Harem by RandyTom

Introduction: After conquering a new region, a young king thinks of his future. , All characters in this story are over 18 years of age. Constructive criticism is welcome.


King Levan pushed the splintering throne room doors aside, hearing them smash to the stone floor to either side of him as he strode through the room, bloody sword held firmly in his hand. The hall stretched fifty feet, with a dais at the other end sporting an elaborate stone throne, at the foot of which stood the aged ruler of this region, surrounded by his personal guard, all wielding their weapons shakily.

“Turn aside, peons, lest you join your King in death,” Levan spoke loudly, hearing the tramp of his support troops behind him, filling the hall in his wake.

Heeding his words, the entire guard sheathed their weapons one by one and stood against the walls to either side of the throne. The wizened local King stood agape at the betrayal of his last guards.

“You fools!” the old man stuttered, as deranged as Levan's spies had reported earlier that month. Levan stalked forward, lowering his sword to allow the blood to dribble off the tip, leaving a ragged red line to parallel his movement on the polished stone floor.

“Pull that sword and serve me!” tottering forward and tearing at the nearest guard's arm, the king glanced fearfully at his death approaching him in the form of a victorious invading monarch. Levan grinned, bloodlust still hovering just beyond his mind's eye as he drew near.

“You- you don’t understand, they-” finally the old man came forward with a last desperate attempt to seize his own fate, lashing at Levan with a jeweled dagger.

Levan's sword flashed, inflicting such a grievous wound that the man's body tore asunder as it fell to the floor, wheezing out its final breath.

Nodding his head, Levan handed his sword to his helper, who used a clean silk cloth to wipe the blade clean, as Levan walked up to the throne and sat slowly upon it, savoring his victory. Watching his troops drag the pieces of the former king from the room, he smirked: months of planning coming to fruition was enough to make any man smile.

Later, when commands were given to secure the city and the surrounding region, and victorious reports were sent back to the homeland, Levan embraced the silent throne room, slouching in the stone throne, and turned his thoughts to other matters. He would live here for a time, he decided, as the region's leadership and army had been annihilated, so ravenous they were to keep their power, that order needed to be reestablished, to ensure that once he had gone, a rebellion wouldn’t take place.

That was short term. For long term…


From an anteroom, his executor hastened, a tall thin man with a sharp administrative and political mind, with a horseshoe of short brown hair still clinging to his head above the ears.

“Yes, my lord!” came his enthusiastic voice.

“Scan the city, and find me a pair of beautiful women, and have them brought to my tent this evening after my evening meal.” Levan steepled his fingers in anticipation.

“Very good, your highness.”

Levan felt the contours of the carved stone throne and sighed as Jonus disappeared on his task. A harem taken from the city would help to cement his rule, helping with politics in the short term future, and with the thickening of his bloodlines in the long-term future. Best he got started.

That evening as he finished his meal in his regal tent, King Levan looked up as the tent flap was drawn aside and two women stumbled into the main room. They were indeed beautiful as per his order.

The taller of the two had long dark brown hair and brown eyes, with a slim jaw and a button nose. She was in evening formal wear, which meant her dress was flowing, not revealing many of her physical secrets to him at first glance, besides the ample width of her hips. She looked his way with a flash of resentment before bowing her head and staring at the floor in front of her.

The shorter woman was very young, but definitely old enough. She had light brown hair longer than the other's, and curlier. She was dressed in nightclothes, little more than a shift, which she tugged at the hem as she genuflected, refusing to meet his eyes as her lip quivered. Her waist was slim and her breasts large enough to catch his attention as he evaluated her.

Pushing his chair back, Levan came around the table and up to the younger woman, gently prodding beneath her chin with his finger.

“Obey me, and there is nothing to fear,” he said as her eyes met his. Her expression softened slightly and she smiled shyly in response to his gentle tone.

“You both will be the first of many, which will become my harem in this land.”

The taller woman flinched as she heard his words, turning incredulously toward him. He met her gaze as he continued.

“You will please me, and you will bear my children. You will be cared for and you will want for nothing, so long as you obey my commands.”

He looked back down at the shorter woman, who looked back up at him timidly.

“Do you understand?” he asked her.

“Yes, my king, I will obey.” She said in a small, feminine voice.

Levan smiled and kissed her forehead before turning to the taller of the two and walking in front of her.

“Why do you frown, my lovely flower?” he asked the woman, laying praise and a pin on her at once, knowing it would annoy her from her simmering silence.

She caught the hand he reached out with to touch her silken hair, and looked at him dead in the eye.

“My husband was a noble, and your men killed him.”

Amused at her temerity, he grasped the hand she had stopped his with and caressed its contours with his thumb.

“I am sorry to wreak such wanton destruction upon your lands. But it had to be done.”

She jerked her hand away from him, positively vibrating with anger.

“You aren’t sorry. You are filled with bloodlust. Murderer!” her voice shook as she growled at the new King.

Levan studied her for a moment. Normally, he would have killed anyone for speaking to him like that, but this was different. She was an exceedingly beautiful woman, and her grit meant that she was a fighter, not some weakling girl. Her genes would be valuable to his bloodline. So he decided to wait her out.

Looking back at the younger girl, Levan spoke smoothly to her.

“What is your name, beauty?”

Her cheeks reddened with the praise, “Gita, my king.”

