A Ghostly Haunting-Chapter Nine by SimonFear01

A Ghostly Haunting-Chapter Nine by SimonFear01 Ashley goes to stay at her Girlfriend’s house for a few nights. Mr. & Mrs. Logan stay at the house, but something horrific befalls them. , A Ghostly Haunting Chapter Nine by Simon Fear The year is 1794 early in the morning around 9:00. A small two-person horse drawn … Read more

Bunny 01 – Who’s a Good Slut? by Bunnysmaster,Bunnysmaster

This is Part 1 of the Bunny Series. — She took a long breath in and looked up at Master, waiting for His permission to breathe out again. When it came, she opened her lips slightly and breathed out. Once Master got her breathing in a steady rhythm He ran His hand along her body, … Read more

The Sex Crystals Pt. 07

An adult stories – The Sex Crystals Pt. 07 by NottaMerican,NottaMerican This follows on from the previous chapter. The mysterious, Lesser-Spotted Josh, who appeared out of nowhere in the last chapter, continues to make his presence felt. It seems that he is here for the duration. Who knew? This chapter contains some incest as well … Read more

Do You Like to Watch? Pt. 03

An adult stories – Do You Like to Watch? Pt. 03 by Jimmy2x4,Jimmy2x4 Danny laid on his side, the warm body heat from Annie made him smile. His eyes closed and his mind drifted asleep with the words he wanted to hear from Annie. “I want you to take me to one of them parties … Read more