IT Never Happened: Did it? by ed the red

IT Never Happened: Did it? by ed the red Hi, my name is Zeno, and this is my story, hope you enjoy it , It Never Happened: Did It?? We all have a few dark secrets that we want to keep hidden; some of us manage to retain those secrets to the grave, others… well … Read more

Family First Ch. 06

An adult stories – Family First Ch. 06 by thestepfordgirl,thestepfordgirl by thestepfordgirl // AUHTOR’S NOTE // Hey folks, it’s been a minute! I have no idea if this is a return to me writing stories. I have a giant folder on my computer of half-finished work from the last 2 years and I don’t know … Read more

Sisters in Slavery Chapter Seven part one by Hellcat41979

Introduction: Second to last part of the story. , Chapter Seven Part 1 I've decided instead of one final chapter I'll do it in multiple parts. – Author's note to readers. Nothing about this story is meant to portray any of the characters as under eighteen years of age despite the obvious sexual naivety of … Read more

The Boys & a dog at Play 2 – MEET AMBER by dave_3

The Boys & a dog at Play 2 – MEET AMBER by dave_3 This Story is the second of the Trilogy of…The Boys & a dog at Play. I hope this part is enjoyed as much as the first part… , This Story is the second of the Trilogy of…The Boys & a dog at … Read more

The Houseguest Ch. 02: Monday by Story_Writter,Story_Writter

Monday Jordan left for work before Sarah and Scott had awoken and it was after when he returned. Using the key Scott had given him, he let himself into the house and shouted to them he was going for a quick shower and would join them shortly. Coming back downstair a few minutes later, not … Read more