MWM Bisexual Musings Ch. 05b

Dahlia and Angeline just had a threesome with Danny, discovering each other and Danny’s mammoth cock. Dahlia (19) gave Danny her cock virginity (having played with many toys), coming off a year long lesbian relationship. Angeline (28) worked with Dahlia, hired her, and was dating ‘Curtis’ continued to explore her feelings about Dahlia.

Dahlia discovered she was pregnant, since she didn’t start the pill soon enough before hooking up with Danny.

————————————————————————————————“Curtis and Danny”

“We were always in an open relationship,” Angeline told Dahlia, holding her in the tub, both naked. “He didn’t anticipate me being ‘bi’ but in someways neither did I, but had both messed around with others, shit it’s only been six months.”

“That’s IT!” Dahlia said rising to her knees in the tub, her breasts letting the suds and water run down, excited because she had an idea on how to be ‘unghosted’ by Danny.

Since their hookup he had replied to anything she sent his way.

“He said it to me, AND has on his Bumble profile, he’s bi,” Dahlia said. “Let’s dangle Curtis out there for a new threesome with either of us.”

Dahlia had indeed had a positive pregnancy test and went to a doctor and got it confirmed. She immediate stated she was having it and Angeline said she would help her raise ‘our little love child’.

She and Danny tried to connect, but recently she was getting nothing back and he blocked her cell phone number. She had no idea where he lived, only that he attended the University of Iowa going for a law degree.

“Do you think Curtis is bi?!!” Angeline pushed her hand down Dahlia’s stomach, siding two fingers in her twat, pulling upward.

“Ohhh….I’ve taught you well…Ohhhh,” Dahlia moaned moving on her hand, her belly just starting to show some bump, but not much. “Did you tell Curistsss Ohhhhh….Babe…about his cock?”

“Yes I did,” Angeline said, inserting her ring finger for two and jamming it straight up, causing Dahlia to fall back, splashing water over the edge.

“FUCCCKKK!!! OHHHH Shit!” she screamed then both women were laughing, Angeline slipping her fingers out of Dahlia’s cunt. “Fuck, let’s get married and let Curtis be our bitch!”

“You’re happy to be pregnant aren’t you?” Angeline said, both rising up to dry off. “Tell your parents yet?”

“Nah, too many things could happen,” Dahlia said, taking the towel and snapping Angeline leaving a mark.

“OWWW! Shit, gurl!” Angeline said

“Going to wait until that third trimester.” Dahlia said moving aggressively towards Angeline, the woman who had pursued Dahlia hard and sheagreed to be her ‘side thing’ as long as Curtis was in the picture.

“You read THAT and couldn’t figure out when to take your God Damned pill!!!” Angeline said, getting rushed by Dahlia, both wet. She was younger, smaller but tougher than Angeline, they fell wet onto the bed.

“Eat my wet cunt, bitch!” Dahlia said, pushing her up on the bed laughing, monkey walking her knees up Angeline’s torso, pushing her cunt onto Angeline’s face. “Make me cum and call your boyfriend so I can deal with ‘Daddy Dearest’.

“Mggffhhhtt!” she exclaimed under Dahlia’s weight and cunt in her mouth, running over her nose, then scooting up to speak. “Fuck off.”

They had enjoyed a power play dynamic in the past three weeks of discovery of each other. It took a little time after sharing Danny, Angeline coming clean to Curtis, a little fallout but ultimately acceptance from him.

It led to a hot weekend when he was away with the boys, Angeline helping her through the confirmation of her pregnancy and enjoying the taste of each other at night.

Sexually Dahlia always led, with occasional pushback from Angeline, Dahlia would toy with giving up control, fighting it, but ultimately dominating Angeline.

“Fuck this,” Dahlia slid forward, her wet body sticking some, pushing her cunt back into Angeline’s mouth, pushing back with her hands on her hips. “Make me CUM! God DAMN IT!”

Angeline couldn’t resist the pussy, just a few weeks she’d found an affinity for muff diving and 69ing with Dahlia, getting off quite frequently under the guidance of the younger woman. She loved the forceful nature of her dykiness, often waking Angeline up in the middle of the night to grind or just 69.

