The naughty Mom by mstrmrd

“I mean, you’ve gotta remember to always wash under the skin. That’s the main thing.” Alicia peeled the boy’s foreskin all the way off the cockhead, pulling it down tightly. The underside of the foreskin was flushed. The cockhead looked as if it would pop off the cockshaft. Alicia squeezed, unable to believe how hard her son’s prick was. Paul’s cock had never been this hard.

Ricky panted. His skinny body shook all over. “Always soap it up good and make sure to wash under the skin,” Alicia mumbled. Her soapy hands slid up and down her son’s swelling prick. THe cockhead felt like an ember in her palm. The prick was still growing. His cock had to be six inches long now, and fat, and frighteningly hard.

She was afraid the skin on the cockrod would split and that Ricky’s naked, skinless prick would explode out into her hand. “Ooooh!” Ricky whimpered under his breath. His toes kept clutching at the floor of the tub. Prick-lube oozed like sap from his open piss-hole. His skinny loins wiggled and he began to thrust, fucking his stiff prick in Alicia’s closed fist. Alicia squeezed, jerking her hand up and down Ricky’s cockshaft.

She watched its purplish head pop out again and again between her encircling thumb and forefinger. His hairless groin collided repeatedly with the heel of her hand. The boy’s loins worked as if driven by a spring, humping with what appeared to be an instinctive rhythm. As her son fucked his burning prick in and out of Alicia’s soapy hand, Alicia was reminded of a young male dog mounted on a bitch. Ricky’s skinny body resembled young dog’s she thought for some odd reason. And he was humping like a young dog out of control. His eyes were open now, glassy and glazed.

The boy looked as if he were in a trance. His loins thrust, driving his stiff prick. His belly muscles stood out rippling washboard as his body undulated with lust and pleasure. Alicia imagined she could feel his prick in her cunt. Each time he thrust, her cunt contracted, and she imagined a stiff cock fucking deep into her, working between her swollen pussylips, filling her stiff clit. Her toes curled in her shoes. She clamped her legs together fiercely and rhythmically.

Ricky’s prick flexed hard. He shivered violently and let out a gasp. A shuddering vibration shot through his pick and his jism squirted out against the tiled wall of the shower stall. “Oh Ricky!” Alicia gasped, shaking all over, her hand filled with his bucking cock. Before he could shoot again, Alicia shoved her face in front of his cock and caught his second spurt of cum in her open mouth. As the milky jism splashed against the back of her throat, a whirling heat saturated her loins and her cunt exploded with pleasure.

She groaned, unable to control her voice. Her cunt contracted again and again as she worked her legs against each other. Hot needles of pleasure flooded her fuckhole and spread throughout her loins. As her body vibrated with orgasm, she maintained her jerking grip on Ricky’s cock and caught his hot spurts of cum in her mouth. She swallowed the sweet alkaline cock cream as fast as it came. Gazing up, she saw Ricky’s eyes rolled back to the white slits. He was whimpering as if he were being whipped.

As her orgasm subsided, Alicia was overcome with a sense of embarrassment and shame such as she had never felt. She released her son’s cock as if it were radioactive. His prick was still stiff as a bone and pointed straight up. She turned on the shower again, this time full blast. Without daring to look into her son’s face, she closed the stall door. “Rinse off good,” she called to him, unable to keep her voice fm sounding strained and thin. “Then put on warm clothes, and for goodness-sakes, don’t forget your raincoat.

” She tried to laugh nonchalantly, but it sounded glaringly artificial. The boy said nothing. She could see his blurred shape through the glass stall as he turned this way and that, rinsing himself. A straight rod protruded from his groin like a barrel of a pistol, wagging as he moved. “I’m late for my workout,” she called, wishing he’d answer so she could hear the tone of his voice. “If I get done early enough, and if you and your brothers haven’t eaten someplace, I’ll cook something.” “You?

” He sounded almost shocked. “Yes, me. I can cook, you know. We didn’t always have Hilda around to do the cooking and housework, you know.” “Oh yeah, sure,” he said, although he didn’t sound at all convinced. “Well, we didn’t,” Alicia said. “See you later.

And stay dry. I don’t want you dying of hypothermia on me.” “What?” “Never mind, I’ve gotta run.” Alicia fled the bathroom, relieved she’d gotten away so easily. Ricky didn’t sound at all upset by what had happened. He sounded as if he’d forgotten all about it already.

That was the way he sounded, anyway.

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