Windows Ch. 04 by Asperger27,Asperger27

At this point, Collin has stolen three of Jill’s firsts from me. First was with him french kissing her, second was her giving him a rather sloppy blowjob and now he was fingering her while fucking her mom.

What did I do to deserve this? What the fuck did I do wrong to warrant him stealing my girlfriend?

Why? Why must I be tortured like this?

The answer was obvious, but I chose not to say it. Collin’s doing it because he can. He somehow knew that Jill’s mom was a rather lonely single woman in her prime and choose to seduce her. Leading to them fucking in front of Jill, his main target. He wanted to show Jill that he was better and more manly, so he made her join in. Leading to a threesome like he said he would have with them. Making the mother and daughter kiss each other in front of him. Lowering Jill’s self worth and respect in the process.

Which was part of his goal to fuck Jill in front of me after prom.


There was still two weeks left before it and I have yet to ask Jill. But what’s the point of asking her anyway? Might as well skip, so that it won’t happen.

It meaning prom. It meaning what I know would surely happen next.

I know Jill’s looking forward to going-and so was I, in that regard. But how can I enjoy that moment with her, knowing she is going to be deflowered and defiled by Collin afterwards.

I lay on my floor thinking about this. Tears still streaking down my face. I was a mess.

I hate him…so much for what he did to Jill and her mom. I know Jill didn’t want this to happen, because she regretted ever getting involved with him. Even afterward…when Collin was forcing Jill to kiss her own mother on the lips, I still don’t blame her.

But then again…I do!

Didn’t I tell her from the get-go, to not get involved with him? Yet Jill did so anyways, thinking she could persuade Collin to stop picking on me. Didn’t I tell her that Collin treats women like playthings and that she was his next target? But yet Jill blew me off and then proceeded to tell me to ignore him.

I hate being so fucking weak.


“Jack get up honey!” called mom from outside my room.

I must have pulled myself into my bed last night. Because that was where I was when I woke up. I groan as I sit up. I felt like shit.

She pounds on my door louder this time.

“Don’t make me come in there and drag your sleepy ass out of bed young man!” mom said.

“Alright!” I called out, “Geez mom!”

“Breakfast is on the table,” she said.

I then heard her footsteps retreat from my door and down the staircase.

I sighed and checked my phone. No new messages from Jill since yesterday. I got out of bed and looked out my window. Jill’s curtain was pulled shut. Which meant she was changing or already gone.

“Jack!” yelled mom from the bottom step, “Hurry your ass up! Your breakfast is getting cold sweetie!”

I change into a fresh shirt and jeans, then exit my room.

“On my way!” I said.

I walk down the steps and go into the dining room. Mom was now sitting at the table sipping on her cup of coffee. She smiles as I sit down.

“Well look who decided to show up!” she said, “Your breakfast was starting to get cold.”

On a plate before me, were four golden crisp pancakes. I took a bite and loved it. It’s been awhile since mom made pancakes.

“You like it?” mom asked.

I nod my head as I continued eating.

“Took the recipe from the internet last night,” mom explained, “said it was Keto friendly.”

Mom was always weird like that. But despite her weird habit of making food that is both healthy and yummy, everything tasted great!

“Well they are delicious nonetheless mom!” I said.

She smiles, as I finish my last bite. She then finishes her cup and grabs her car keys.

“I think I’ll walk today mom,” I said.

She tilts her head in confusion.

“You sure sweetie?” mom asked.

“Yeah,” I said as I slip into my shoes, “the school isn’t that far.”

She sighs.

“Alright,” mom said, “I guess I’ll meet you there.”

I open the front door and head outside.

I regret that option now and wished I never chose it in the first place.


Once outside, I stretch under the sun’s warm embrace and walk down the driveway to the sidewalk. When I got close to Jill’s house, I saw her front door open and two people come out. First one was Jill, followed by…Collin? Then Ms. Janet comes out afterwards and pulls Collin into a tight embrace and kisses him. Jill looks away from them. Clearly annoyed and disgusted.

After they finish kissing, Collin then turns to Jill and motions to his car. She then nods her head and pretends not to notice me standing there baffled.

Ms. Janet then watches Collin get into his car and pull out of the driveway. She blows him a kiss and then retreats back inside her house.

Collin then locks eyes with me as he reaches the street and reves his engine a bit. Then suddenly takes off, leaving me in a cloud of smoke. I look at Jill’s house and shake my head.

“Motherfucker!” I said.

Then a thought passes my mind. Ms. Janet doesn’t know that Collin is my bully. But yet, the video from last night reminded me that Jill told her mom about it. Yet there she was, kissing him goodbye. Like they were dating or something.

In that moment, I chose to tell Jill’s mom about Collin. About him bullying me and his plans on fucking Jill after prom.


My heart was pounding as I walked up her driveway. My palms were sweating as I knocked on the front door.

Was I nervous? Anxious?

No, the correct word was worried. Worried, because I didn’t know how she’d respond.

The sound of footsteps coming near, told me that she heard me knock. The door opens and there stood Ms. Janet. She smiles warmly at me.

“Hi Jack,” she said, “shouldn’t you be in school? If you’re looking for Jill, I’m afraid she already left with a friend of hers.”

A lie of course, Jill left with Collin in his car. I saw it.

“Can…I come in?” I asked nervously.

She raises an eyebrow sheepishly, then stands aside. I walk past her and stood right by her as she closes the front door behind us.

“You okay?” she asked as we walked to the living room.

“I wanted to tell you something,” I said.

“Well whatever it is sounds important,” she said.

She gives me a light squeeze. She smelled faintly of sex and sweat. Were they fucking before Collin and Jill left?

I took a seat on the armchair facing the couch. Images of the video flashes through my mind.

“It…is,” I said.