“That’s it Baby,” Dahlia said, giving her a little space to lap at her, Angeline sliding a hand up to rub Dahlia’s clit. “Ohhhh Goood….Momma’s so happiiiiiee..ohhh… Lover….OHHH YESSS! YESSS!”

Dahlia’s gave Angeline lessons on ‘spots’, playing someone’s body like an instrument was relatable to the former marching band flutist, and Angeline got really good.

The two unraveled, dried off and Angeline walked out of the room to call Curtis, not pleasing Dahlia who wanted to control the conversation. She walked to the door of the bedroom, they were at Angeline’s place, a nice apartment near the hub of the city.

“No Baby I didn’t say you HAD to, just flirt and lead him on a little,” Angeline said, Dahlia listening through the door, burst it, charged Angeline and took the phone. Angeline just stood there, her hand out like she was holding and still speaking.

“You want my baby to not know it’s Daddy, huh Curtis?” Dahlia said aggressively her snarl mixed with a smile for Angeline who liked her girlfriend dominating her boyfriend. “Curtis you ARE hot enough, don’t doubt yourself like that…Just come on to him and ask him about his cock and how you’ve been dreaming of a big one.”

Curtis rambled on the other end, Dahlia putting him on speaker and using her free hand to make the ‘blah, blah, blah’ gesture. He talked about having curiosities and wondering, but this was too much to quick.

“Hey, we get it, we’ll jump in right away, you just have to meet,” Dahlia said. “You don’t have to suck him off…well, unless you want to.”

She threw the phone to Angeline and looked stern at her, but with an evil grin.

“Get it set up and I’ll make it worth both your whiles,” she had changed into shorts that due to the pregnancy were a little cheeky, flashing them to Angeline before leaving.

Angeline gave a half shit-ass eating grin, they had been down the ‘I’ll fuck Curtis’ road a few too many times for her taste. She wasn’t turned off by the thought, but he was rightfully scared of her and said ‘pass’ the one night she came on to him at the bar.

It took three days for Curtis to get a response from Danny and another four to get close enough where they mere messaging back and forth sexually.

Curtis was 5’8″ and about 160, dark hair and complexion, his Mother hispanic and his father German-Swiss. His cock was a respectable 7″ and before Danny it did Angeline just fine, one of the bigger she’d dated. Grinding with Dahlia, paired with the 10+ inch missile that dove into her, did have her devaluing the relationship some.

“It’s so unfair to Curtis,” Angeline said one night curled up with Dahlia, I think I’ve fallen for you over him.

Angeline spent the night with him, letting him fuck her from behind, his cock feeling nice in contrast to the mouth and scissor fucking she’d been doing with Dahlia. It took him a little while but he got her to cum.

She went to sleep and he got on the messenger app on his phone and contacted Danny.

‘You free tomorrow, late afternoon?’ the text said. ‘And I know what you’re trying to do with the sisters.’

He looked over at Angeline, knowing the story of CeCe and the sister claim. He was tempted to wake her up and ask what to do next, but he thought he’d try to assess it on his own.

‘You know, huh?’ Cutis replied

‘yeah, but what I don’t get is why you want your girlfriend to meet me’

He obviously didn’t know, and he knew the girls worked tomorrow late afternoon. He probably should have abort and try for another night, but he had an idea.

‘let’s meet where & when. your call’

‘go to the courthouse, mill about the front steps and the bridge 4 p.m. and I’ll find you. neither sister got that!’

‘I got it’

It was a simple set up, have someone cover for Dahlia and she can spring out and tell him and this would be done.

His phone vibrated again.

It was a dick pic, Danny’s long penis hard, his hand under it, the angle showing the tip and balls. It sat there, Danny’s eyes glued to it, thinking Angeline’s description didn’t give it justice.

‘seriously dude, no sisters and this can go where ever you want it, your hand, mouth or ass.’

‘k’ was Curtis’s last response but he didn’t sleep.

He had chatted with men before, even masterbated his college roommate, they did it on a dare to each other. He had questions about his sexuality from time to time, but women were easy for him to get and he loved them.