“Well, Gita, you may please me first,” Levan said, and uncinched his robe, letting the fine fabric rustle to the floor, exposing his physique to the women in its entirety. He was well-muscled and trim, with a large cock which dangled half-erect between him and Gita. The girl gasped and blushed deeper at the sudden revelation of his body; it was a good chance that Gita hadn’t ever seen a naked man in her life. But her eyes never left him, which told him that she was a secret freak just begging to be unleashed.

“Come over here and suck on me.” Levan commanded.

Gita looked apprehensive, “You want me to put that-” she gestured slightly at his muscular cock, “in my mouth?”

“Yes. We will see where your skills lie.”

Gita closed the short distance and got down to her knees awkwardly, reaching up and grasping him with one hand, holding him up away from his balls, her eyes wide with explorative spirit and arousal. She felt his skin shift as she moved her hand on the shaft, watching it roll back off the purplish head before leaning forward and daintily planting a kiss on its tip. She looked up at him, and he smiled with encouragement.

“Good, now keep going,” he said.

Gita opened her mouth and slipped his cock-head past her lips, sucking on it with a squelching noise as she drew it back out of her mouth.

Levan breathed and sighed as the girl inexpertly went to work on him, his cock now fully hard in her mouth. He turned his head to look at the older woman, who was standing looking at the far wall, an indignant expression souring her pretty face.

“What's your name?” he asked her.

Her eyes drifted to him before returning to the far wall. Then, to his surprise, she answered.

“Mona Tredarius.”

“Your husband's name?”

She glowered at him again, before nodding.

“You may keep whatever meaningless name you wish, just understand that you are mine now, and you will not be harmed. You look to be a mature, well-intentioned woman to my discerning eyes. In the months to come I will be growing my harem: I wish for you to oversee my women, to take care of them and make me aware of what needs they may have.”

His attention turned suddenly to Gita on her knees before him, “Hey! No teeth, not even a little!”

A muffled apology floated up from her before the sucking sounds continued.

Levan sighed again before turning back to Mona, who looked at him with something less than repugnance.

“Well?” he asked her.

“If I agree, will you not touch me?” Mona asked defensively.

Levan shook his head, “That’s not how this works. You are part of my harem, your duty is to submit to me and support my specific needs. I just want my girls to be taken well care of when I’m not around, and you seem to be a smart, knowledgeable woman, right for the job. But you will submit to me in the end, just like Gita here.”

He looked down at the dutiful girl, who glanced up at him with half of his cock in her mouth, then went back to work.

Mona looked angry still, and wrestled with her morals silently. Levan could appreciate the battle taking place within her, such a well-heeled and prim woman would not sink into a life of debauchery easily, but he had given her a chance at a bit more than a sex-slave and he hoped she would take it.

“How old are you, Mona?”

“I have seen thirty-two winters.”

“Well, I would have you see another thirty-two winters. I’m offering you a life with some responsibility and dignity, more than the rest. You would do well to take it.”

She looked at him with a flash of disdain, but there was less heat in her hazel eyes than before, and a touch of surrender as well. Her face fell as the grim realities of her situation set in, and with a face full of anxiety and fear, nodded to him.

“I’ll do it,” her words were barely more than a whisper.

“Good,” Levan reached out to caress her cheek, and she didn’t pull away, “You made the right choice. I will reward you for it.”

He pulled her gently so that Mona stepped forward and leaned against his side, his arm around her waist as Gita continued to work, lines of thick spittle connecting her mouth and his cock whenever she came up for air. He let his internal guard down, feeling comfort and validation wash over him, and letting the pleasurable stimulation coax his arousal higher. The girl wasn’t half bad, for having never done something like this before, and plucky for attempting it without more than superficial questions.

The girl hit the right spot, and Levan felt himself begin to orgasm. With the first wave of pleasure, he looked over at Mona, who was aware of the situation and looked up from Gita's bobbing head to meet his eyes, her mouth open slightly.

“Kiss me,” Levan said to her, which after the slightest of pauses, Mona did, leaning in and planting her lips on his. He sucked her lips and pushed his tongue in when she opened for him, her own tongue quite explorative as well. He grunted into her mouth as he came, hearing Gita's gurgle of surprise as her mouth was suddenly inundated with potent semen, prompting her to lean back and cough. The rest of his cum shot out onto her face and neck, dripping down the front of her shift as she squeezed her eyes shut against the deluge. Mona stayed kissing him the entire time, her mouth playful and responsive to his assault, and when they broke apart she was quite short of breath.

Levan grinned at Mona when she opened her eyes again, her flesh moving beneath her conservative attire as she caught her breath, her cheeks slightly reddened beneath the make-up. She couldn’t seem to help but smile back at Levan's good humor.

“You'll do well here, my lovely flower,” he said to her, which she rolled her eyes at slightly, her mouth still open as she breathed. Levan looked down at the surprised girl on her knees wearing ropes of his cum for a mask, and laughed aloud.

“And you! That was some good work for a girl who has never done it before!” he helped the girl to her feet, supporting her as she stumbled on reddened knees.

“At the end there, you keep that in your mouth unless I tell you otherwise, and swallow it. Understood?”

The girl nodded at him, her eyes downcast, one hand reached to clutch the other elbow, reticent.

“Do that, and remember no teeth, and you are on your way. Well done!” She looked up at the praise with a smile, surprisingly earnest. She was fitting into this role nicely.