“Well I’m all ears Jack,” she said.

She sat close to me on the couch and touched my knee softly. Then gives it a gentle squeeze, as if to reassure me. I took a deep breath.

“Did Jill ever tell you about Collin last night?” I asked.

At his name, Ms. Janet perked up instantly. She then catches herself and shakes her head.

“Collin?” Ms. Janet said, “Afraid not Jack. The only thing Jill told me last night, was your behavior.”

“My…behavior?” I repeated.

“Yes dear your behavior,” she said with a little smile.

“I’m not sure what you mean Ms. Janet,” I said.

She gets close to my face. I could smell Collin’s cum faintly on her breath. Did she swallow it too?

“Oh but I’m sure that you do…Jack.” she said, “Picking fights at school, slandering someone’s dead mother, asking Jill-MY DAUGHTER FOR SEX after losing said fight?!”

I gulp hard. She glares at me.

“I could explain all of that,” I said, “just hear me out.”

“You better,” Ms. Janet said.

Her arms fold across her chest. I took a deep breath, as she waits for me to speak.

“Collin was saying such rude things about Jill,” I began, “so I told him to stop saying that about her.”

“Like what Jack?” she said.

“Stuff like…she’s a…slut and a…bitch,” I said quietly.

“Really?” she said raising a eyebrow, “Is that so? He called her a slut and a bitch?”

I nod my head.

She sighs.

“Okay go on,” she said.

“Afterwards he goaded me by saying how he was going to…going to…fuck Jill after prom,” I continued.

“He said that?” Ms. Janet said, “Collin said THAT to you? That HE was going to fuck Jill after prom?”

Again I nod my head.

She sighs again.

“If what you’re saying is true,” she said, “then that paints a very different situation.”

“It is true!” I said, “Every word!”

“Is that so?” Ms. Janet said, “Because to me it sounds rather…bullshit.”

I look at her confused. Shouldn’t she believe me and take my side?

“Let me explain okay?” she said.

“Collin according to you has been picking on you since freshman year correct?” she asked.

I nod my head.

“But also according to you,” she continued, “the physical torment didn’t start until this year.”

“Yeah,” I said.

“Didn’t ask for your input that time sweetie,” she said.

I mumble out an apology.

“Then according to you,” Ms. Janet continued, “Jill had to stand up to him for you.”

I lower my head and nod.

“Kinda pathetic don’t you think Jack?” she said, “Having your girlfriend defend you like that.”

“It’s something I deeply regret everyday,” I said quietly.

“A real man wouldn’t allow that,” she said.

That statement stung. She sighs.

“Let’s move on okay?” she said.

“So after defending you from him,” Ms. Janet continued, “Jill took you to see the school nurse, which was your mom.”

I nod my head.

“Which according to you,” she continued, “Jill told your mom what happened correct?”

I nod my head.

“Okay then afterwards was when she confronted Collin?” she asked.

I nod my head again.

“Which was the start of a deal she struck with Collin?” she asked.

She sighs.

“To me that sounds a little far fetched don’t you think?” she said.

“How so?” I asked, “Everything I told you was true! You can evem ask Jill that.”

“To you yes of course it would be true!” she said, “But to someone who doesn’t know? Not so much.”

“If I asked Jill what you told me,” Ms. Janet said, “she probably tell me a different version of what happened.”

“J-Jill wouldn’t!” I said stammering over my own words.

“I’m just stating facts dear,” she said.

I open my mouth to speak, but nothing comes out. I cleared my throat and tried again, this time it worked.

“Did Jill ever tell you about Collin bullying me?” I asked.

“This again?” Ms. Janet said and sighs, “No she did not Jack. She only mentioned the fight and you asking her for sex.”

“Then what about when we were at La Grawnet?” I said, “I remembered Jill saying she was going tell you about Collin bullying me.”

She shook her head.

“Afraid not Jack,” she said, “Jill never said anything like that.”

I sunk to the floor. So Jill lied to me then? Ms. Janet sighs.

“Jesus Christ Jack!” she said, “Man up! You got to stop spreading such lies about Collin! He is a good person.”

I looked up at her

“A good person?” I said and scoffed, “Him? A good person?! Yeah right.”

Tears well up in my eyes and run down my cheeks. Ms. Janet sighs and shakes her head.

“Waterworks won’t work on me young man!” she said.

She then grabs me by the back of my shirt and leads me to the front door.

“But Collin really is bullying me!” I said, “He is also sending me videos of what he did to Jill.”

“I’m taking you to see your mother!” she said, “I’ll hear nothing more about Collin!”

She shoves me into the backseat and starts up the car. She then adjusts the rearview mirror and looks directly at me.

“You know I’m starting to wonder why my daughter Jill dated you in the first place.” Ms. Janet said, “You’re weak, pathetic, a pushover and quite frankly….not all that attractive either.”

Her words were like daggers running through my heart.

“Sometimes I think she dated you just to spite me,” she continued.

I silently cried in the backseat. My tears staining the floor.

“Grow the fuck up Jack!” she sighed.

She then flips on the radio and turns up the volume. Drowning out my weak pathetic sobs.

I felt betrayed the moment she decided to not listen to me.

Why must he take the people I care about and defile them?!


When we arrived at the school, class had already begun. So nobody saw Ms. Janet walk inside tugging me behind her. I would have been the laughing stock. More than I already am.

She marched her way to the nurse’s office and turned the knob. Then practically throwing me inside and shuts the door behind her. Mom sat at her desk writing a report when we entered. She turns her head to look at me.

“You’re late Jack!” she said, “This is why I don’t allow…you…to walk.”

She then notices Ms. Janet standing behind me.

“Well if it isn’t Janet Feyth,” mom said smiling, “and what brings you in here?”

