Femdom by the author

I’d been trying to bring bondage into our relationship for a few months. As a little girl, I’d always enjoyed games that involved tying each other up, be it cops and robbers, cowboys and Indians, whatever. I’d evolved into somewhat of a switch, finding almost equal joy in restraining and toying with others as I … Read more


Sissy the Redhead: Big Brother and Mamma P tIV by Cumhammer

Introduction: If you like the last one and this one, stay tuned for more , Sissy the Redhead: Big Brother and Mamma Pt IV “This summer is going to suck,” I said to myself as I walked back to my mom’s house after wasting an hour not catching any fish. After all, I didn’t have … Read more


John and Alex: Brothers by boyfuck98

My name is John, and i have a brother named Alex. Alex and I are pretty close, we almost do everything together! We watch movies, hangout, play video games, talk about girls, basically normal guy-stuff. This year Alex turned 15, and I’m 17. The age difference isn’t a problem at all, which you would think … Read more


Peter and Pam get Married by CBruch,CBruch

Pam and Peter get married *******​ Pamela, known to everyone as just Pam, had always been a quiet, reserved kind of girl whose over-protective parents had discouraged her from taking risks, doing anything with a possibility of danger which for her parents included taking too great an interest in the opposite sex. As a consequence, … Read more


Self Dares Ch. 05 by stripgnd,stripgnd

I did invite Andy to come to the bar with us at the weekend. I almost didn’t, but I couldn’t think of a decent enough reason to not do so. It was just a simple message inviting him for a few drinks. I am not sure why I was being so standoffish with him. Like … Read more