There was ass play with one girlfriend that led him to play around with a dildo for a while, but he stopped that and a few years later here he was, having an opportunity.

He finally fell asleep, he got up later than usual he worked from home and he was always ahead of schedule on things, caught up, so there wasn’t anything pressing that day. He did check emails, make a few calls, before showering and getting ready to meet Danny.

He didn’t contact Dahlia or tell Angeline.

‘do you have anything set up yet?’ an impatient Dahlia did text him over lunch.

‘not yet’ was his only response.

He had not set up any tracking apps with Angeline and made sure to stay off snap chat where she could follow him, getting all his streaks done early at home. He put on a light cologne, one that was musky and decent shorts and a classic T. He had muscle definition and a good smile, and had realistic confidence.

Curtis didn’t have anything for lunch, his stomach bouncing around all morning into the afternoon and by the time he was going to drive to the courthouse, he almost passed out.

“You’re going to do this,” he said out loud getting into the car. “You’re going to taste dick.”

Parking the car he fought the urge to go home, to just message him and tell him to forget about it, but he sat there for a minute and then got out. Walking to the front of the courthouse people were milling about, conducting their day, but it felt like everyone knew, everyone had him figured out.

“Curtis,” a man said coming from the behind the large steps leading to the courthouse. “Follow me.”

It wasn’t Danny.

Curtis looked left and right, there were no eyes on him, nobody that looked like Danny. The man was 20 feet away still walking so he fast walked to catch up.

“Where’s Danny?” Curtis asked as they were crossing the bridge, headed to an ethnic center just on the other side. The man didn’t answer, he was looking around and looking on his phone. “I..I..I’m just going to go back.”

The man kept walking, and while Curtis stopped for a moment, he kept following once he noticed the man didn’t care one way or another. They got to the other side of the bridge and there was a hispanic bodega selling a variety of goods.

The man stopped and turned to Curtis, pointing upstairs.

“Room 2b at the top of the steps, he’s in there,” The man said and left.

Curtis looked up, his cock hardened almost instantly. He walked to the outside stairs and climbed, looking around below him noticing it was dirty. He had heard prostitutes worked the bridge area and he quickly surmised there were rooms for ‘this sort of thing’ above the grocery below.

He got to the platform and paused, there was room 2a and 2b, her began to feel the nervousness take hold and turned to walk back down.

The door to room 2b opened.

“Curtis, come in,” Danny said, standing in the doorway. His dark, curly hair catching the sunlight, he was tall, handsome and noticeably aroused wearing navy shorts and a white polo untucked.

Curtis looked around and moved towards him, awkwardly pushing past him to get inside. The room was basic, a bed, desk, couch and a bathroom to the side, the light from outside disappeared, and there was only a lamp beside the couch providing light.

“Shot?” Danny asked moving to the desk that had a bottles, a couple glasses and a shot glass on top. “Takes the edge off, relax.”

“Please.” Curtis said, not knowing what to do, Danny gestured towards the couch and poured a shot of Crown Royal moving to Curtis, handing it to him. “Thank you.”

Danny turned back, poured some in each glass, returned to the couch exchanging the glass for the shot glass.

“Which one do you date?” Danny said sitting on the arm of the couch, keeping his distance, letting Curtis settle in to the mood.

“Ummm, oh yes, Angeline,” Curtis said. “I mean CeCe.”

“Nice, she gave me an alias,” Danny’s cock was visibly hard and Curtis couldn’t take his eyes off how tented the shorts were. “You like that Curtis? You like how excited I am to have you wrap your hand, lips and ass around my cock?”

“Y..y..yes Danny,” Curtis said. “your dick pic was quite convincing.”

“I fucked Angeline,” Danny said now standing up from the arm rest. “How do you feel about that?”

“Confused. Pissed. Excited,” Curtis said feeling the effects of the whiskey immediately, sipping on it from the glass. The musty, dank, dirty smell of the room mixed with the scent of the drink.

“And Dahlia? Her sister? Is that her name or is she bullshitting me?” Danny asked moving in front of Curtis, watching him sit and sip, Curtis’s eyes on Danny’s crotch.

“Yes, and Yes” Curtis said, getting a annoyed look from Danny. “That’s her name, but they’re not sisters.”