“Him,” Ms. Janet said.

Ms. Janet nudges my arm, enough to where it stung a bit.

Mom sighs.

“What did you do Jack?” mom said.

“He came over to my house and told me that Collin is planning on fucking Jill after prom.” Ms. Janet said.

“First I heard of it,” mom said.

“Told him that myself,” Ms. Janet said, “but Jack is swearing up and down that Coilin told him that.”

“He did!” I said, “Yet you are taking his side!”

Mom gives me a glare that read “shut the hell up now!”. She then sighs again.

“Moving along,” mom said, “how was Collin two nights ago?”

“He was great,” Ms. Janet said, “a complete gentleman.”

“No problems afterwards?” mom asked.

“Well besides what Jill told me in the bathroom as we were leaving,” Ms. Janet said, “he was on his best behavior.”

I cut into the conversation.

“I saw you arguing with Collin as we waited outside for you!” I said through gritted teeth, “Both Jill and I saw it!”

Mom slaps my face. The shock from it stuns me momentarily.

“No need to get huffy young man!” she warned, “You’re already on thin ice as it is!”

“Must have been mistaken Jack,” Ms. Janet said, “because I never yelled at him.”

“Lies!” I said to myself, “She is lying!”

“Now you got me curious,” mom said, “what did Jill tell you in that bathroom.”

Ms. Janet looks at me, then walks over to mom and whispers in her ear.

“Jill said that?” mom said, “I…don’t know what to say.”

“She saw me having a good time with him,” Ms. Janet said, “so she told me that.”

Ms. Janet then turns around to face me.

“Then what about the video?” I asked tears beaming from my eyes.

“What video Jack?” mom asked.

“After you left yesterday,” I began, “Collin sent me a video of him…fucking Ms. Janet and Jill.”

“First off Jack,” stated Ms. Janet, “you’re out of your damn mind if I’d allow such a thing to happen. Second is that what me and Collin did that night is none of your damn business.”

“Jill saw it!” I said, “She came downstairs to talk to you!”

Mom looks at me hard.

“She came downstairs to tell me about your behavior.” Ms. Janet said, “That’s how I knew about you asking Jill to have sex with you!”

“He was grounded for that by the way.” added mom, “For fighting on school grounds and for what he asked of Jill afterwards.”

“I have the video right here to prove it!” I said.

I fished my phone out of my pocket and showed it to them. Mom takes it from my hands and unlocks it. Then searches through it. She stops when she found the video. Then motions Ms. Janet over and they both watch the video. After a bit, they both turned to look at me. Total disgust written all over their faces.

“Sent you a video huh?” mom said.

“That is totally fucking disgusting Jack!” Ms. Janet said.

“I don’t understand,” I said.

“LOOK!” mom said.

She then thrusts the phone in my face and showed me the video. In it, there was Collin and Ms. Janet having sex alone in the living room. Jill was nowhere to be seen. The angle of the camera was from outside the house looking in.

That video was completely different from the one Collin sent me. I shook my head.

“Do you understand how fucking disgusting that is young man!” said mom, “Not only were you lying, but you were also spying too?”

“For the record,” Ms. Janet said, “Jill was upstairs doing her homework when Collin showed up.”

Mom gets up in my face. Her eyes deadly cold.

“You are not allowed to go over to Jill’s house anymore!” mom said, “Secondly is that starting right now you have no phone privileges at all. Thirdly is that you will be grounded for a month this time!”

“A month?” I said, “But I didn’t do anything. Why won’t you believe me?!”

“Then explain!” mom said, “Enlighten me as to why your phone had that video on it.”

I open my mouth to speak, but words don’t come out.

“You can’t can you?” mom continued, “I’m so fucking disappointed in you.”

She then places my phone in her pocket.

“Now get your ass to class now!” mom said.

I practically ran out of the room and into the school’s vice principal, who barked out a “stop running in the halls!” and continued walking to his office.


When lunch came, Jill walks up to me and hugs my side.

“Where were you?” she asked, “I didn’t see you when I got here this morning.”

“Now Jillian,” said a voice from behind me, “is that any of your business?”

I felt a arm rest on my shoulder. I knew who it was. Jill tenses up and looks at the floor.

“No…daddy,” she muttered.

“Speak up now Jillian!” Collin said, “I said is that any of your business?!”

“No Daddy!” Jill said a bit louder.

Everyone in the hallway stopped and stared at her. Jill blushes a deep red. I shake Collin’s arm off my shoulder. He then spun me around to face him and narrows his eyes.

“Speaking of business,” Collin said, “I heard you went to see my bitch this morning.”

He pokes at my chest. Hard.

“I should hit you for trying to interfere with my relationship with Jill’s mom,” Collin said, “but since I’m in a good mood I’ll allow it to slide.”

I brush past him. Collin grabs my shoulder hard and spins me around. Pinning me against a row of lockers.

“Now just a moment now Jack.” Collin said, “Aren’t you forgetting something? Starts with a t and ends with a u?”

Jill leans into my ear, her soft breath sends shivers down my spine.

“Please Jack,” whispered Jill, “just say thank you to him!”

I instead clench my fists. He laughs.

“Oh so you have some backbone now?” Collin said and laughs, “Tell you what, let’s make a bet.”

“What kind of bet?” I asked sheepishly.

“Let’s see,” Collin said, “if you manage within four hits to land me on my ass, I’ll leave you and Jill alone.”

He then smirks.

“But,” he said, “if you don’t manage to land me on my ass within four hits, then I get your mom’s sweet ass next.”

“Deal?” he asked smiling.

I pictured mom’s big soft bubble butt getting violated by a thick rod. Moaning as Collin fucked her.

I then pictured mom hugging me after I managed to defeat Collin. With her telling me how proud she is.

