The Greatest Gift by 68niou1,68niou1

“Crap!” Jojo yelled.

Breaking from our kiss, I said, “What, Jojo?” I was half furious; I wanted to come so badly.

“We gotta go, we’re supposed to be home in ten minutes.”

Josh looked at me, “So, are we going to drop them off and come back here?”

“Yeap,” I responded. I couldn’t believe my luck. What timing! I felt my pussy still soaked and on fire. I was so close!

Jojo and I brushed our hair, trying not to look too roughed up. We all straightened our clothes and walked out of the room. We walked to the front door and began walking outside.

“Hey Zachy Boy, we’re going to Jojo’s, wanna come with?”

“Sure,” He responded, and put his shoes on.

I was last out of the house and I shut the door, still frustrated. We walked out to the truck. “Jojo!” I shouted to her. “Come here I gotta tell you something!” she walked over to me, curious. She had a smile on her face, and I guessed she had got what I wanted. “We were making out, right? And I was grinding into his leg and it felt so good Jojo, and then I could feel myself building up.” She looked at me and her eyes got really big. They always did that when I told her something juicy. “And I was getting really close, and the next thing I know I hear, ‘Crap!'”

She looked at me and realized why I was frustrated. She started laughing at me, she couldn’t help it. “That sucks soooooo bad,” she said to me, understanding what was wrong.

“I know! I need to come so badly right know Jojo, you don’t even know!” We started half yelling, half giggling; making no sense. The boys waited patiently for us to finish the conversation and get into the truck. Zach had hopped into the bed of the truck, and Rigo was waiting for me to get in first.

Rigo and I piled into the back of the cab, Jojo and Josh up front.

“Jojo it’s not fair!” I whined to her. She giggled in response. Rigo looked at me, confused, but not sure if he wanted to know what was going on.

“Blue Lips!” she shouted.

“What?” I was puzzled. “Oh!!!!” I realized, and couldn’t help but laugh. Rigo looked curious, so I motioned for him to come closer so I could whisper into his ear. I explained briefly what was wrong, and he confided he was having the same problem. I laughed at the coincidence, but I still couldn’t ignore the burning between my legs.

Now everyone knew but Josh, who was no doubt very curious as to what was going on. “Does Josh know?” Jojo asked.

“No, I’ll tell him later.”

“Can I tell him now?” she asked eagerly.

I rolled my eyes. “Sure,” I said.

Lacking any tact whatsoever, Jojo told Josh what was wrong with me. “You gave Jinger blue lips,” she explained. “She doesn’t have balls so she has blue lips instead of blue balls.”

Rigo started to poke a little fun at Josh. “No!!” I yelled, “it’s not his fault, he didn’t know!” I defended him. We all started laughing, and I couldn’t help but wonder what Josh was thinking.

We drove to Jojo’s house in basic silence, listening to the radio. I whined again and Jojo laughed at me again. “That’s so funny!” she teased.

We arrived at her house a short time later and all walked in and sat on the couch. I was thirsty, so I knew Josh was too. I could read his mind like that. I made us both Tampico, the freakin’ best orange juice in the world. I loved that staff, and Jojo always had some. We gulped down our juice quickly.

“Let’s watch a movie,” Jojo suggested.

Josh and I walked over to the movie cabinet. Jojo’s dad had a ton of DVD’s, and Josh and I couldn’t pick one to watch.

“Zach!” I shouted.

“What?” he asked, walking over to us.

“Pick a movie, we can’t,” I told him.

Josh and I walked back into the living room and sat down on the loveseat. He sat down first, and then I sat between his legs. Rigo and Jojo sat down on the full-sized couch, and left space at the end for Zach. Zach came back into the room with a big, shit eatin’ grin on his face.

“We’re watching Buzz Lightyear: Star Command!” he exclaimed.

“Fuck you, go pick another movie, Zach,” I responded, hardly amused.

“Nope, you guys told me to pick a movie so I did and we’re watching this!” He put the movie in the VCR and pressed play, and then eagerly took his seat on the couch. I was dumbfounded. I knew he didn’t really want to watch the movie; he had to just be screwing with us.

“ZACH,” I said flatly. “Change the movie, dude, this isn’t funny.”

“You guys change the movie and I’ll scream,” he promised. Normally this wouldn’t be a problem, but it was around 1200 at night and Jojo’s parents were asleep. Her dad would trip if he woke up because Zach was screaming.

“Zach, you fucker, change the damned movie!”

“Keep talking and I’ll scream,” he reminded me.


“You’re getting there!” he proclaimed, holding up his index finger and thumb about three inches apart.

“Zach, this isn’t fucking funny, dude. Change the movie!”

“Almost!” he closed his fingers by an inch.

“Zach!” I whined. “PLEASE!”


“Zach please please let us change the movie!”

His fingers were now only a half-inch apart. I knew he’d scream, too. He didn’t care. Jojo’s dad already didn’t really like him because he had heard about a party Zach was trying to throw after an ROTC dance. I gave up.

“You assmunch…” I trailed off. The movie started playing. Cheap animation, predictable and oh so boring plot line. I was asleep in about five minutes.

I woke up a short time later. The movie was still on. I rolled my eyes. Zach didn’t want to watch it; he was just screwing with us. Fucker. Jojo had hopped online and Rigo was still sitting on the couch.

“Why don’t you guys go if you don’t want to watch this?” Rigo said simply.

“Come on, Josh, let’s go!” I said. I wanted out of there. “Bye Jojo, bye Rigo. See ya’all tomorrow.” We walked out of the house and got into the truck, and then headed back to Zach’s house.

“I feel sleep drunk,” I stated bluntly.

“Sleep drunk?”

“Yea, like, I’m sleepy as hell, my eyes won’t stay open and I feel silly. But my mind won’t shut up.”

“Oh, okay…” Josh replied, mocking understanding.

“Oh, shut up,” I laughed. We listened to music on the way back, just enjoying each other’s company. I had to give Josh directions, as he still wasn’t used to my city.

“I’ll get it sooner or later,” he remarked.

We pulled up to the street and parked on the side of the road again. We walked into the house, and Zach declared he had to go to the bathroom. Josh and I walked into Zach’s bedroom and I picked up my bag to change into bedclothes. I pulled out a Florida Gators T- shirt and a pair of shorts. I took off my shirt, a little embarrassed, as I was changing in front of Josh. I guess I was nervous, because I didn’t know what he would think of me.

It’s not that I consider myself ugly; I just am really self-conscience. I’m 5’4″, long blonde hair, blue eyes, and athletic. My body isn’t what I would call toned, but it’s getting there. My waist is about 29″ at the smallest point, but my hips are 36″. My best asset though, is probably a nice 34C chest. I work out so I have a good amount of muscle helping to support my breasts. And even though I’m a C cup, they really don’t fall much when I take my shirt off.

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