“I see,” Danny said, Curtis getting harder watching Danny’s hands move to his shorts, pushing them down, the head of the massive cock popping out. Curtis moved to the edge of the couch, the shorts dropped, and he stepped out of them towards Curtis. “Take it in your hands.”

Curtis reached out and wrapped both hands around it leaving an inch or two on each end still.

“That’s it Curtis,” Danny sighed, his eyes rolling back for a moment, the opening looking down. “Slowly with one hand stroke me.”

Curtis felt the blend of hard and soft, the length incredible and judging by how much of his own cock he could hold, he put Danny closer to 12″ than 10″.

“Beautiful,” Curtis said moving to his knees, letting it press again his cheek.

Curtis had fantasized, chatted about, written erotic stories about taking such a cock in all forms. He put on hand on Danny’s hairy thigh, Danny stripped off his polo and was naked letting him stroke and explore, moving the free hand to Danny’s balls.

“Kiss the tip Curtis,” Danny instructed, Curtis moved his face close enough to purse his lips to the head, the precum already there. “I bet you do it better than Dahlia…now swirl the head with your tongue.”

Danny looked down into the cock virgin’s eyes, ironically another one in this group he thought, while the tongue moved around his head.

“Spit on the tip and rub it in,” Danny instructed him, Curtis knowing exactly the idea and premise of swallowing cock. “That’s it…more…again…”

Danny coached him into lubricating his cock with his spit.

“Curtis, I’ve only had one guy do this on the first try, you up to try?” Danny said, looking down, Curtis still rubbing the spit into his shaft and over the head. “The whole thing…”

Curtis nodded yes, spitting again, continuing and listening.

“Ignore the gage reflex, it will simply go away is the biggest key,” Danny said, feeling the spit work it’s way in, Curtis going to the tip sucking some of it back in and letting it go. “Yes…Curtis, you’re good. Secondly, get in a squat and move your body so your throat opens…everyone’s a little different. Ready?”

Again Curtis nodded, opened his mouth and Danny pushed inside, hitting the back of his throat, Curtis rising a little and the head burrowed inside deeper.

“That’s it Curtis, hold on and don’t gag,” Danny said, placing his hands on Curtis’s head and pushing, Curtis’s hands were on Danny’s hips and pulling.

Curtis felt it slid deeper, there was one moment of panic, but once it pushed forward it slid further in, the area he coated with spit simply moving with little friction.

“Yes…that’s it, hold it there, I’m going to have to push harder in a moment, just breath and relax,” Danny was petting his mouth Lover’s hair. “Okay, here we go.”

“GHHHFFTTT!!!!” Curtis moaned, the ease at which the next inch went in harder, Danny kept the pressure on and pushed even harder with his hips and hands. “GAGGAAAHHHHFFFTTT!!!!”

It seemed to stop and then miraculously it slid again and Curtis’s lips were against Danny’s balls, the cock pulled back and out of his throat, Danny looking down with appreciation.

Danny pushed down again, not the whole way, pulled his head up and jammed it down all the way again.

“GAHHFFFTTTT! AHHFFFGGGHHFFTT!!!!” Curtis moaned on Danny’s cock, it sliding out of his mouth.

“Awesome job,” Danny said, reaching down, holding his cheeks, surprising Curtis with a kiss on the lips, tongue quickly inserted. Danny aggressively pulled him up and without breaking the kiss tugged at Curtis’s shirt, pulling it up, stopping to let it pass, then discarding it with his clothes.

Danny pulled him towards the bed, his hands at the waist of Curtis’s shorts, everything was moving fast and they were sliding down his legs, Danny holding his cock.

They kissed naked by the bed, Danny moving their bodies standing by the headboard, reaching for the nightstand finding a jar of lube.

“I’m gong to change your life,” he said, looking into Curtis’s eyes, his mouth half open.

“Yes, Danny…fuck me,” Curtis said, waiting to be led.

“Get on the bed,” Danny directed, watching Curtis crawl up on all fours. “No, lay on your back.”

Danny have him a pillow and instructed to put it on the small of his back.