Levan gathered his robe from the floor, speaking as he put it on, “there is a basin of water in the bedroom, along with soaps and oils. Clean yourselves, and sleep in the bed; I will have arrangements for you tomorrow.”

Gita paced towards the doorflap to the back room, and Mona slowly strode after her, looking at Levan with a thoughtful expression, before following the younger woman into his bedroom. Levan cinched his robe tight, taking a satisfied breath and blowing it out through his mouth. He was happy with the progress made today.

Pulling aside the tent flap to the outdoors, King Levan stepped out into the darkness of his camp, breathing the clear night air, letting the wind rustle his robe and his hair. He found Jonus in the strategy tent with a few other nobles and generals, which was still lit with lanterns at this late hour, and called him over.

“Yes, my lord?” Jonus asked, his face tired but attentive.

“Good finds with those women, my friend. It seems this city has more to give than I anticipated. Continue to have the palace redecorated, I will be moving in tomorrow, and we will stay for a month.”

“Very good, my king.” Jonus nodded.

“And, find me two more women from the city, take your time, find the best. I like this place.”

“Yes my king, it will be done.”

Levan used the cot in the main room of his war tent to sleep that night, allowing his new harem to sleep on his bed. He was satisfied with the progress made, and would enjoy a month to rest up after nearly half a year at war or on the march, and he was sure his army would as well. He fell asleep content that night.

After helping Gita to clean up, Mona tucked them both into bed, but stayed awake as the younger girl fell asleep, fully expecting the new king to come and fuck one or both of them that night in a torrid expression of his manliness, but he made no such appearance. Despite her grudging but growing respect for the man, Mona still wanted to get out of there, find her children and leave any way possible. She didn’t know where to go, but her husband's death still weighed heavily on her heart, and she felt guilty for kissing another man so soon after his death, King or otherwise.

Her heart screamed at her through its variety of aches to leave, to flee from this place which was the source of so much of her internal pain, to refuse to submit to the smug tyrants sitting on their usurped throne. Her powerlessness infuriated her.

Irritated, she shifted again, feeling the same lump under the mattress as she had the last few times she changed positions. She reached between the stacked mattresses and with surprised felt her hand close on the hilt of a dagger, which she pulled out and examined closely. It was a basic steel dagger, with a straight blade and cross guard, with a channel running the length of the blade as a gutter for blood. It was razor sharp.

Thoughtfully, Mona tucked the blade into her dress on the floor, not quite sure what she intended to do with it, but she was sure she would find a use for it in the near future. She went to sleep reassured.

The next day, King Levan took up residence inside the palace, moving his command staff, his royal attendant staff, and his new harem into the structure. After a day of logistics, he was tired of scrolls and ink quills and droning reports from his subordinates, which despite his boredom, was all going perfectly to plan.

After he had the evening meal with his generals, he retired to his chambers, finding his harem quite settled in the ante-room to his bedroom. He brushed aside the beads which served as the door and looked around, finding a lavish bed and a half-dozen different plush chairs and reclining chairs in tasteful corners. A bathing alcove was tucked away in an obscure corner, with a little privacy fence surrounding it.

Gita was reclining on the bed, examining her nails when Levan entered the room, at first not noticing him, but all but leaping to her feet on the tile floor when she saw him.

Mona was a bit more contained, rising from where she was sitting and gliding over to him with poise.

“Good evening, my king,” she said evenly, “I have a few requests.”

His brow rose; she was apparently taking her new position seriously.

“State your requests.”

“These quarters are well appointed, thank you, my king.”

Her praise was acknowledged with a nod, so she continued.

“All we require are pillows for the bed, as we are missing them, perhaps extras as well; if you intend for us to be on our knees often, we will require pillows as pads to kneel upon as well as pillows to sleep on.”

A reasonable request, addressing an oversight, and filling future needs simultaneously. He smiled at her perception, a tally in her favor in his mind.

“I’ll see to it. More?”

“Yes, Gita and I will require clothes, whatever you intend for us to wear. We cannot wear the same clothes from now on.”

He looked around at Gita, still wearing the same shift from the previous night, and Mona in her conservative dress. He nodded, somewhat embarrassed that he had not thought of it.

“Yes, of course. I will have the clothier sent up here in the morning for you. What more?”

“That is all, thank you sire,” Mona said, averting her eyes in deferment.

“Well done, my lovely flower, you are filling your role quite well. Keep it up.”

A nod to acknowledge his praise, Mona stepped back as Levan moved toward the bed, tugging at the fastenings of his clothing.

“Take off that shift, Gita, and show me what is beneath.”

Gita blinked at being addressed, but slowly began to shrug her way out of her bedclothes, revealing more and more of her fair skin to him until she stood there in all her glory.

The girl's bush was full and mature, slightly lighter than her long light brown hair, hiding her pussy quite well from the world. Her belly was flat and trim, and her breasts were young and supple, large and sporting light pink nipples, which began to harden upon meeting the open air. Gita reflexively covered herself as her shift hit the floor, her cheeks and face turning red.

“No, no,” Levan said, throwing his jacket over a nearby chair and untucking his shirt, “in here there is nothing to be ashamed of. Be proud of what the gods gave you, and show it all to me.”

The girl hesitated, looking between him and Mona. She had probably never been seen naked by anyone before this, since the midwife had delivered her. But she was a brave one, and despite her propriety, she let her hands fall to her sides, and slowly pushed her shoulders back, letting her breasts sit high on her rib-cage, her chin coming up in a cutely defiant look as she displayed herself to him.

