The Undead 2 Serial killers by The Midnight Shade

The Undead 2 Serial killers by The Midnight Shade <br/> Jerrod Hallow decides to get his power back, but not through gangs, that was boring, but through fear of the serial killers. , The world had greatly changed since the forties. More people own guns, police had better weapons and appeared more aggressive if not … Read more


Devil Child by djohmari

Devil Child by djohmari Secumming to Lust , After five years with my girlfriend, we both decided to call it a day. Sure the sex was great, even terrific but other than that we had nothing in common. So deciding to make a clean break of it I scanned the internet for jobs far away … Read more


The Exorcism of Camilla

An adult stories – The Exorcism of Camilla by dothemath,dothemath Father Wilkins eyed the pitiful sight on the bed and tutted. “Again so soon, Camilla? This is the second exorcism you’ve required this month alone.” The young woman kneeling in front of him–fully nude, wrists and ankles strapped to the bedposts, her chastity belt already … Read more


Satan’s book 4 by darkhart

A literotic sexstories: Satan’s book 4 by darkhart , So yeah, part 4, I know part 3 was rather strange but it was fitting for the story, I don’t really feel like killing it just fitted. Now on to chapter 4. I wake up the next morning and don’t feel like school, I quickly write … Read more