameras in your cell phones. I guess Teo likes you more than I realized.”

“She told me something interesting about her selfies,” I said. “She said I could show them to other people. Teo said she didn’t want me to give anyone copies, but she doesn’t mind if I show them to my friends.”

“What do your friends think?” Grandpa asked. “They must be pretty jealous.”

“I haven’t shown the pictures to anybody, Grandpa,” I said. “I don’t want anyone to think I’m the kind of guy who’d do anything to get students gossiping about a girlfriend. Teo says she’s not shy about her body, but I’m shy about my reputation. The only students I know well enough to share something that intimate are Julie and Sonya, and I don’t want to show them.”

“Yeah. That could be awkward. ‘Here are some pictures of another girl I’m fucking, ladies. Isn’t she hot?’ Very wise, Ben. That’s a conversation to be avoided.”

“I can only think of one person I trust enough for that, Grandpa,” I said.

“Yeah? Who’s that?”

“You,” I said.

“Me? Me!?” Grandpa said. “Well, this is turning into quite a day! You want to show old Grandpa Frank naked pictures of your fuckbuddy. This is going to be good. Let me see, boy. I’ll tell you if I think she’s as hot as you say.”

I got out my phone and opened the file containing Teo’s photos. There were more than two dozen. Grandpa’s eyes got wide as he swiped through the pictures.

“Damn! You were right, Ben. She’s a turbocharged, high voltage, vitamin-fortified, 200 proof, heavy duty, tactical grade, five-star hottie. She’s got to rate a 12 on the Richter scale! Wow!

“These are excellent photos. Teo must be the kind of woman who likes to stand in front of the mirror and pretend she’s a cover girl. She knows how to pose. She knows how to take a good picture.

“Ben, you weren’t exaggerating. They don’t make women more beautiful than this. I’m impressed you hooked up with a goddess like this during your first semester. It took years before I found one this hot.

“I’m glad to see that you are doing what you need to do in college,” he said. “This is the time of your life when you need to date lots of different types of women. You need to do that before you decide what kind of woman you want to marry.

“A lot of young people make a common mistake. They fall in love for the very first time, then decide they’ve found the love of their life. They never date anyone else. They get married, settle down, and think they’ve found paradise.


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