The Son of Lust Chapter 11: The Sphinx’s Naughty Riddle by mypenname3000

“A pussy has lips, hungers for cock, and takes seed.” I winked at her. “Usually my seed.”

“Indeed,” she said, her claws scratching on the floor. “If you could not solve something so simple given your hedonism, I would be sorely disappointed. But the look on your face. You suspected the trap. Thought it too easy. How about this one?”

What has fire but does not burn,

beguiles but is not enchanted.

Inspires but is no art.

Worshiped but is no god.

Desired but is not gold.

My brow furrowed at that one. It was definitely the harder of the two. Fire that doesn’t burn. How can something have fire? Beguiling. Inspires but wasn’t art. I didn’t have much experience with art. Worshiped… What did I worship beside a god?


But that was the answer to the last riddle. So it couldn’t be pussy. Right? Desired but wasn’t gold. I didn’t desire gold. I desired pussy. Cunt. Hot snatch. I wanted to dump my seed into women’s twats and breed them with my seed and…


They definitely had fires in them, and they were beguiling, inspiring, and desired. I worshiped them. Ached for them. I glanced at the sphinx, my brow furrowing. She had that smile on her lips. This mocking gleam.

Did she really think this was hard? “Women,” I said. “They fit all those categories.” I glanced at her. “So do you?”

“Correct,” she said.

This was so easy. I wanted to blurt that out, but why gloat? One more riddle to go. I was ready for anything, my dick thrusting hard before me. She stared at me with those yellow, slitted eyes. Her tail swished back and forth.

“None have ever figured out this riddle,” she said. “They come here to my lair and are always stymied. I’m left alone. Unknown. Cursed to guard this treasure by Cernere. Will you be the one to set me free?”

“If that’s the riddle, then, yes,” I said, grinning.

“No. It’s this.” She gave me such a penetrating stair. “What is my name?”

I blinked. “What? That’s not a riddle. How can I figure it out?”

“All the clues have been given,” she said, her tail swishing back and forth. “Answer correctly, or pay the consequences.”

I swallowed, my fingers flexing. This was insane. There was no way I could answer that question. Her name. My eyes flicked around the room. Was there any clue inhere? I saw the beam of sunlight that fell down on the underwater stream behind me. The stacks of gold coins behind her. My eyes flicked around the room.

Nothing felt right. Gold couldn’t be her name. Treasure? That didn’t feel right. What would you name a sphinx? Nephi? It felt like a good sphinx’s name, but how could that hers? She could have any name in the world.

“This is unfair,” I complained.

“Since when was life fair?” asked the sphinx. “Do you forfeit?”

“No,” I growled, facing her. “I don’t.”

“I think you do,” she said. “You have no idea how to solve the riddle.”

“I can’t solve the riddle!” I roared back.

“Forfeit!” she purred and charged at me.

She leaped at me with such speed, her wings flapping to propel her pounce forward. I threw myself to the side out of instinct. I hit the stony ground and rolled. I came up to my feet to find her landing on the cave floor where I had stood. Her big breasts heaved. She turned to face me.

“Brother!” Pyrriah appeared before me, her red hair aflame. She had her tulwar out, standing between me and the sphinx.

“Begone, Gewin’s get!” snapped the sphinx.

A wind sprang up and slammed into Pyrriah. She flew back across the stream and hit the ground at my mother’s feet. She swelled, growing into her draconic form. Blue scales broke out across her skin. Her breasts melted into her belly scales. Wings sprouted from her back while her neck grew long and sinuous.

The stream glowed with sunlight. It blazed upward and then a barrier of light split the room in twain, cutting me off from my family. The sphinx grinned at me as she advanced on her paws, her big boobs swaying.

“This contest is between me and you,” she said. “What is my name?”

She leaped.

I flung myself towards my tulwar. I hit the ground on my belly, grunting at the smacking impact. I snatched up my sword and whirled around. I thrust the blade out before me as I rose. She darted in, wings rustling.

I could fight her. Pyrriah had shown me how. I had a god’s blood pounding through my veins. I focused, fighting to control my fear. I just had to wait for her to get aroused. For her to succumb to the lust for my cock.

I thrust my tulwar at her to stop her charge.

She slid to a stop and snarled, her claw flashing out. She batted my tulwar. To my shock, the blade flew for my hand and fell on the stone. I swallowed as a low and dangerous growl rose in her throat. She stared at me with those golden eyes.

“No one in the town mentioned your name,” I groaned. “Heliana didn’t mention it.”

“No one knows my name!” the sphinx growled, sounding bitter. She swiped a paw at me, claws gleaming in the barrier’s light.

I jumped back, arms pinwheeling. I landed, caught my balance. I shifted my feet, heart pounding in my chest. How could I defeat her? A week’s training wasn’t enough. How long could I run around this room before she caught me?

“I’ve been here my whole life!” she snarled. “Unknown. Uncared for. Just a guardian over gold, a joke by Cernere! Chained. No one!”

She rushed in at me, her wings flapping. Her paw slashed at me. I grabbed it with my hands, gripping her furry limp. The force threw me on my ass. I hit the ground, tailbone exploding in pain. She snarled and pounced on me.

Her paws struck my shoulders, pinning me down. She lowered her beautiful face, expression twisted in anger. Her feline eyes stared at me. Her sharp claws pricked at my skin, moments from tearing me in half.

“What is my name?” she demanded.

Panic tumbled through me. Clues. There were clues? What were they and…?

“No one knows my name!” If that was a riddle, it would imply that not even she knew her name. Unknown. No one. Her whole life. Had she been brought here as a kitten, newly born? Had she never been given a name by her mother? Cernere?

“I have spent a thousand years in solitude. In anonymity, known only to treasure hunters simply as sphinx or as bitch.”

Was that the riddle? To figure out that she had to be named? Cared for? Loved? Her riddles… Pussy. Women. She wasn’t just a monster. She could shift out of this form into one that was human. Feminine. Did she ache to have a man claim her? Make love to her. Spill his seed in her. Worship her.

“What is my name?” she roared, her face almost at mine, fury in her eyes.

“Nephi!” I cried out, that name that had popped into my mind bursting from my lips. “Your name is Nephi!”

Her head snapped down.

But she didn’t tear out my throat.

She kissed me. Her lips met mine in a fierce kiss. Her tongue thrust into my mouth. I met it, feeling the rougher texture than any of my other women. I groaned as I kissed her, my hands sliding up to stroke the tawny fur of the sphinx’s body.

Of Nephi’s body.

The fur melted from my fingers. The claws prickling my shoulders retracted. Paws became slender fingers. I stroked a narrowing torso. I caressed smooth skin. I kissed her with hunger as she became human. I stroked down to her hips. Her thighs. I caressed over her rump. Her large breasts pressed into my chest.

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