Petra's Pictures – Art to Porn Ch. 06 by 1fastguy,1fastguy

Thanks readers. Petra’s Pictures Ch 05 was the highest rated Exhibitionism and Voyeur story for April. Petra Stanwick stood naked in front of the full length mirror on her closet door. The room lights were turned on. So was she! She’d been looking at computer images from Friday night at Professor Edwards’ apartment. Petra especially … Read more

SaM’s Place – Chapter 06 of 15 In The Beginning by The_Technician

A literotic sexstories: SaM’s Place – Chapter 06 of 15 In The Beginning by The_Technician , Evelyn is invited to join a very exclusive club, but she must first be interviewed by the admissions committee and explain why she deserves to be a part of SaM’s very exclusive club. The series begins with her first … Read more

The Ogress and Her Elves Ch. 06

An adult stories – The Ogress and Her Elves Ch. 06 by MissyMartinWrites,MissyMartinWrites Chapter Six Silvia’s property was private and expansive, though her friend used it for little else that releasing the pets she grew tired of, mostly rabbits, cats and foxes that she would rescue from the city and nurse back to health. Runa … Read more

Bite-Sized: One Big Step Ch. 06 by JadeOceanWrites

An adult stories – Bite-Sized: One Big Step Ch. 06 by JadeOceanWrites,JadeOceanWrites All characters are at least 18 years old. This is a non-canonical story related to the Family Morsel series. —— Cherry I awoke nestled against Drew’s chest, feeling it rise and fall with his breathing. He was shirtless with an arm around me, … Read more

Alex in Wonderland Ch. 06 by Entreri1791,Entreri1791

DISCLAIMER-This is a series of fan fiction, most of the characters in this series follow on from ONLINE CHASTITY by FICT which can be found in the BDSM part of Literotica. This is my view of what paths the original characters in the original series could have taken. You should read Online Chastity chapters 1-6 … Read more

Instrument of Vengeance Ch. 06 by BumblingFool,BumblingFool

Since he had no set time for them to get up Friday morning, they slept in until nearly 9:30 AM. They both peed and brushed their teeth to get ready for the day. Marcel went to the dresser and removed a pair of scissors. Handing them to her he said, “Take a towel with you … Read more

Editing Reailty Book 3, Chapter 06: Sinful Worship by mypenname3000

A literotic sexstories: Editing Reailty Book 3, Chapter 06: Sinful Worship by mypenname3000 , Editing RealityBook Three: Naughty Fantasies Unleashed Chapter Six: Sinful Worship By mypenname3000 Copyright 2019 Note: Thanks to WRC264 for beta reading this. Steve Davies I settled down at the pew with Kyleigh at my side. My family all seemed to have … Read more

Arlo & Cole Ch. 06: Thing

An adult stories – Arlo & Cole Ch. 06: Thing by SyptemberSmyth,SyptemberSmyth PRESENT DAY *** Gemma *** Miranda pulled open my refrigerator door, bending over to lean inside. “When is it going to be Fall again? I can’t handle much more of this heat.” She twisted the top off a water bottle, chugging half the … Read more