“I want to see your face while I fuck you and you take cock for the first time,” Danny said spreading the lube on his hand, then cock. Curtis got into position and Danny knelt on the bed, covered his hand again and moved his fingers under Curtis’s nice and hard cock.

“Ohhhh, Danny…” Curtis moaned, his finger in his hole, getting him ready, looking up at him, the cock straight out, the carnal lust in his eyes. He rubbed the rest of the lube on his stomach down, where Curtis’s cock was going to rub between them.

“Okay Lover, you’re ready,” Danny said, moving in position, Curtis tingling with anticipation, feeling the head probe around between his thighs, cheeks, taint, balls and then pushing against his tiny hole. “Mmmmm, relax now, go to somewhere hot and sexy in your mind, close you’re eyes and just feel me.”

Danny pressed his cock forward and leant in kissing Curtis, his eyes closed imagining Mexico, a beach resort. Danny’s tongue pushed into Curtis’s mouth as his cock entered Curtis.

“Ohhhh,” Curtis moaned into Danny’s mouth, his cock sliding inside cleanly, deeply. “Ohhh God YES!”

Danny raised his head, now pulling back and sliding forward, going about half of his cock in and out, it traveling so smooth. He moved it with his hips, sinking only 3/4 of it inside the smooth, tight hole.

“Ohhhh GODDDD!!!! DANNNY! OhhhH!” Curtis cooed, his eyes closed, Danny watching his mouth open, the air leave him. Calculated and purposeful Danny sank his cock all the way inside, pinning Curtis’s cock between them.

“OHHH AHHH!!!! DANNNNY!!!! OHHHHH!” Curtis screamed, his eyes popped open seeing Danny’s smile, satisfaction with busting Curtis’s ass cherry. “OHHHHH!! MMMmmmm!! AHHH!H!!”

Danny slid it all the way back and all the way in slowly, pulling it back and thrusting his weight inside, Curtis’s cock sliding between them.

“OHHH! Christ! OHHH!” Curtis closed his eyes and felt Danny beginning to pump his body pulling back and forcing forward. “AHHH! AHHH! AHHH! AHHH! OHHH!! OHHH!”

Danny used his strength, his size and began to fuck Curtis, their bodies passing over each other, hard and fast. Danny dropped to his elbows, rabbit fucking him, his cock sliding over his stomach.

Danny moved his hands to Curtis’s face, and kissed him deep again, still fucking him. Curtis felt the slide on his cock, moving faster Danny pressed and he felt Curtis pushing his hips upwards.

“Oh shit, I’m CUMMMMING!!” Curtis screamed, his hands finding Danny’s ass, the ride continuing, his cock spurting his cum between them.

Mmmm Baby….” Danny whispered, then went back to his hands, looking down at him and said. “Hold on!”

Danny pulled out, grabbed Curtis by the hips, flipping him over, and plunging his cock back in his ass from behind.

“GOODDDDDAMMMMM!!!!!” Curtis wailed, Danny punishing his ass with his whole dick, pulling back and doing it again and again.

The noises were loud, the fucking was brutal and constant, Danny took a lot of stimulation, the sound of Curtis moaning and screaming.

“Cummm… FOR GOD’S SAKE CUM,” Curtis pleaded. “UHH! UHHH! UHH! UHHHH! UHHH!”

It continued, finally Danny felt the surge, pushed in deep and unloaded inside his newest conquest, bringing another into the fold forever. He reveled in new ass and christening new bi men, holding there, letting every drop go inside.

Danny slid out of Curtis, then turned him over, knelt over his head and made him clean his cock, the new sex in his mouth, the flavor, the smell.

Stepping off the bed, Danny broke the spell of the encounter, didn’t say much gathering his clothes and tossing Curtis his.

“Tell the girls hi for me,” Danny said, almost as if goodbye, “Don’t call or message me. If I want you I will contact you.”

“Dahlia’s pregnant,” Curtis said, his world spinning and the man who set it in motion was just walking out.

“I know that Curtis, I know everything, knew everything,” Danny said, pulling up his shorts. “Not a word to them about this, and trust me I will know. You’ll want this dick again, or keep your girlfriend…don’t piss me off.”

(To be continued)

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