Education of Chelsea: New Lesson by simply_cyn,simply_cyn

There had been a lot of changes since the first time I had been with the man that I now called Master. I couldn’t even imagine calling him by his first name now; it just didn’t seem natural. The most natural things in the world to me now were things that I would have, at … Read more

Learning the Ropes Ch. 05

Chapter 5: Fitness Consultation After performing his “self-care,” HR blissfully fell asleep, excited for the next day. That was, until he received a call from an unknown number. Still half asleep, HR brought his phone up to his ear. “Hel-” “Hilbane!” A familiar and excited voice emanated from the phone, pounding his ear drum and … Read more

Discovery of a new desire by Vince

A literotic sexstories: Discovery of a new desire by Vince I was about 15 at the time, and I went over to my friend’s house to spend the night. My friend James (( I will leae his real name secret )) came up to me and hugged me. I didnt find it strange, we usually … Read more