“Deal,” I said and shook his rather…wet hand.

“Just so you know,” he said, “I just made Janet cum on that hand a bit ago.”

Jill looks at Collin in disgust, as I wipe my wet hand on my shirt. A dark stain now forming.

Collin stands completely still as I managed to land the first punch. It barely staggers him. The second one hits his chest. Third hits his cheek. When I got to four, I decided to ram him into the wall. I couldn’t even budge him. He then pushes me to the ground and stares down at me smirking.

“Well looks like you lose Jack!” Collin said.

He then walks away. Jill then walks up to me and shakes her head.

“You should’ve turned him down!” she said angerily, “Now both our moms belong to him! You’re a fucking asshole!”

She walks away from me in a bit of a huff. Did Collin plan this? Knowing that I couldn’t land him on his ass?


I need to warn her about this. Even if it meant more punishment.

I had to.


Walking to the Nurse’s office, I felt nervous. I know mom’s trust in me has dropped to zero at this point. But I had to tell her about Collin’s plan to fuck her. His plan to violate her ass.

When I walked to the door, I heard talking inside. Sounded like two people talking. I opened the door, as stealthfully as I can.

“I don’t know what’s gotten into Jack lately,” mom said.

“That makes two of us Ms. Swithsen,” Jill said sighing, “and now Jack’s made it even more worse on both of us!”

Mom looks at her quizzingly.

“Is this about…two nights ago?” asked mom, “I’m no therapist like your mom, but that has got to be upsetting to you.”

“You mean about my mom fucking my boyfriend’s bully?” Jill said, “Or the fact Collin is demanding I call him…daddy now.”

“I…didn’t know he is making you say that,” mom said consolingly, “but what I meant was Jack spying on them that night.”

“Jack…was watching?” asked Jill, “I didn’t know mom had Collin over until sunday morning. That’s when I…caught them in the kitchen.”

“Well according to his phone when Janet brought him to my office,” mom said, “Jack stood outside your house filming the living room. Which…so happens to be where your mom was having sex with…Collin.”

“Why was Jack at my house?” asked Jill.

“Because he wanted to tell your mom about Collin bullying him,” mom said, “he apparently said you told your mom about saturday night.”

“I told her about Collin being a sleazeball and a womanizer,” Jill said, “and also about Jack’s behavior too.”

“That’s not exactly how your mom said it,” mom said, “Janet said you told her that you were happy she was having fun with Collin.”

“She did huh,” Jill said.

“Yeah and that you told her to sound like you were upset with what you told her in the bathroom.” mom continued, “So that Jack can think you told her about Collin.”

“Yeah didn’t happen,” Jill said, “didn’t know Collin was there until Sunday morning. I yelled at her and threatened to move over here to get away from her.”

“What stopped you?” mom asked.

“Collin,” Jill said, “he told me that I had no right to be upset about them dating now. Then very bluntly told me, that he would tell Jack about the deal I made with him. While he was fucking my mom on the table in our dining room”

“Was the deal…that secret?” mom asked.

“Not secret,” Jill said, “more like degrading. He stole my first kiss, made me give him a…blowjob in my living room and now is sleeping with my mom.”

“Was that the deal you made with him?” mom asked.

Jill nods her head.

“Jack doesn’t know about it,” Jill said.

“He won’t know about it either!” mom said, “Your secret is safe with me Jill.”

Except…I do know about all of it. Collin made sure about that.

“So what else did you want to tell me?” asked mom, “you know you can always trust me Jill.”

I had to tell mom. Warn her about Collin’s plsn to fuck her ass. I had to act fast. Mom’s diginity was on the line. I grabbed the knob and pulled it all the way open and pretended to just walk inside.

“Mom need to warn you!” I said acting like I was out of breath.

She nearly jumps out of her swiveling chair, then glares at me.

“Damnit Jack!” she said, “My office isn’t a meeting place for you! Now what is it?!”

“It’s about Collin,” I said.

“What about him!?” she asked.

Jill cuts me off before I could speak.

“I think what Jack is trying to say is that he lost a bet against Collin during lunch Ms. Swithsen,” Jill said.

Mom narrows her eyes at me.

“A bet?” she asked repeating the word, “On what?”

“Not what.” Jill said, “Who.”

“Then who did Jack lose a bet on?” mom asked.

Jill sighs then looks at me.

“Do you want me to say it or should I?” she asked.

“Who damnit?!” mom repeated her question.

“You,” Jill said.

Mom looks at me in horror and total disgust.

“The condition was that if Jack could knock Collin on his as within four hits,” Jill continued, “he’d leave Jack alone and not bother him again.”

“And if he lost?” mom asked.

“Collin would…would take you as his prize.” Jill said, “Mostly having his way with your ass.”

“My what?” mom asked shocked.

“Your ass,” Jill said, “and I saw the whole thing play out too.”

Mom didn’t respond for a good minute. Probably taking in all that information she just heard.

“How…did it play out?” mom asked.

“Jack lost.” Jill said.

Mom takes a deep breath. I could tell that she was pissed beyond reason right now.

“So…you came to warn me about Collin winning the bet?” mom asked.

I nod my head. The tension was thick. I gulp.

“When we get home,” mom continued, “I want your computer, your game system and your tv out of your room. Am I clear!?”

“Y-yes mom,” I said.

“I’m too upset to even talk to you right now!” mom said, “Get the fuck out of my office!”

“Mom I’m s-sorry!” I squeaked.

She scoffs.

“Sorry?” mom said, “You don’t get to be sorry! You brought this all on yourself Jack! Don’t even get me started on how fucking stupid that was to bet your own mother! Am I that worthless to you?”

“Of course not,” I said.

“Clearly I am!” mom said, “Because only a fucking idiot would bet his own mother.”

