Spontaneous Wife Ch. 01: Summertime BBQ by CoyoteHoward,CoyoteHoward

This is my story and is also published elsewhere. ***** It was the picture of Americana in southwest Idaho. A partly cloudy sky, with more sun than shade. Deep green grass. Horses munching away in the pasture while the kids, whose ages ranged from 2-16, played on the trampoline and playset. The husbands primarily were … Read more


Summer Camp Part 1 by jackin83

Introduction: I am getting ready to spend a month at my former summer camp with a group of church boys. The sexual tension can't be the same, or can it? , It was 4:30 a.m. and my alarm clock was ringing non-stop. I slept through the first 10 minutes because I definitely do not like … Read more


Through the Kitchen Window by Mikeymalt,Mikeymalt

Lazily, Maura ambled into the kitchen of her small apartment to put the kettle on for tea. It was late afternoon, the sun was already setting, and she hadn’t managed to change out of her baggy sweatpants all day. She hadn’t even bothered to put on panties or a bra on that morning, and now … Read more


Time with Shannon by SummerLake,SummerLake

Chapter 1 Shannon had been my hairdresser for a few years. She was very pretty, but I don’t think she thought she was. She also had this quiet wisdom about her. She seemed to understand people and life. Maybe it was because of all that she had lived through. Or maybe it was because of … Read more