Maria and Joe Pt. 03

PART 3 Back in her room Maria found herself alone. She tossed her clothes onto the bed and dropped her towel. Maria stared blankly at the wall. The morning sun through the window shimmered against her damp skin. She felt lost. She hated that things so far were not going as she had planned. She … Read more

Building a Dream: Part Five by Steveandjay

Introduction: She looked up at me, clearly upset at her actions that she was now remembering clearly. “I fucked three guys yesterday. I can’t believe I did that. Why? Why did I do that? , Building a Dream: Part Five Continues on the day following Jay’s drunken threesome with Simon and Jay. The names of … Read more

Loneliest Man Who Ever Lived Ch. 09

An adult stories – Loneliest Man Who Ever Lived Ch. 09 by GaryLMMartin,GaryLMMartin [Note: This is a romance story with some erotic scenes. It is not a story with erotic scenes in every chapter. Some chapters have incredible sex scenes, but many others have none.] The Aftermath It felt odd, being back in New York. … Read more

Chapter 10 – The Honeymoon

An adult stories – Chapter 10 – The Honeymoon by travelenman,travelenman The stories of my experiences as a single man are numerous, but it is just as interesting after I marry the first time. This story is a leap forward, and I’m on my first honeymoon. My first wife, Sarah, was six years younger, sexual, … Read more