She then breaks down and starts crying.

“I’m so so so disappointed in you Jack.” she said, “Disappointed beyond words to describe how upset I am at you.”

I look at Jill, she shakes her head at me and sighs.

“I told you not to accept,” Jill said, “but did you listen to me? Noooooo! You went ahead and did anyways.”

Jill then gets up and touches mom’s shoulder consolingly as she passes her. Then walks out of the office.

I then turn to leave mom’s office.

Yeah this was the part that broke me mentally. Because this could’ve been avoided if I had just refused that bet.

That stupid fucking bet. I shouldn’t have accepted it!

But I did anyways like an total fucking idiot. Now my mom doesn’t trust me, my girlfriend is disgusted by me and my girlfriend’s mom is fucking the guy who bullies me.


It’s been a few days now, and mom still refuses to acknowledge me at school. Same as Jill. At home, I sit in my room all day.

That night, mom knocks on my door and walks in. She had her arms folded over her chest.

“Well I’m leaving soon,” she said, “I’m going to Collin’s house to talk him out of this stupid bet you made with him.”

I couldn’t say anything. Because I knew she had every right to be upset with me.

“So until I get back,” she continued, “you can watch tv downstairs in the living room.”

I thanked her and watched her big bubble butt. sway out of my room and disappear around the corner.

I just hope she’ll be okay. Because…mom’s ass is literally on the line here.


I sat in the living room watching tv, when mom descended the stairs wearing tight blue jeans and a blouse. She slips into her shoes, and then grabs her car keys.

“Okay I’m off now,” she said.

She then walks to the front door and opens it. Her big bubble butt disappears from my view, when the door shuts behind her. I heard her car start up a few seconds later and then pull out of the driveway.

Once I was sure that she was gone, I went to her room and snooped around for my PS5 and my laptop. When I didn’t find either, I decided to just find my phone. I found it in mom’s personal nightstand. I said personal, because she had some stuff in there that I shoudn’t be seeing. Yet I am. I’m seeing three dildos of different lengths and shapes, lube and also…some big round beads on a string.

Remembering that mom is very…particular with her things, I decided on not taking my phone out. I then closed the drawer and left her bedroom. Trying my best to forget what I saw.


The movie I watched was rather boring and I kept dosing off during it. When it was over, I went into the kitchen and made myself dinner. Which consisted of leftovers from the previous night. After loading my plate and placing it in the mircowave, I returned to the living room and found a action movie that was just about to start.

I was maybe three to four minutes into the movie, when the mircowave went off. I then got up to retrieve my food. Afterwards, I returned to the living room and watched the rest of that action movie I found. It took about an hour to finish. By then, I had finished my dinner and was just starting to get drowsy again. I decided afterwards, to return to my room and crash on my bed.

Luckily no dreams came that night.


It must have been around 1am, when I heard mom’s car pull into the driveway. I then heard her enter the house and close the door quietly behind her. Then walk softly towards the stairs and began climbing them. Her footsteps stop right outside my door, then she continued to her room and closed the door behind her.

Why was the meeting with Collin so late? Surely he didn’t…but I dared not say it. Because….mom isn’t like that.

The next morning, I found mom sitting quietly at the table drinking a cup of coffee. She looked rather stiff and solemn. Like she didn’t get a good night’s sleep or perhaps slept wrong.

“Morning mom,” I said.

“Morning Jack,” mom said flatly.

She adjusts her posture in her chair and winces slightly.

“You okay?” I ask.

“Oh so now you are acting concerned for me?” she said and scoffs, “I’m fine so drop it!”

“I understand you’re still upset with me,” I began to say.

“I SAID DROP IT JACK!” she yells.

I knew not to press it further, but something was definitely wrong. She then spoke a few seconds later.

“Just so you know,” mom said as if changing the subject, “the talk with Collin went without issue. He even agreed to drop the bet too.”

“So Collin?” I asked.

“Won’t harass you ever again,” she said.

There was silence again. I had to ask her if Collin did anything.

“So Collin…he didn’t try to…you know,” I said.

Her eyes narrowed in disgust at what I just asked.

“Are you seriously fucking asking if he attempted to have sex with me?!” mom said.

“N-No!” I stammered out.

“Because it sounds to me like you were thinking he did!” she continued, “How fucking stupid can you be to think that Jack?”

Her comment stung, because I knew that it was true. Mom would never allow it. Then why did I think that? Was I hoping that he did? How fucking perverted of me!

Still though, I’m glad she managed to stop Collin from picking on me.


“Jack get up!” called mom, “Time for school!”

I groggily get out of bed and make my way to the bathroom to wash my face. After washing my face and relieving myself in the toilet, I proceeded downstairs for breakfast. Where cold cereal awaited me. Not the sugary kind either, just plain regular cheerios.

“Remember that you are not allowed in my office at all.” mom instructed, “Am I clear!”

I grumbled out a okay. Mom didn’t have to repeat herself. She made it clear the first time she told me.

“Not good enough,” she said and repeated, “I said am I clear!”

“Yes mom,” I whinned.

“Good now finish up!” she said and waited for me by the front door.

When we got outside, again I saw Collin come out of Jill’s house with Jill in tow. He kisses Ms. Janet before walking to his car. Jill gets in with him and for a brief moment, I saw his arm wrap around her shoulders. Then they pulled out of the driveway. Jilll waves goodbye to my mom, as they pass us, but totally ignored me.

We then got into mom’s car. She then pulls out of the driveway and started driving down the street. I sat in the backseat, mom adjusts the rearview mirror to look at me.

“You’re lucky Jill still loves you despite all the shit you did these past few weeks!” mom scolded.

“I know,” I said.

“Do you?” she said, “Do you really understand that Jill would do ANYTHING to keep you safe? Same as me?”