Levan laughed, “Yes, you are a gorgeous young woman, see what you are doing to me?”

He let his trousers fall to the floor, exposing his rapidly hardening manhood to the world. Gita covered her mouth and her ears got even redder as she looked at him as his clothes came off. Mona stepped forward and took Levan's undershirt from him and set it aside neatly.

“Do you want me to put it in my mouth again, my king?” Gita's voice was light and airy, earnest in a youthful manner.

“Perhaps later. Are you wet for me yet?”

Gita's hips shifted her weight, and she nodded at him.

“Good. Lie on the bed for me; it's time I got started.”

As Gita crawled onto the opulent bed, Mona came up next to her king with a question.

“Started on what, my king?” she asked.

Levan looked at her with a smile, “Repopulating my new kingdom,” he let his eyes roam down the secretive curves of her traditional wife dress, “get out of that dress and join us at the bed.”

Mona sighed before showing her acquiescence, putting her hands behind her to start loosening the laces that tied her into the dress. Levan stepped over to the bed where Gita was laying back, her breasts spreading and flattening on either side of her chest as her hair pooled beneath her head. He put his hands between her knees and prised them in twain, watching as her crotch was revealed to him, her vagina spreading open to him as her legs parted. She was indeed wet for him, and he was pleased.

He noticed Mona joined them at the side of the bed in her underclothes, but Levan was focused now. He crawled up over Gita, his package hanging stiffly like a piece of useful tooling.

“Have you ever let a man inside you?” he asked her, feeling his pulse begin to rush. She shook her head timidly beneath him, holding herself stock still. He couldn’t help but gasp in anticipation: she was a virgin. He had assumed it of course, but to have a young woman beneath him swear her virginity to him before he penetrated her was such a powerful feeling that he couldn’t help but react.

“Good girl.”

Her breasts quivered on her chest, breathing shakily as he arranged himself at her crotch, her legs spread as wide as she could. He grasped himself and pressed the head of his member against her folds and she squealed in sudden surprised stimulation. Her slickness covered his purple cock head as he moved up and down against her entrance, seeing her legs shake slightly in his peripheral vision.

“Take a deep breath, Gita,” Levan said as he prepared to enter her. Hearing his command, Gita breathed out and then drew in a deep breath, expanding her ribs and displaying her breasts even more proudly.

Levan pushed inside her, her slick fluids allowing him to intrude into her hot clenching tunnel for an inch before encountering resistance. He pushed past it anyway, feeling thin tissue tear inside, and felt Gita's body tense up as she grabbed his arms with her hands.

“Aaaagh!” she moaned in pain, squeezing her eyes shut. Levan saw Mona's hand dart in and touch Gita's shoulder as a gesture of reassurance, which drew Gita's eyes open to look blearily over at the older woman.

“It’ll pass, quite soon,” Mona whispered to the stricken face of the younger girl, who nodded shakily and looked down her body at where Levan was penetrating her.

He was pressing very slowly, his cock merely slipping into the woman beneath him, aware of her pain, and not wanting to hurt or damage her permanently; he had heard of the first time being painful for a woman, and proceeded carefully, but proceeded nonetheless.

Her flesh opened wider to accept the increasing thickness of his member, her outer lips wrapped around his cock like a sleeve as he drove deeper and deeper. Her face was still grimacing, but the pain seemed to be lessening as she was stretched out by her first penetration. She opened her eyes and let the pain fall from her expression, looking up at Levan as he stopped his advance, her body completely filled by him, while he still had an inch or two left of him outside her vaginal embrace.

He hummed as he exhaled, leaning down to kiss her left breast, sucking the sensitive nipple into his mouth and letting it pop free as he drew back, Gita's eyes rolling and chest heaving with pleasure, her breath hot as it struck his bare skin.

His day had been long and hope was tired, Levan's only goal was to plant the first seed in his harem. So he leaned up and began an easy thrusting motion which stimulated him fully, watching the girl's mature breasts roll back and forth as he pumped into her. She was no longer in pain, despite the bit of blood mixed into their lubricating fluids, and was trying to meet each of his thrusts with her own, although she had no sense of rhythm. She was game though, and looked up at him as her voice began to tinge her breaths, watching from wide eyes as his body split hers open to let him work within her.

Her big eyes watching him with implicit submission was enough fuel for Levan to let himself orgasm, and so he did, his last few thrusts growing stronger and harder, bring more voice into Gita's breaths, until he finally pressed inside hard and held himself there, his semen pulsing out of his body and pooling in her deepest parts. She whimpered as she was fully penetrated, feeling a hot wetness bloom in her belly, holding herself in place to let her king impregnate her.

Levan groaned out the last of his seed and leaned back, sitting up straight as he breathed in the midst of his pleasure. He looked over at Mona, her cheeks flushed from watching the whole thing, and reached out with one hand to cup her breast, still bound inside her underclothes. Obeying his implicit command, Mona began to undo the ties which kept her underclothes on her.

As he panted through his expenditure, Levan heard the scrape of a slippered foot on marble floor behind him, which was immediately followed by a terrified gasp from Mona. He spun around, his softening dick slipping out of the girl beneath him, and saw immediately the lunging cloaked form of an attacker, a curved dagger glinting in his hand.

