A NOT so Welcomed Guest Ch. 2 by pars001

A NOT so Welcomed Guest Ch. 2 by pars001 <br/> Things heat up. , Ephus – A demigod possessing the power to repower the gods Quinn Markov – human wife of Ephus ———————————– Norse Deities ————– Odin – War god, main god of the Norse gods Freya – a goddess associated with love, beauty, fertility, … Read more


Salvation Ch. 5 Arrivals by Zenythmon

Salvation Ch. 5 Arrivals by Zenythmon <br/> A dark and sadistic tale set in Victorian England , The arrival of so many new children at St Saviour’s had caused much excitement amongst the staff and governors. The anticipation of watching their humiliation and suffering as they struggled to cope with the harsh new routines brought … Read more


James by DanielLecher

James by DanielLecher <br/> Vegas aint the best place , On October 5th, 1995 a man by the name of James Bruce Gunner was put under arrest under the charges of invasion of privacy, trespassing, and rape. However, when they went to retrieve him for his trial, his cell was empty. To this day his … Read more


I never did like long skirts Pt. 2 by vanessa.evans

Cassie moves out of the family home and finally has a choice of what she wears. I never did like long skirts. by Vanessa Evans Part 2 The following evening Elise told me that I had an appointment on the Friday at 16:00 and that she’d come with me as it was my first time.


Julie’s Assault by KittySarah

Julie’s Assault by KittySarah Julie is walking home from school when she’s grabbed on the street by a gang of men…now they can use her however they like , She was walking home from school when they grabbed her. It was a warm night, She was wearing only a light tank top and a pair … Read more


Potential Part 5 by BiStander

Potential Part 5 by BiStander A teenage boy’s normal struggles with growing up are complicated by his porn brain and pantie fetish, or at least that’s what he thinks. There might be more to the story. , This is a very long story, so if you aren’t interested in a long incestuous family drama, turn … Read more


A New Day A New You part 12 by P.O.I.

A New Day A New You part 12 by P.O.I. In less than two weeks a new chapter, Enjoy and comment at your leisure. , At about five and a half feet tall and built for comfort Monica walks through from the bathroom to my bed in a skimpy pair of panties and garters that … Read more


Hyori’s last peformance by The Cannibal

Hyori’s last peformance by The Cannibal I am a secret millionaire who is hideously ugly and lives in a mansion. My money comes from illegal sources, mainly from importing drugs. I can afford anything I want, but I am afraid girls will be turned off by my disfigured face. I have crazy fantasies and have … Read more


A New Day The Other Me chapter 13 by P.O.I.

A New Day The Other Me chapter 13 by P.O.I. After much delay for personal reasons here you are my loyal fans. , Mark Delauter Sr. “Mark you can’t be seriously consulting the prosecution on how they can destroy my case,” Alden Thompson, defense attorney for the detectives and officer that assaulted and attempted to … Read more