I stare at my feet.

“If you did understand,” mom said, “then how come you spat it back in our faces?”

I tried to speak, but mom raises her hand cutting me off.

“I don’t need a bullshit answer,” mom said.

The rest of the drive was in silence.


When we arrived at the school, everybody avoided my gaze. Then the snickering and whispering started as I passed by. I get to my locker and found Jill placing her backpack in hers. She avoids eye contact with me.

“Morning…Jill,” I said.

She doesn’t answer.

“How was your weekend?” I asked.

“Like you actually care!” she spat, “I had to endure my mom fucking that….asshole all weekend!”

She sighs and slams her locker shut. Then walks away in a bit of a huff.

“So she still calls me an asshole huh?” said a voice from behind me.

“What do you want Collin?” I said, “To gloat? Didn’t you do enough to me already?”

“Not gloat no. Came to offer you a peace offering,” he said.

“What kind of peace offering?” I asked.

He hands me his phone. On the screen was a video.

“Hit play,” he ordered.

I tapped play on the screen. In the video, Collin was in his living room as mom stood before him. This must be the day she went and saw him. Her arms folded over her chest. The camera angle, was from his point of view. Was he secretly recording their encounter?

“You know why I’m here don’t you Collin?” mom said.

“Might be,” he said coyly, “or I might not. Care to enlighten me?”

“I’m here to make sure you stop harassing my son,” she explained, “and to make you drop that stupid bet you made with Jack too.”

“A bet?” he said with a hint of a coy smile, “What kind of bet was it?”

“Y-You know damn well what the bet is!” she said.

He smirks.

“Oh you mean the one I made with your dipshit of a son?” he asked, “The one where I get to own your ass if he couldn’t land me on mine?”

Mom sighs and nods.

“It’s true that he was…stupid,” mom said, “but there’s no need to call him names!”

“He is what he is,” Collin said, “a real man wouldn’t put up with another trash-talking his girl or his mother.”

He looks my mom up and down. Did I see her blush? He licks his lips.

“I know your type all to well now,” Collin said, “you act all proper, but once I start unwrapping, your true self will come out to play.”

He stares at her breasts.

“I don’t have to put up with this bullshit!” mom said, “I’m leaving!”

“Now why would you do that?” Collin asked, “Aren’t you going to make your case?”

“I did and you refuse to listen!” mom said.

“I AM listening,” Collin said.

“Oh now you are?!” mom scoffed.

He stands up and makes advances towards her. Mom backs away from him, only to trap herself against the doorway and him. He grabs her arms with one hand and pins them above her head. Mom squirms under him.

“Let…me…go,” she said coldly, “I’m only going to say this once.”

“I will not,” Collin said.

“This is rape!” she screamed, “What you are doing is rape!”

“But I haven’t even touched you yet Ms. Swithsen,” Colllin said coyly, “now how could this be rape huh?”

“I asked you to release me!” she said, “You are refusing to!

He chuckles.

“Release?” he asked, “Is that what you want?”

Mom nods her head.

“Yes,” she said, “release me.”

“Okay,” he said.

Collin then plunges his mouth against hers. Mom was trying in vain to fight back. But it became useless, when she couldn’t remove her arms from his grip.

“Not bad,” he said breaking their kiss, “not bad at all.”

He then lets go of mom’s arms snd backs off a few inches from her. She was catching her breath and looked rather flushed in the face.

“I bet it’s been a long time for you huh?” he asked.

Mom just stares at him.

“I think I can hear you out now,” he said.

“So…you’ll leave Jack alone now?” she panted, “and you’ll…drop the bet?”

“The bet was already paid by you coming here,” he said, “as for your…son, I’ll think about it.”

“You’ll…think about it?” mom asked repeating his phrase, “Jack doesn’t deserve your bullying!”

He sits down on the couch and leans forward.

“Tell you what,” he said, “I’m a passionate guy and willing to compromise.”

Mom sighs in relief.

“On one condition though,” he continued.

“Which is?” she asked.

“You let me fuck that sweet big ass of yours!” he sneered.

“Out of the question!” mom said, “I can’t…do that.”

“Those are my terms,” he said, “take it or you can GTFO right now.”

“What about a…handjob?” mom said.

He sneers at her.

“Blowjob” he said snapping his fingers at her, “and it better be a good one too!”

He then stands up and began taking off his jeans. Mom’s eyes go wide, when his thick 10inch long cock juts out in front of her.

“Holy shit!” she said.

“That’s what Jill said!” he said almost laughing.

He then motions to her and mom obeys without question. He takes her hand and places it on his thick meaty shaft.

Mom then began to gingerly rub his shaft up and down. After a bit, Collin pushes her down on her knees. To where her face was leveled with his dick in her face.

“Open your mouth,” he ordered.

Mom slowly starts to open her mouth wide. Then leans forward and closes her lips around his head. Collin lets out a grunt as mom began sucking him. He sits back down, with mom between his toned thighs blowing him. He sighs in contentment.

After a while, Collin tries to pull up her blouse and unhook her bra. Mom immediately swats his hands away and removes her mouth from his cock.

“Not part of the deal,” she said.

“What’s the harm of showing me your big tits Ms. Swithsen.” Collin asked.

Mom narrows her eyes at him. Then relents and takes off her blouse, revealing a rather frilley and lacey pink bra. He whistles as mom then unhooks her bra and tosses it on her discarded blouse.

“Happy now!” she said, “You satisfied?”

“Very much so,” he said.

Mom then lowered her head back around his cock and began sucking him earnestly now. Moaning softly as Collin starts playing with her nipples.

“You know if you are serious about making me stop bullying your son,” Collin said, “then let me see that big sexy ass of yours too.”