Moving with his spin, Levan threw himself to the side of the bed, but the blade still slashed his arm, droplets of his blood spattering the floor. Hearing Gita scream from the bed at the spray of blood, he grunted and arrested his movement with the bedpost, watching his assailant catch himself and draw back, preparing to strike again. Levan had no weapon and was naked, his slightly bloodied dick bouncing in front of him uselessly as it deflated, but he was a warrior, and this man was but an assassin: the coward would die underneath any application of a warrior's strength.

His lip curling with disdain, Levan assumed a ready pose as the assassin, garbed in tightly wound dark fabric and a mask over his face, lunged again. Levan was ready for it, and swept the attack aside, driving his clenched fist into the man's jaw, staggering the man back into a chair over which he toppled.

Confidently, Levan strode around the chair to finish the assassin, but the man's legs scissored and caught the king in the knees, sending him sprawling to the floor next to him with the squeaking of flesh on marble. Levan blocked the expected swipe and rolled away from the second strike, but was unable to get enough purchase to keep from the man swinging his knife down, so all he could do was catch the wrist holding the incoming blade, seeing the bloodied point vibrating mere inches from the tip of his nose.

His poise compromised, the king braced himself better and pushed against the threatening blade, but heard the man grunt as he got more of his weight over the knife and pressed down. Levan growled with effort and was about to shrimp his way out of the tussle when he heard the squelch of metal on flesh and the grind of metal on bone, accompanied by the scoffing sound of the man trying to murder him.

Dark fluid stained the fabric at the front of the man's chest and he slackened; Levan pushed him up and off him, watching as the man fell limply to the side. A steel dagger, the one from his war tent’s bed, was buried to the hilt in the man's back, through his heart, and Mona stood above them, blood covering parts of her still-outstretched hands, and an expression of grim surprise on her face.

Levan looked between the dead assassin and the woman in her underclothes, holding bloody hands away from her as they dripped on the tile. Slowly, he got up and wrenched the deeply buried dagger from the assassin's prone form, and gathered up the curved knife from the dead man's limp hand.

At that moment, there was a banging and shouting from the other room, and a pair of guards followed by Jonus rushed through the bead ropes at the doorway, taking in the situation.

“Where in the name of the gods were you?” Levan enunciated furiously.

Seeing the dead man, Jonus gestured for the guards to drag the form out of the room as he replied.

“I’m terribly sorry, my lord, we heard the scream and struggle and came running-”

“Your security means will be reviewed tomorrow at first light. I’m extremely disappointed in you.” Levan let his dark emotions show through his gaze and his voice as the armored guards picked up the dead form and took it from the room. Bowing profusely, Jonus left as well, leaving Levan and the women alone.

Daggers in hand, Levan looked over at Mona, warning apparent in his steady gaze. She met his eyes, but soon averted her own, submitting to his judgment.

“Yes, I took it,” she said evenly.

“Why didn’t you kill me, or let that coward kill me? He was very skilled, choosing to strike at me when I was most vulnerable, and may well have succeeded.”

Encouraged by the route of his questions, Mona allowed the truth to come, glancing over at Gita who still sat in the bed with a blanket pulled up tight to her chin. She walked over to the younger woman as she spoke.

“I intended to when I found the dagger, but I did some thinking since then.”

Levan turned toward her, watching as she pulled the terrified Gita into her arms, who clung to her like a daughter to a mother as the tears began to fall.

“Tell me what thoughts could turn a vengeful widow away from potential revenge.” He brandished the daggers, watching the blood drip from their points as he listened to Mona's explanations.

“Because as much as I wanted revenge, I want to live more. Where could I go if I were to kill you? I am no assassin. I still have hope of seeing my daughters someday, and if I must live as a member of my king's harem in the meantime, so be it. There are so many worse ways to live,” she spoke these last words as much to Gita as to Levan, the truth of her words tinting her voice.

Levan absorbed this truth and could sense no conspiracy, so he decided to believe her. He had found that most people can acclimate to a new truth well enough when it was held in their face with no chance to ignore it.

So, he set the bloody daggers gently on a nearby spindly table, and went over to the washbasin, picking up his shirt along the way and tearing it in half. He washed out his wound and bound it with the scraps of his shirt, only then walking back to the pair of women on the oversized bed. He sat on the corner nearest them, and held out his hand for the sniffling Gita, who took it with her own.

“You are a good girl Gita, I hope you grow large with my child. Stay close to Mona, she is a smart woman.”

Gita accepted his praise and gently moved from Mona's side, knee walking over the bed towards him, her breasts swinging ponderously as she did, and wrapped her arms around him, pressing her face to his chest. He returned the embrace, crushing her lightly against him in what he hoped was a reassuring gesture of strength.

“Thank you my king. I- I'll give you many children.”

He chuckled at her innocence, “You are safe here, in my palace. Don’t fret.”

She nodded in his arms, and when she drew back, she lifted up her face to him and he kissed her lips, tasting the saltiness of her tears as she kissed him back, inexpertly but sincerely.

“Now go to bed, and sleep well tonight,” Levan said, getting to his feet next to Mona, the tiredness creeping in to his mind and making his eyes droop, “I’ll see you both tomorrow.”

He pulled Mona close and kissed her too, feeling her ability with her tongue and anticipating the attention that he would pay to her in later nights. He was one step closer to trusting the older woman, and he knew that was when he needed to pay close attention, but for now he would assume that she had good faith on her side.

