Jason and Robbie by Orion230

I dunno man, I’ve thought a lot about it too, I’m thinking I might be gay. Heh, I’m just so horny right now, haven’t gotten any action in a long time…”

“Well, we’ll just have to see,” I said and smiled. Then I reached down to pull down my plastic pants. All of a sudden, he stopped me, looked at me with a wild grin on his face, and shook his head. Robbie pushed my hands away and pulled back up my vinyl underwear, then bent down to get a better look.

He slowly reached out and lightly grabbed my cock through the vinyl and I instant let out a loud moan. Was he seriously about to do what I think he was?

Then he leaned forward and lightly brushed the plastic with his tongue, licking it right next to my cock. By now I was looking straight down at him and taking short quick breaths.

I was already in heaven, I didn’t think I could take much more!

“Mmm…they’re so soft…” He murmured, as he nuzzled his face into them, lightly kissing the vinyl covering my rock hard cock. He started using his hands too, feeling around the plastic, cupping and massaging my vinyl-covered balls in his hands. It felt so good, my legs started to collapse!

“Heh, c’mon, let’s go over to the bed,” Robbie said, and helped me up.

We walked the four feet over to the bed, then Robbie pushed me down on to it and straddled my legs.

“So, Jason,” Robbie said, idly poking and running his hands over the plastic, “Have you ever gotten a blow job before?”

“Um, no…” I replied timidly.

“Well,” Robbie said in a sultry voice, “You’re about to get pretty lucky, aren’t you?”

I figured I’d ask, “Have you given one before? To a guy?”

“I tried it once on a guy, a several months ago.

But anyways, shut up and let me blow you!” He spoke up. I wasn’t about to disagree!

Robbie slowly got down back to eye-level with my cock, and slowly took the head in his mouth, plastic and all. I watched as more and more of my vinyl-covered penis disappeared inside his mouth. He kept going down until my entire cock was in his mouth, and Robbie’s face pressed into the plastic.

Then he started sucking and moving his head up and down, licking and sucking on my cock through the plastic.

“Ohhh…oh god, Robbie, yes…ohhhhh…” My moaning got louder and louder as I could feel my cock and the plastic getting hot and moist in his mouth.

He kept on sucking harder and harder, it felt like my cock was going to explode! Then he went all the way down again, engulfing my entire cock, and managing to get my balls in his mouth too!

“Ohhhh…holy…holy crap, Robbie…I’m…I’m gonna…cum…” I managed to get out between pants as I started twitching like crazy.

Robbie stayed down on my entire cock, sucking as hard as he could on the vinyl.

“OHHHHH!!!” I screamed, as I started spasming as my vinyl underwear started to fill up with my own cum. Robbie, just smiled and nodded, but kept sucking while engulfing my entire cock and balls in his mouth!

“Ohhh…oh, shit…oh shit Robbie, stop…Robbie…stop, please…shit…” I kept spasming uncontrollably and orgasming like crazy as my cock went sensitive.

But he still kept sucking! I tried to squirm away or push his head off, but he just got a hold of my plastic pants and kept sucking harder! After a few more seconds, he pulled off, as I laid on the bed, panting, exhausted. We both had ridiculous grins on our faces.

“You’re not done yet,” He said, and pulled on my arms until I was sitting up on the side of the bed. I was still in a daze and looked at him rather bewildered.

“I didn’t get any cum, dude,” He said, eyeing my plastic pants again.

I helped him ease my plastic briefs down until they were around my ankles. They were sopping wet from a combination of sweat, saliva, and cum. He immediately went down to them and started lapping at the pools of cum in the plastic!

“Mmm, tasty,” He said, as he kept licking and sucking on the plastic to get all the cum out.

“Ima goin to bed,” I said, and collapsed back onto the bed.

A few minutes later, he was all done with the plastic, so I forced myself to change back into some boxers to go to bed.

“Um, you can stay in my bed, I guess,” I said to Robbie. He kind of looked at me at rolled his eyes, figuring I was stating the obvious. We both got into bed, me with my arm around him and fell asleep.

I couldn’t believe it.

Here I was, sleeping with the guy I had a crush on! I couldn’t help but just watch him breathe for a few minutes, his chest slowly rising and falling, a little wisp of hair falling in front of his face. It wasn’t long before exhaustion overcame my excitement and I fell asleep on top of him.

A couple hours later, I felt him stir, then get up from the bed. He must be going to the bathroom.

A minute or so later, my eyes still closed, I heard him come back into my room, but then he whispered, “Psst, hey…Jason! Wake up dude!”

What now? I lazily rolled over a bit and looked over, squinting at him, since he turned on the lamp on the desk. What I saw snapped my eyes open in shock and excitement.

Robbie was standing in front of me, wearing nothing but one of my pairs of clear plastic underwear.

He was rock hard, pushing out the plastic until the top was barely covering his cock (not like it mattered). I could tell they barely fit him, almost looking like they were going to burst! He looked at me, giving me that devilish little grin again.

“What do ya think?”

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