Mom stops sucking him and stands up. Then slowly began taking off her pants. Revealing a pair of frilley and lacey pink panties slightly damp at the crotch. She then turns around and shows him her big bubble butt.

“Looks like you were wet from sucking on this cock eh?” Collin said smirking.

Mom again blushes.

She then gets between his legs and renews her technique on his cock. Staring up at him, as her hands palm his rather large balls and squeeze them tenderly. Then licking his shaft up and down, moaning as his meat slaps against her nose and forehead. To sucking on his tip like a baby nursing from a bottle.

“Really eager to make me cum early huh?” he said.

She nods.

“How about you kiss the head now,” he said.

Mom smiles as her lips kiss his tip. Collin groans. His hands palm at her ass. Pulling her panties down her sides, as mom buries her head in his crotch. She then takes them off herself and tosses them on her pants. Now completely naked, Collin renews his assault on her ass with his hands. Smacking each cheek slightly and making them jiggle. To spreading her cheeks apart and running his fingers along her anus. I could tell he really wanted to fuck it. But mom showed no signs of wanting to.

“So you really want me to stop bullying Jack huh?” Coin said.

“I do,” mom said popping his cock from her mouth, “I really do.”

“Then let me fuck that ass of yours,” Collin said.

Mom looks at him and then sighs.

“It’s been a while,” mom said, “so you’ll have to go slow.”

She then climbs on to the couch and leans on her elbows. Collin gets behind her and rubs his head against her anus.

“I’m just telling you right now that I’m going to enjoy this bitch!” Collin said, “Every fucking second of it!”

“So will I,” I heard mom say quietly.

Mom then lets out a soft grunt as Collin inserts his tip into her ass. Then slowly kept pushing his cock further in, until half his meat was buried in her ass. He then pulls out a bit, before ramming back in, causing mom to gasp out loud.

“Jesus fucking christ!” mom said, “I told you to go slow!”

He points the camera at her ass, as his cock now effortlessly slides in and out of it.

“So fucking good!” he growls.

Collin then grabs her sides and began hammering into her ass now. Mom moans loudly and began to play with her clit. He then stops and leans over her back. Pushing her body down on the couch, making her lay on her stomach. She knew what he was going to do and with both her hands spread her cheeks apart. She lets out another soft grunt as Collin re-entered her ass.

“Filthy…fucking…slut!” he said in time with his thrusts.

His whole living room was filled with the sounds of skin slapping against skin and moans.

After a while of fucking mom on her stomach, Collin stops and sits up. His cock springs out of mom’s gaping ass and twitches a bit. A bit of precum oozes out and drips down her crack.

Mom turns her head to look back at him. Slightly panting and hair frazzled.

“Why’d you stop?” she asked.

“Want you to ride me now Ms. Swithsen.” said Collin.

Mom wastes no time and quickly mounts him. Pushing his cock to her ass and guides it in. His hands grab at her waist, as she begins to twist her lower body. He moans.

“Yeah that’s right fuck that dick bitch!” he calls out.

Mom now starts pumping up and down on his shaft, as he pushes up underneath her. He then grabs at her breasts and sucks on them, causing her to moan.

“Ugh gonna cum soon!” Collin said crudely, “Gonna blast deep in that tight ass of yours!”

“Not inside!” she said, “Please not inside!”

Despite mom calling out for him to not cum inside her ass, she seemed almost…eager. She then revamps her technique.

“Fucking bitch!” he said, “I’ll do what I want!”

He gives her ass a hard smack. Mom shrieks in pleasure.

“Yeah slap it again!” she said.

“You like me being rough on you don’tcha bitch?” he growls.

Collin then slaps her other cheek.

“Yeah…” she said sighing in content.

Collin then pulls mom to him, as he began jackhammering into her. They began kissing each other now. He then breaks their kissing and holds her tightly.

“Ah here it comes!” Collin calls out, “Oh shiiiiit!”

“Me too!” Mom said in turn, “Me too!”

He then slams into her and stops moving, as mom’s orgasm causes her to shake and convulse. She then collapses against his shoulder and pants. I could see Collin’s balls tense up and then relax, as he ejaculated deep in her ass.

They stayed connected like that for a bit aterwards. Coming down from their mutual orgasm. Both still panting and catching their breath.

“So we have a deal now?” she asks, “You leave my son alone now?”

“You have my word,” he said huffing, “Jack won’t be bothered by me…ever again!”

Mom then slides off Collin and sits on the cushion next to him.

“Glad you could see reason Collin,” mom said afterwards.

“Said I was a considerate and passionate guy Ms. Swithsen,” Collin said.

“Judy,” mom said.

“Huh?” Collin asked.

“Call me Judy,” mom said, “That’s my first name.”

Mom then stands up and began to get dressed.

“I should really head home now,” she said as she slips into her panties.

“How about one more go before you do?” Collin suggested, “Such a shame to leave things as is.”

He points to his cock hardening again. Mom shakes her head and gets into her bra.

“Fucking you wasn’t a part of the deal,” mom said.

“But you did so anyways,” Collin interjected.

She pauses for a moment and sits down next to him.

“Janet will kill me if she found out what we did,” mom said, “I-I can’t risk it!”

“Then let’s make sure she doesn’t then,” he said.

He stands up and pulls her up with him.

“I don’t know,” mom said.

He kisses her neck, as his cock slides between her thighs. She moans and pecks his cheek in turn.

“Fine,” mom said, “just this one time and that’s it!”

“You’ll be begging for more soon enough,” Collin said.

The video then ends with mom picking up the rest of her clothes and following Collin out of his living room and up into his room.


I began dry heaving on the floor. Pushing his phone away from me.

“Want me to summarize it for you now?” Collin said looking down at me

I stared at him.