He turned and gathered his clothes, pulling on his trousers before brushing aside the beads strings at the doorway and leaving.

Gita cleaned herself up, wiping off as much of their fluids as she could with a spare sheet and then got her shift back on and climbed into bed, her pussy sore from its first visitor. As she made room for Mona to join her, Gita spoke up.

“Is it going to hurt like that every time?”

“No, just for your first time. It actually feels really good for every other time,” Mona said, memories of her first time flashing through her head. It was not nearly as gentle as Levan had been to Gita, which was a source of the burgeoning respect that Mona afforded her new king.

“Good, because I liked it after it stopped hurting. He felt really good inside me, but I wanted him to stay inside longer.”

Mona laughed at the younger woman's candor, climbing into bed next to her, “That won’t change. A man usually doesn’t last much longer than that before he releases.”

“Really?” Gita looked at Mona with curiosity in her eyes, “Why?”

Mona was reimpressed that this was truly this girl's first exposure to anything sexual, and while her mother had obviously told her a thing or two about sex, she had a lot to learn and experience.

“You'll learn more about this in later days,” she said with a knowing smile, and laid on her back next to Gita, who nodded, allowing the subject to close. But the girl wasn’t done yet.

“Mona, is King Levan a good man?”

Mona was struck by the way the question was formed. It was a woman's question, surprisingly appropriate for a woman to ask when she may be bearing the man's child. The girl must have had a good mother who spoke to her about such things when she came of age. Balancing her fading resentment for her new position and her own insight into her new king's actions and behavior, Mona paused before answering, aware that she was judging him in the very same manner, albeit in a more mature and experienced way.

“In this world of animals and demons, yes my dear, King Levan is a good man.”

The younger woman swept her hair out of her face and pulled the plush blanket closer against the slight chill in the air, her face thoughtful as one hand rested on her lower belly beneath the blanket.

“Good, because I want to have his child. Is that bad?”

Mona looked at the younger woman candidly, seeing a young woman with little choice in where the world placed her, making the best of her situation and trying to embrace the future. She sighed before answering, seeing the same thing that she wrestled with in her mind play out in the girl's questions to her.

“No, it’s not bad. He will provide for us both, and we will want for little.”

Nodding as sleep overcame her, Gita laid back on the mattress and closed her eyes.

“Thank you.”

Mona patted her arm then laid back again, staring at the ceiling. She knew from the looks in his eyes that the King would attempt to breed with her too, and she found herself hoping that her womb could bear another child into the world. She had known women past thirty winters to have children, but it was a rare event. This place would give her the best chance to bring another child into the world, and she took comfort in the plush surroundings and good food for that very reason.

Her first child had been delivered in a woodshed while a battle took place in the city. Her son had barely survived, but when she last saw him he was in the army as a strapping young man, full of vigor and life, and she knew that what children she had borne were strong and vital. If they could thrive in such conditions as existed beyond these walls, then any more children she bore would have that much more of a chance to live here inside these opulent walls, being swaddled with silk and washed with lavender and cedar oils.

It was frustrating to Mona that despite the fact that she was stripped of nobility and made to join a conquerors harem, she was becoming more and more respectful and assured of the man. She fell asleep comfortably.

They did not see their king until that following evening, when he came in to the harem proper with a sigh, tired but freshly washed, and slumped into the nearest chair, hand over his eyes. Mona, garbed in new finery and clothes, came to stand next to him, waiting for his commands, followed by a meek Gita.

“Two more women will join you tonight, make sure they are situated.” The king said from beneath his hand.

“Yes, my king.”

He looked between his fingers at Mona and smiled at her appearance. Mona had donned a long blue garment, not dissimilar from the flowing dress she had worn upon her arrival to the harem, but more revealing of her skin and her lines than she was comfortable showing in public. Aware of her new status, Mona had found something that was not that of a harlot, but still tastefully suggestive, and she was satisfied by the looks that her king was giving her.

“You and I, Mona, tonight is ours,” Levan said, his hand leaving his face as the crotch of his trousers stirred on its own accord.

Mona’s chest filled with nervous expectation, “Yes, my king.”

“Come here and arouse me, show Gita how it is done properly.”

Still a high-born noble in her heart, Mona blushed at the insinuation, glancing sideways at the girl next to her before obeying her king's command.

She started by working her fingers into the upper fasteners of her dress, pulling it apart to reveal her underclothes, necessarily scanty because of the cut and fit of the style of dress she wore. She shifted her eyes from where her hands were working over to her audient king whenever she unsnapped a fastener, then returned to her work. With the dress peeled off of her arms and torso, she pulled down her underclothing, revealing her breasts for Levan, who visibly reacted to the reveal. His mouth dropped open as Mona continued removing her clothes, pushing her dress down off of her legs until it pooled at her feet, which she stepped out of daintily. Her underclothes came off in two pieces, following her dress to the floor, until she stood there in all her naked glory, still shapely in all the right places to please a man, and she knew it. Her breasts were supple yet, and she was proud of them, how she had bounced back after nursing two daughters with them, and she stood with her shoulders back. Her hips were healthy and supported a nice butt below a slim waist, which she placed her hands on in a pose for her king to appreciate. Her belly was flat and unblemished from her past pregnancies, and her bush was full and exactly the same color as her dark brown hair.

Levan's loose pants were now tented at the crotch, and as she watched, he closed his mouth as he nodded his approval.

