Bedbugs and Boobs Pt. 02 by mcskyy,mcskyy

Part 2 “Shit!” she said, and in a panic, she broke her rule about touching door handles with her bare hands. She grabbed it and pulled. Thankfully, it opened. “Oh thank god….” She said. Then she CURSED herself for thinking it would lock in the first place! Now her bra was gone, and she had … Read more


Tammi the Ass Puppet

An adult stories – Tammi the Ass Puppet by born2rebellis,born2rebellis I noticed a post on social media from my sister’s friend, Tammi. She was complaining about men so I clicked on her profile and discovered she’d recently broken up with her boyfriend. Tammi wasn’t what you’d call ‘wife material’ but she was reasonably hot and … Read more


A Day with Bob the Builder

An adult stories – A Day with Bob the Builder by Miboman,Miboman A day with Bob the builder She sighed contently when she stepped into the steaming shower. Moving to a new house is hard work! She had spent all day with a rented van moving the last boxes, plants and other more fragile items … Read more