Devil Child by djohmari

Devil Child by djohmari

Secumming to Lust , After five years with my girlfriend, we both decided to call it a day. Sure the sex was great, even terrific but other than that we had nothing in common.
So deciding to make a clean break of it I scanned the internet for jobs far away from here. I spotted one, sounded good money, in a booming town, so I gave the number a call.
After giving my C.V. over the phone and talking to the boss for about an hour, he offered me the job, providing I got there that day!
Frantic organisation followed and before I knew what was happening I was on a plane.

I was met at the airport, by a rather attractive blonde, whom turned would be my assistant. We had a brief conversation about the job, which although nervous about, thought I could handle. I asked the question of why my predecessor was leaving, after all the job paid well, the company seemed great to work for etc. Sam, my secretary explained that the guy, whom I was replacing, had personal issues and had turned to drink. The boss of the company was a strict teetotaller and wouldn’t tolerate his behaviour so told him to move on.

We arrived at the building, modern with state of the art everything. Sam led me in and to my new office and introduced me to Robert Cole, as the nameplate on the desk said. As per description the guy looked a mess. He brought me up to speed on the project that I’d be working on and started to clear his/my desk. I suggested we go for a coffee before he left for good, just to get his feel of the company and the area. “The company is great, the monies good and the area is terrific” he informed me. “You’ll have trouble getting accommodation though” he went on. (Shit I hadn’t thought about that yet, such was my haste in leaving). “Then why are you leaving?” I asked, making out I didn’t know about his drink problem. “It’s that dam bratt!” he mumbled before explaining that he had lodged with a mother of a teenage kid whom he couldn’t handle. The kid had basically driven him to drink and them apart. I sympathised with him and wished him well, secretly thanking his misfortune for my new circumstance.

Back at the office, the boss introduced himself and welcomed me to the “party”. Hew gave me a warm handshake and whirled out of the office. “You got somewhere to stay?” he asked as he left. “Not yet” I replied as he walked away. “Sort him something out Sam, getting accommodation around here is hell, at the moment”. Sam replied, “No problem” but had a worried look on her face. I crept back into my office and started to see what I had to contend with..

I was familiar with most of the stuff and could adapt to the rest, I thought, just as Sam came into my office. “I’ve managed to find you lodgings” she said in an almost apologetic voice, “You’ll just have to try them until we may be possibly able to find you somewhere else”. She handed me a piece of paper, with an address, “She’ll be expecting you this afternoon. The boss says it’s O.K to leave early and get yourself sorted”, she informed me. Well that didn’t sound too promising but beggers can’t be choosers.

I got Sam to get me a cab, gave the driver the address and headed off, with what belongings I had managed to grab. We arrived at a smart little house, on an estate. Didn’t look too bad? I paid the driver, made my way to the door and rang the bell. Boy oh boy was I in for a treat. Think Kim Bassinger but as a brunette, answered the door. She didn’t look too happy but was polite, showed me my room and asked if I would like supper. “Thanks” was about the gist of our conversation.

I settled into my room and lay on the bed. I must have drifted off until I heard a sharp knocking at the door. I opened it to be greeted by a wide eyed, ear to ear grin on a young girl, still in her school uniform. She was about 5’2”, long mousey hair and as slim as you’d expect a young energetic girl to be. “Suppers ready” she beamed as she took me by the hand and led me downstairs. “I’m Milly, I’m 13” she informed me. “Hi Milly, I’m Jack, I’m older than 13”. Again she beamed her huge grin as she led me downstairs, “I hope were going to be real good friends”, she said. (What a lovely little thing) I thought to myself (And so friendly).

As we sat and ate supper Brandi (K.B. look-alike) sat reasonably quietly. Milly, on the other hand, never stopped talking. Asking all about me. I’d explained about my previous relationship to which Milly quickly told me that her father had left her mother when she’d gotten pregnant and that her recent boyfriend had suddenly left, without explanation. Brandi tutted and told Milly off for giving a stranger too much personal information away. “Anyway, mum’s right off men at the moment”, Milly continued, receiving yet another admonishment. (Damn shame) I thought (Wouldn’t have minded trying my luck).

Brandi stood after eating, cleared the pots and washed up. I offered to help but was told it wasn’t my job, after all I was paying rent. When she had finished she told Milly to go and get showered and changed, do her homework and get to bed. She was off to her sisters for a couple of hours. Within a moment she was gone. “She’s off to cry her troubles away” explained Milly. She too shot away from the table and ran upstairs. I made my way to the lounge and switched on the box. I heard the shower going upstairs and thought what a good girl Milly was, doing as her mother had told her.

After a couple of minutes Milly appeared, gone was the school uniform, replace by an oversized, sleeveless “V” necked red vest, a pair of shorts, which again looked too big and not much else. Although her tits were really small the oversized vest made them more obvious than had she worn something tighter, her little points poking out the loose material. She more or less skipped into the kitchen, from which I heard “Oh goody goody”. She soon returned to the lounge with a plate of cheesecake and two spoons. “Would you like some cheesecake?” she asked as she sat on the coffee table, right in front of me. “Well thank you, I would like to partake in the sharing of your delicious looking cake” I jokingly replied.

Milly handed me a spoon and took a spoonful of cake for herself, whilst holding the plate in her other hand. I reached over with my spoon and got a little bit for myself. As I chewed the cake I looked at Milly. Had she been older then I would have sworn she was flirting, licking her lips seductively and moaning at the taste.
Milly then went for another spoonful. This time though she seemed to be taking great care on the positioning of her cake on her spoon. As I reached over for my second spoonful Milly said “Oh whoops”. I looked up to see that she had dropped the cake off her spoon and down her cleavage (if you could call it that). “Oh dear” I responded as I saw her predicament. “No worries” she said as she simply took the vest over her head, exposing her slender, naked, top half to me with not even the hint of embarrassment. Her exposed breasts, as I have said before were small, probably a 32A but her areola protruded, like small mounds from the points of her boobs, capped by little pink nipples.

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