“Sometimes, all a woman needs to do is undress properly,” Mona said to Gita, who glanced from Mona to Levan's obviously hard cock beneath his pants, and then back again. Mona noticed Gita looking at her assets, surely comparing them mentally to her own. While Mona's ass was fuller and more shapely, Gita was better endowed when it came to breast size and shape, and every one in the room knew this.

“I wasn’t wrong about you,” Levan said as he got out of the chair and walked around Mona, admiring her from every angle, causing her to jump and gasp as he smacked her ass. Completing his circuit, he went to the bed, pulling his clothes off as he went, and laid back against the headboard, his cock sticking straight up as he slouched.

“Now come and ride on me, and don’t get off until I’m done.”

Knowing that she still had the ability to arouse men simply by undressing for them, Mona was already wet, but now she struggled mentally with the task of making love to a man other than her late husband. She had been faithful and devoted for her whole marriage, and now she was about to let another man penetrate her. Worse, to penetrate herself on a man.

She told herself that this was her life now, that any regrets would fade because she was no longer married to a noble, she was now serving a king. His needs were hers to satiate, and his children were hers to bear. Mona stalked to the bed, giving the impression that she was completely fine with everything, that she was in fact anticipating and eager to use her body to please her king and take his seed into her. She could sell this impression, but she knew it would take time to mentally be at peace with this fact, a goal she told herself she would achieve.

Climbing up the bed on her hands and knees, Mona watched the king's cock throb before her, before bringing her face close to his, feeling his breath on her face, and brushing her breasts against his chest, her nipples dragging across his skin. She lightly kissed his lips once, her eyes studying the features of his face from up close before reaching between them and grasping him, guiding him to her opening.

He was bigger than her husband had been, and she briefly worried about hurting herself on his larger size before pushing her worries away. He wasn’t THAT much bigger. But she hadn’t had sex in many months, as her husband had been away with the leadership planning for war, so she again she worried that she might not be able to take his size. Feeling how wet she was though assuaged this doubt quickly, she was strangely just as turned on as she had ever been in her life, and she felt as though she could take any man.

These fears and more swung back and forth in her mind as she slid her pussy forward and back on King Levan's manhood before placing it at her entrance and allowing gravity to work the tip in. Up her vagina he slipped as she let herself sink upon him, her body spreading to let him in.

Mona groaned shortly as she felt her body take more and more of his length inside, letting go of him and shifting her weight on her feet as she crouched down further and further, feeling her flesh stretch. Another feminine groan left her as she got lower on his shaft, encountering the girthiest length of his shaft near the base, and finally she sat in his lap, their respective pubic hair pressed together between them.

His breath hissed out of his nose, no doubt feeling his entire encapsulation. Mona let her hands slide down his pectorals as she breathed shortly, her body acclimating to his presence.

She had just begun to ride on him when the voice of Jonus, the king's primary commander, rang out in the hall.

Mona looked behind her with annoyance in her eyes, catching a brief look from Jonus before he averted his eyes.

“What, Jonus!” Levan barked, looking around Mona to glare at him.

“Two more girls per your command, my lord.”

“Send them in! Keep going, Mona, don’t stop,” Levan said, gently turning her back into position.

A little bell rang in the back of her head, reminding her that she was showing her naked and reproducing form to strangers, but it was quickly dispelled. She was getting intoxicated by the act of sex, as she always did, and found a strange thrill when she realized she would be watched by others. She continued her riding motions even after she heard footsteps on the floor from the doorway, considering herself a demonstrative lesson in how to work the position. After many years of practice, she knew she was a professional, and decided to show it off, knowing that Gita at least was taking mental notes.

As she bounced atop him, working him into and out of her well-lubricated tunnel, her breath ruffling his hair and her breasts jiggling in his face, Mona angled herself such that she stimulated her clitoris as she rode him, deciding to test the theory that if she made herself orgasm, the man would inevitably follow her example. She was curious about this, but she was also horny, and wanted to cum on a man, which she hadn’t done in so long.

Following the familiar path to climax, Mona soon found herself shaking as she bounced, approaching the cusp of her orgasm closer and closer until she finally burst with a distressed moan, her eyes open but unseeing as she ground her crotch against him. She felt him fondle her breasts as she panted, riding the high of her first orgasm in a long time. She snapped back to reality when she heard Levan chuckle.

“I can tell it’s been a long time, my sweet. But didn’t I tell you not to stop until I was done?”

She blinked as she came back to earth, surprised to find him rock hard and pulsating, still held tightly in the folds of her interior, throbbing against her cervix as though nothing had happened. She grudgingly added another layer of respect to her impression of Levan, finding him not as easily popped as her husband had been, and started riding him again, slipping her body up and down his own.

He leaned his head back against the plush headboard as she rode him steadily, closing his eyes as he breathed deeply the scent of fresh sex. Mona had never seen such disregard before, a spark of irritation striking in her chest as she worked him in and out of her sex; her husband had always been completely invested in her during the act, paying attention and responding to her movements. Apparently she had a few things yet to learn, the realization humbling her somewhat.

This newfound humility made her experiment with angles and rates, and when she clenched her muscles on his dick, until she found a combination that got a reaction from him. His breathing deepened and his eyes came open, his hands running up her ribs as Mona rode him in the way that affected him. King Levan's face grimaced and he grabbed her, pulled her down against him and held her there as he swelled up inside her, a long groan wrenching from his throat. She gasped as she felt the strength of his eruption, her muscles clenching on him as he twitched within her belly, liquid warmth spreading inside her. His arms tensed around her as he buried his face in her titties, and she took her hands from the headboard and held his head to her as they both panted from their exertions.

