Eye Opening Experience by sundownerboatfish

This trip to a book store exposed me to a new world of experiences It was a quiet afternoon so I thought I would head over to the adult book store (ABS) to see if there was anything happening in the video booths. There were a few guys in and out of the booths so


Grandma's House in the Country by EmiTsuruta,EmiTsuruta

By Emi Tsuruta When I was studying at university in the States, I used to go back to Japan in the summers to see my family and friends. On one of these trips, my mom suggested that we go visit my grandparents on their farm in the countryside. I hadn’t seen them for a while, … Read more


Something More with Abi Ch. 03 by SnowboardJack,SnowboardJack

Abi moved into my house because her apartment lease was up, and since we have gotten serious, it just made sense. Let me tell you, I knew the woman had a high sex drive after it was repressed for so long (damn strict religion), but since we have moved in together it has been the … Read more


Olive Oyly_(0) by The_Technician

A literotic sexstories: Olive Oyly_(0) by The_Technician , Olivia’s alter ego Oyly is released in a public performance. = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = Olivia’s alter ego Oyly is released in a public performance. Olivia Franklin awakes to find herself in … Read more