The naughty Mom by mstrmrd

” “What?” “Just get up there.” Alicia followed her naked son down the plushly carpeted hall way and up the carpeted stairs. Her eyes never left his flexing little asscheeks. She hadn’t seen any of her sons naked in a long time. Ricky was still a boy, still completely hairless, but there was something about the shape of his body that hinted of manhood. Maybe it was a hint of muscles about to sprout, or a slight wideness of his shoulders and upper back in contrast to his boyish hips.

Whatever it was, Alicia found herself wanting to see more of the boy. She followed him into the bathroom. “Get under the shower. Quick.” “But Mom –” “You’re shaking like a leaf. We’ve gotta warm you up.” She stopped the boy before he could close the shower door, then reached in and turned on the water, adjusting it to a steamy temperature.

The boy stood there, half turned so she couldn’t see his cock. “I can take my own shower, Mom.” “Just get under the water and be quiet.” “Ouch! It’s too hot!” “You’ll get used to it. Now get under there.

” She grabbed his hips and pulled him completely under the drenching spray. His boy-prick was standing straight out. His cock looked about five inches long and about as thick as a hot dog. The purplish head of his cock peeked from its foreskin. Alicia swallowed, stunned by the sight of her youngest son’s cock. Not only was his cock big, but it was hard and straight as an arrow. As she gazed at his uncut cock, she felt a rush of tightness in cunt.

“Why don’t I go soak in the hot-tub?” Ricky said, trying to turn away. “I’d get warmer faster in the hot-tub.” Alicia had to think fast. “You need more than a soak, young man. You need a good scrubbing as well.” “The dirt’ll soak off in the hot-tub.

” “And pollute the water,” Alicia said, reaching for a bar of soap. “The hot-tub’s to be used only after you take a bath. You know that. Now you just hold still. You’re filthy.” The boy squirmed, but Alicia had a good hold on him and she started to soap up his back. “Hold still,” she said, and whacked him on the ass.

The boy crossed his arms, pouting. The water fell on his head and his long hair covered his eyes. Alicia couldn’t tell if he had his eyes closed or not. She turned him back away from the spray so she could rinse his back. She took his arm and soaped it, working her hand under his armpit until he giggled. “There, that’s not so bad, is it?” she said.

“You starting to feel warmer?” “Uh-huh,” he grunted, a thin smile on his lips. The boy’s prick was angling upwards now. His foreskin had retracted almost completely off the cockhead and his prick appeared to have grown another half inch. Alicia noticed his ball-sac now. It was hairless, pink, and swollen. She resisted an urge to kiss his balls.

She soaped the boy’s chest, feeling his muscles contract under her fingers. She was sweating in the steamy heat, her blouse wet nearly to her waist. She reached up and turned off the water. “We’ll leave it off now, until we can rinse you,” she said. “You do feel warm now, don’t you?” “Real warm,” the boy mumbled. He parted the hair over his eyes with two hands and hooked it back over his ears.

His eyes were closed. He stood there passively as Alicia worked her soapy hands over his smooth skin. You’re out of your mind, Alicia told herself, her hands working as if possessed. This is your own son, for heaven’s sake! He’s too old for his mother to give him a bath. And you’re not just giving him a bath. You’re getting a sexual thrill out of playing with his naked body.

You can’t get your eyes off his cock. Control yourself, you evil woman. Control yourself. In answer to these thoughts, there was a snicker in Alicia’s mind. It was the snicker of that usually nagging, usually taunting voice. But that voice wasn’t saying a word now. It was just chuckling as Alicia worked, and snickering at Alicia’s fears and doubts.

Alicia was panting, her breathing loud in the shower stall. Ricky’s prick twitched just inches from her nose. She felt the perverted desire to take his stiff young cock in her mouth and suck on it. She’d never done anything like that before — although she’d often felt such desires. She’d never even gotten up the nerve to suck on her husband’s cock. Ricky sighed. He was trembling slightly again, although his skin was exuding heat.

“Are you getting cold, darling?” “Uh-huh,” the boy said. “If you get cold, let me know and we’ll turn the water back on.” Ricky just sighed, nodding. Alicia slid her soapy hands up and down the boy’s slim belly. She caressed his flanks, slipping her fingers under his arms again. He hadn’t a hair in his armpits.

He hadn’t a hair on his balls or on his groin. Her hands moved down, working soap onto his lower back, onto his ass. As her fingers slid into the crevice between his asscheeks, he caught his breath and his prick flexed. Oh, God! Alicia thought. Oh, my God! Her face was flushed with a terrible heat.

A maddening throbbing had begun in her pussy. She felt like grabbing at her cunt and squeezing. She soaped Ricky’s legs, moved down and washed his feet, working her fingers between his toes. The size of his feet and toes amazed her, just as the size of his cock and balls amazed her. He had over- sized hands, too. Neither his feet, hands, nor cock appeared the right size for his skinny young body. “Don’t you ever wash your feet?

” she scolded. “And when’s the last time you cleaned your toenails?” The boy didn’t respond. His breathing came fast. Alicia slid her hand back up. She rubbed his ass, working her fingers into the crevice, squeezing his rubber asscheeks. She took a deep breath, her face on fire, her mind buzzing, and she moved her hands between her son’s legs, soaping up his naked crotch.

“Oooh!” the boy breathed. “Oh, man!” His words were barely audible. His soapy toes curled against the porcelain of the tub. Alicia was breathing as if she’d just run up three flights of stairs. Her heart was banging in her chest.

She couldn’t control her hands. Ricky’s soapy feet slid on the floor of the tub as he spread his legs. His knees were shaking. Alicia’s hands filled with his balls, squeezing them, rolling them gently, caressing his balls. They were like fat rubber eggs. And the boy’s sac-skin was incredibly soft. “Oooh!

” he whispered. “Ohhh, oooh!” His eyes were still clamped shut and his head nodded slightly from side to side. Alicia’s eyes were blurry with tears — tears of lust. Her cunt felt as if it had swollen to the size of a fist between her legs — and it throbbed maddeningly. She squeezed her legs together, working her wet cuntlips against each other. Ricky’s prick pointed straight at the ceiling, its head a shiny purplish-red, blue veins straining to burst on its cream-colored shaft.

Its piss-hole stood wide open, a clear fluid oozing out as the prick throbbed. Alicia played with Ricky’s balls, sliding her soapy fingers all around and under them, up and down his crotch, up into his asscrack. His toes wriggled. He crossed his arms over his chest, hugging himself. “I hope you’ve been keeping this thing clean,” Alicia mumbled. Her hand curled around the shaft of his cock. The stiff young fuckrod quivered, flexing.

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