The king leaned back and swiped the sweat from his brow, meeting her eyes with a smile.

“You’re good, and you’re learning too. I’m pleased.”

To her surprise, Mona felt genuine pleasure from the praise. She had in fact learned that not all men are the same, and adjusted her actions as a result, so she took it as praise well earned. She rolled to the side as Levan's urging, letting his cock slip from her embrace, feeling some of his seed drip out after him. Levan leapt from the bed with youthful exuberance, and stalked over to the new arrivals who still stood near the door, while Mona got to her feet slowly, feeling her leg and back muscles burning.

“I never knew you could do it like that,” Gita said, coming up beside Mona as she stretched her legs, an expression of surprise on her face.

“Yes, it’s my favorite,” Mona said, standing up straight again, “you can control how he goes in, instead of letting him rut around for his own pleasure.”

“Welcome to my harem, ladies,” Mona heard Levan say, “here you will please me and bear my children, while I protect you from the outside world. Will you serve me willingly?”

“Yes, my king,” came a pair of submissive voices, and Mona thought that one sounded familiar. She glanced around the tall bedframe as she walked around it towards her clothes, and saw a pair of women, one of them short with pale skin and brown hair, and the other tall with black hair and deep brown skin, but as Levan stepped to the side, Mona could see the women's faces. The short, brown haired girl looked over at her, and reacted with the same scandalized recognition.

“Mother?” the young woman asked with a disbelieving voice.

Mona gasped, her hand going to her mouth. It was her youngest daughter, found by the king's search, brought in to the harem. She froze in a cacophony of emotions: delight, horror, relief, and regret all blooming inside her at once, chasing away the vestiges of her orgasmic pleasure.

“Petra??” was all Mona could say, semen slowly dripping from her pussy.

Levan looked between the women, disbelief crossing his features before taking in the reactions, and recognizing the truth of the interaction. A smile crossed his face before he was wracked with laughter, his eyes squeezing shut and his shoulders shaking.

“My, my, the God of Odds is playing games tonight!” he said once he got control of himself again.

Mona finally discovered the wherewithal to scrabble around for her underclothes, pulling them on as hastily as she could while Petra covered her face with her hands. Mona had just had sex in front of her daughter, and neither of them had known it.

“Be grateful,” Levan said to Petra, gently taking one of her hands and kissing it, “since this war began, many do not know the state of their parents.”

Petra looked up into his eyes, on the verge of tears, and shakily nodded before lowering her head again. Levan patted her arm before gathering his clothes and leaving.

As Mona fastened her underclothes, Gita came forward and took the black girl by the hand; she looked bewildered, covered in simple but clean clothes.

“What’s your name?”

“Joan,” the woman replied. She looked to be in her middle twenties, with ample breasts and wide hips, a running theme for the king's choice in women.

“Well, Joan,” Gita said, leading her to a pair of chairs and having her sit down, “if you like sex, and being safe, you’ll be happy here!”

Mona glanced at Gita and Joan, grateful that the girl was discrete, and rushed over to her daughter without completely dressing, making sure that she was covered up at least. The awkwardness between them broke and they embraced, both women relieved to be in contact again after the end of the city's siege.

“Oh Petra, I'm sorry you saw me doing that. I’m so glad you’re safe!”

“I’m happy I found you, mother!”

The pair finished their hug and stepped back from each other, Mona seeing shy questions in her daughters eyes and bracing for them.

“Mother, is – is that what the king wants me to do too? What you were doing?”

Mona sighed, exasperated. She was at once glad that her daughter was safe from the war, and also horrified that she would be in a place like this, made to bear the children of the king. Again, the concept of there being horrible futures out there in the midst of a war brought into perspective that this was one of the better places for a woman to end up in the current state of the land.

With a tear in her eye, Mona nodded at her daughter, allowing things to be as they are.

“Yes my dear, we must. It is safe here, and all we need to do is please him. We don’t have to be near each other when we do, though, don’t worry.”

“No-” Petra grabbed her mother’s hand with fear in her eyes, glancing around the room, “don’t leave, please. I’d rather be too close to you than lose you again.”

Mona understood her daughter's fear. The city was still being secured, so she could only wonder at what went on out there, outside the thick walls of the palace. Mona was glad to be near her daughter, even during such intimate moments as what the king expected of them, and if Petra could put aside this aspect of family propriety and become closer, well, so could Mona. They were safe, and they had a future, that was what was important.

“I won’t leave you, Petra.”

They embraced again, and Mona got up to put on her dress. As she did, she sat near Gita and Joan, greeting the other newcomer and trying her best to assuage her fears. Gita was enthusiastic about being friends with Joan, probably taking her new station in stride as a member of the king's harem, holding the black girl's hand as she showed her around the rooms. They seemed to get on well, Gita was even making Joan smile by the end of the night, the girls becoming quick and close friends despite their environment.

Mona helped Petra acclimate, telling her of her duties and the future to expect. Petra was hesitant but knew that she had no choice, and accepted her future.

“It's like being married, but married to the same man that you are,” Petra said, and looked up at her mother with a strange expression on her face. Mona nodded, putting the strange feeling aside, intent on being close enough to care for her daughter.

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