Bridezilla Brenda’s Beastly Brawl — Part 4 — The Reception by Barbarian Dogwoggle

“oh brenda!” kevin gasped.

“do you like me?” asked brenda between kisses.

“more than i could ever tell you.”

helmut climbed on top of brenda, wasting no more time, and slid his thick dick past her sphincter and deep into brenda’s ass from above.

“stop that… oh shit!! what is that monstrous thing??”

helmut pressed the back of her chest downwards with his hands and his weight made escape for brenda impossible.

“oh shit!”

“come on sean… use her mouth and shut her up,” helmut laughed.

sean stepped forward, pulled brenda’s upper body over towards him breaking her next kiss with kevin.

“sorry kevin. kiss her tits instead.”

kevin latched his mouth on brenda’s left tit. sean then smiled at brenda as he whacked her cheek with his long erect dick.

“open up, brenda.”

brenda opened her mouth invitingly and sean smiled wider as he inserted his most erect dick and started to play with her right nipple with his fingers. she winked at him as she closed her mouth and started to suck on it. all four then started a persistent rhythm that would soon bring them all to orgasm. brenda never ever had three at once, and she found this all rather exciting. kevin was enjoying his first fuck ever and hugged her waist fiercely from below as he continued to nibble on her left nipple as he thrust his hips upwards driving him deep into brenda. soon kevin and helmut were giving brenda their all, with alternating hard and deep thrusts.

“mmmnnaaaa maaannnnaa !!”

brenda was trying to say something as she felt three men simultaneously pumping semen into her. this sent her over the top with a series of loud grunts.

” !! !! ” her orgasm washed over her mind and her brain’s endorphins put her in a total erotic bliss state.

sean pulled out after his second spurt and covered her face with his remaining spurts. so lost was brenda in her own major orgasm that she even forgot to swallow what sean had left in her mouth.


“thanks brenda… i’ll never forget you,” kevin gasped from beneath her.

brenda was a dripping mess, still lying on the bed and breathing hard, as the men were walking out the door and back to the reception.

“oh my god.”

reception’s end


“yes. amy?”

“thanks for spending $50,000 on my wedding. i never wanted a big lavish wedding, but thanks.”

“you’re the one who deserves all that is good in this world. go and make me proud.”

“i love you so much daddy.”

amy excitedly threw her arms around his neck and kissed her daddy on his cheek. he turned to look at her when she finished and just as she was coming in for a second cheek kiss. they kissed on the lips and both lips parted in an instant as they fit together. he wrapped his arms around her chest and held her to him gently feeling her soft small tits press into his chest. in just seconds, she felt him poking into her.

“oh. oh daddy.”

“i love you too amy.”

she blushed as she escaped. brian was reluctant to let his younger daughter go.

“i’m ready to go home daddy.”

“brenda… where have you been off to?”

“oh. i was talking to brad and i gave him my car keys and then i was just getting to know some of brad’s friends a little better.”

“that’s nice.”

“yea it was,” brenda whispered to herself with a small smile.

brenda wondered if her baby would look more like her daddy or more like kevin. brenda then noticed that that brian had an enormous erection.

“have you been thinking about me?”

“i love thinking about fucking my daughter,” answered brian truthfully, but he had been thinking of amy, not brenda.

“well then, let’s go home and find some place to put that thing,” she whispered in his ear.

groomsmen and bridesmaids

“hi guys. still having a fun time?” enquired amy.

“the very best,” answered kevin with a satisfied smile, as if he had a big secret.

“yea. this was a most exceptional party evaaah,” added helmut.

“this really was the best wedding ever,” added sean.

“are you three still sober?”

“yea. we’re lousy drinkers, but your wine was really something special,” replied helmut.

“brenda picked them out.”

“she has really good taste,” added sean.

“i think she chose by price, not taste,” laughed amy.

“oh… what did your father say?” wondered kevin.

“he wasn’t too pleased that they went $10,000 over budget.”

“wow. i hope she does something really special for him,” said kevin.

amy blushed and thought back to the kiss she shared with her father. she wondered exactly what brenda was doing for him. and she wondered what he did to brenda to make her so nice at the reception. how was such an unexpected transformation possible? she weighed her suspicions.

“so, are you about to leave?” asked kevin interrupting amy’s reverie.

“yea. soon… brad wants us to go up to our suite in a few minutes.”

“well, enjoy yourselves,” sean added with a smirk and a laugh.

“we’ll never tell… but i am worried about my friends over there,” she added pointing at three of her sprawled out friends who were her impromptu bridesmaids.

“are they drunk?” asked kevin.

“for sure,” answered helmut.

“they’re all so cute when they’re drunk.” added sean.

“can you make sure they all get home safely and intact,” begged amy.

“we’d be proud to,” offered sean.

“and by intact, i also mean their hymens intact too,” added amy.

“oh. do they all still have hymens?” asked sean.

“that’s for them to know and for you to find out,” laughed amy as she led the men to the girls.

“can you introduce them to us properly?” asked kevin. kevin likes proper.

“i doubt it. just look at them.” laughed amy.

“hey bridesmaids! i’ve got steeds to take you home?”

“steeds or studs?” slurred one of them.

“can we ride them?” slurred another.

“they better not ride us,” slurred the third.

amy turned to the groomsmen and grabbed their hands.

“you’ll take good care of them?” she pleaded.

“and not get any of them pregnant please? promise?” entreated amy.

“we promise,” answered the three in near unison.

“do they need to go home tonight?” asked sean holding up three hotel keycards.

“i guess not, but don’t make any of them sad… please.”

helmut held open a bag for amy to look into. she looked in and saw three unopened boxes of a dozen condoms each.

“you guys!!!”

“we hate sloppy seconds,” laughed sean.

“too much information. too much information. too much information,” chanted amy.

“bye amy.”

amy reluctantly left the six of them together, and watched as the men tried to get the girls to walk, but ended up carrying them all to separate rooms.

she knew that they’d all go home tomorrow afternoon well fucked as the men would move from room to room, all night long and all morning long, fucking each in turn again and again and again, and in nearly every position. thinking about it made her rather wet, and even made her wish that she was one of those girls.

the bridal suite

“excuse me. hotel management here…”

roger and claire stopped kissing. their clothing was disheveled. some hands were not visible.


“it’s well after midnight and it’s time for the cleaning crew. you’re the only ones still here.”

“oh,” claire looked about, disappointed.

“we’re the maid of honor and the best man. can you please book us a room nearby? please?” roger handed the man his credit card.

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