My Sister is a Bitch by Tymak8

Note: the word “bitch” is probably used over 100 times in this story. Also this is not really a true dom/sub relationship, more of an introduction for the characters into it. Also not a romantic relationship between bro/sis. Just wanted to let you know just in case any of those were turn offs for you. … Read more

Sex on the beach by Bear66

Introduction: Comments and advice welcome. , It was a hot spring day and he was layiing out on his lounge chair. He was wearing his oversized black shorts and a white sleeveless t-shirt. His aide had just shown up and saw he was sleeping in the shade in his back yard. She was a young … Read more

Swing Shift, part 2 by Ira Bond

Introduction: Levi works the swing shift at a 7-Eleven. He's popular with the young girls . . . and boys. Fair warning, Levi learns that he's bisexual. If you don't like boys with boys then slide on past this one and the next one. Maybe the one after that. , “Do you want to do … Read more

Espionage by Itsapirateslifeforme,Itsapirateslifeforme

He walked into the room to see her standing beside the table in a slave collar with matching manacles wearing a bra covering and skimpy underwear and couldn’t help but smirk to himself before looking at the man sitting at the table. “So is this your newest addition to your collection?” “Yes just picked her … Read more