“I fucked her ass and came inside it.” he said, “Then we fucked in my room and I ejaculated deep in her pussy.”

It felt like my heart was being torn out of my chest. Mom…mom fucked Collin.

“I should really thank you for being a fuck-up!” Collin said, “Because I got to be the first to fuck her sweet ass and her pussy.”

He then claps me hard on my back.

“So thanks for sending your mom my way!” he said, “Best damn ass I got to fuck.”

The first bell rings and everyone starts hurrying to class.

I lay on the ground now openly sobbing. My mom…taken. My only ray of hope. My protector…defeated. The woman I looked up to…defiled. No…not defiled-devoured. Mom was devoured by Collin and his huge fucking cock!

Was there nowhere safe for me?

The bell rings again, signaling late-arrivals to hurry to class or become tardy. I didn’t care anymore! Let me be tardy! I start hyper-ventilating.

This can’t be real. That video Collin showed me can’t be real. No way mom would fuck him willingly. This must be a bad dream.

I pinch myself hard enough to draw blood. This wasn’t a dream.

My mom…really did allow Collin to fuck her ass and her pussy.

Was that why she came home at 1am? They had sex THAT long?

I hide myself in one of the restroom stalls. Fuck school and fuck prom. I’m done!


“Where were you?!” mom glared at me as I exited the main building.

I said nothing back, I mean how could I? I basically skipped the whole day. Hiding in one of the bathroom stalls would do that. I needed that time to myself.

“Do you know how worried I was?” she said, “I got messages from your teachers saying you were absent all day?! What the hell made you think this was okay?”

Again I said nothing and avoided mom’s attempt to meet my gaze.

“I don’t understand why you at all Jack!” mom continued to say, “Why are you not looking at me?!”

She grabs my face. I push her hands away.

“What the hell is wrong Jack!” she said.

I get in the backseat and slam the door close. She sighs and shakes her head in frustration. Then enters the driver’s side and starts the car.

“We are going to have a long chat about your behavior when we get home!” mom said scolding me.

When we got home, I stormed past mom and stomped upstairs to my room. I then slammed my door shut and flung myself down on my bed.

A little past 8pm, I heard the doorbell ring. Mom then answers it. I then heard raised muffled voices afterwards. Sounded like two people having a heated conversation.

Mom came up to my room a bit later and Jill stood behind her.

“Jill has come to see you,” mom said.

She then steps aside and Jill walks into my room. Mom closes my door behind her and heads back downstairs.

“Why are you here?” I asked coldly, “I thought you were upset with me.”

She sighs.

“I still am Jack.” Jill said, “Upset that you accepted that stupid bet of his and almost had your mom violated by Collin.”

She then sits on my desk.

“I came over to ask you something,” she said.

“Such as?” I asked.

“Prom.” Jill said.

“What about it?” I asked.

“Are you seriously going to make me spell it out?” Jill said.

She sighs again.

“Fine!” she said, “I’ll say it! Jack will you come to prom with me?”

“Mom won’t allow me,” I said, “I’m grounded remember? For a whole month.”

“You do realize that Ms. Swithsen is going to be one of the teachers supervising the dance right?” Jill said.

“Yeah but-” I began to say.

“But nothing Jack!” Jill said, “You’re going to prom with me and that’s that!”

“Besides,” Jill continued, “I already got Ms. Swithsen’s consent too.”

She then smiles at me sweetly, with a hint of mischievousness underneath.

“What time should I come pick you up?” I asked.

“Other way around Jack,” Jill said, “I’ll drive us there around 6:30.”

She then pokes at my chest.

“All you need to do is look handsome in that tux we picked out,” she said, “and…try not to do anything stupid that night.”

“Understand.” she said.

“Ok,” I said.

“Good boy,” she said and smiles, “then I guess I’ll be off.”

Jill slides off my desk and kisses my forehead.

I then watched as she opens my door and leaves. Her shapely ass swaying as she walked down the hallway and out of view.

I then heard the front door open and close afterwards.

“Jack,” mom called from downstairs, “can you come down here please?!”

I got up off my bed and exit my room. Then walked to the staircase. Mom stood at the bottom. Her arms folded over her large breasts.

“So I’m taking it that Jill told you?” she asked.

I nod.

“Did she also mention that I’m going to be supervising the dance?” she asked.

Again I nod my head.

“That means I’ll be watching you closely that night,” she said, “if you so much as fuck up once I’ll send you straight home!”

“Yes mom,” I mumbled.

“Now while you’re here,” mom said, “you can enlighten me as to why you skipped a whole day of school.”

I start to turn around. But mom stops me.

“Nuh-uh-uh Jack,” she said, “talk or you’re not going to prom with Jill.”

I sighed.

“Collin,” I said.

“What about him?” mom said.

“Gloated to me before school,” I continued.

“Gloated?” she repeated.

“That he did something with you at his house that night you went to see him,” I said.

“Such as?” mom asked.

I stared at her.

“Such as?!” she repeated her question.

She sounded like she was getting impatient.

Again I stare at her knowingly.

“Jack Swithsen!” mom said, “Answer my fucking question instead of staring at me!”

“He said you two-” I began to say.

“Nothing HAPPENED between us.” mom interjected, “All I did was talk to him and made him leave you alone.”

Should I bring up the fact that Collin had a video of him plowing mom’s big bubble butt? That she was ENJOYING it? That they then afterwards had sex in his room and he came in her pussy?

I should’ve, just to see her squirm. But instead I dropped it.

After all, she is my mother and I can’t blame her for failing to stop him too.

“That was why I didn’t show up to any of my classes,” I said.

“Because Collin gloated that he had his way with me?” mom asked.

I nod my head.

She sighs

I then returned to my room and got into bed.

The video Collin made me watch earlier played in my head nonstop as I slept.

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