Three Green Street by mobile lust

How can I describe it, an explosion in my cunt, my body spasming as my muscles in my groin contracted pushing cum out of my cunt hole, the need to slow my fingers down as my clit screamed at me not to touch it so hard. I lay there panting and softly stroking myself in my euphoric state, eventually I opened my eyes and realised Miss Jackson stood in the doorway, her bath gown open she was rolling a nipple in her fingers smiling at me, she said nothing, turned and walked away, I had no idea how long she had been standing there watching me!

That week was very hectic for me, I threw myself into my work only seeing Miss Jackson fleetingly at home. The weather was so warm and sultry even at night which prevented me from sleeping, in the end I took off my pyjamas and slept naked with just the sheet covering me. One night I woke, I was so hot I needed a drink, so I put my minuscule bathrobe on, since Mum had shrunk it, it did not cover a lot, barely the cheeks of my arse but knowing Miss Jackson would be asleep I thought it would be okay and made my way down to the kitchen.

I got a glass from the cupboard and poured myself cold water from the jug in the refridgerator, as I turned round Rory got out of his basket to greet me and instantly stuck his nose into my pussy, the coldness of his noise against my skin caused me to jump. Remembering his ministrations some days ago, my pussy started to tingle, I placed the glass on the table and sat down feeling the delicious cold of the wood of the seat against my bare skin. Rory saw this as his invitation, moving round to place himself between my legs which I open uncontrollably and slide a little further down the chair to give him easy access.

He starts to lick my pussy lazily, dabbing at the hot flesh, my juices secrete from my cunt causing him to lick faster and harder. His tongue pushes into my cunt hole trying to lap up as much cream as possible, his cold nose rubs against my clit causing my breathing to increase. He is now licking my cunt so hard he is making it sore so I gently push his head up so that his tongue is working my clit. My orgasm builds as I watch this dog lapping at my love button, my legs start to shake and I explode inside, he continues to lick me as my spasms push my cum out and squirt on his face causing him to lick harder and faster. I cannot stand it and push him away, the sensations are too intense, I slouch in the chair panting for breath, my legs are like jelly, I feel unable to move. Rory lays in his basket licking his engorged pink cock, I watch him as my heart calms down, I am twenty one what have I been doing all my life to have missed out on sensations such as all this, I shudder and realise that getting off on a dog is not the correct thing to do but do wonder why I haven’t tackled this sex thing sooner. I drink my water and return to bed falling into a deep blissful sleep.

By Friday night I was exhausted and looking forward to a weekend recovering, work had been pretty intense and the hot weather did not help things. As I rode home on the tube my mind drifted back to Miss Jackson, I had missed seeing her this week and flashes of her naked image came into my mind causing that itching feeling between my legs. I wondered why I felt this way, did this mean I fancied her? Was I a lesbian? I tried to close the images and feelings out and concentrated on getting home.

On entering the front door I was greeted by wonderful cooking smells, feeling disappointed at my disinterest in the food and slightly listless I shouted hello to Miss Jackson who replied dinner in an hour and took myself upstairs to my room. I stripped off my office clothes, put on my silky pyjamas and lay down on the bed. I must have drifted off to asleep and was woken by Miss Jackson stroking my thigh as she sat next to me on the bed. I lay there next to her, enjoying the relaxing feelings as she stroked my thigh, her hands felt so soft through the silky fabric of my pyjama bottoms. The feeling was so good, so I close my eyes, immediately the naked images of Miss Jackson appear and my pussy starts to tingle.

She has her arm draped over my head, her breasts are very near my face, I can see her cleavage out of the corner of my eye and am certain I can feel her erect nipple pushing into my soft cheek. She moves her hand to my belly, whilst sleeping my pyjama top has crept up a bit exposing some of my flesh, she continues to softly rub the palm of her hand back and forth over my midriff. My pussy starts to feel really wet and I wonder if she can see a wet patch in my pyjamas. Her hands creep higher up underneath my top just skimming the underside of my breasts, my nipples are erect and aching to be touched, what on earth is the matter with me I scream inside my head, I am desperate for her to pinch my nipples.

I lick my dry lips and bite down trying to keep my breathing steady, I keep my arms pinned to my sides even though I am itching to rub myself, the sensation of her hands on my body are so intense. Her hands drift further up and rub over my nipples, I cry out at the touch of her, she pinches each nipple between her fingers rolling my nubs teasingly. She moves closer to me on the bed and pushes her tits closer to my face, if I dared to poke my tongue out I could lick the cleavage of her huge bosoms but I am too afraid to interrupt her hands on me.

Her hands stop teasing my hard nipples and slide down my body skimming over the material to my crotch, she pushes her hand between my legs pushing the material into my sodden crease. My breathing starts to increase, I am so maddenly turned on by the attentions of this woman that I feel I could cum on the spot. She brings her hand up to her mouth, I can see her fingers are wet even through the fabric of my pyjamas, she sucks her fingers into her mouth to taste me. I watch her transfixed, words cannot describe the sensations coursing through my body right now.

She moves her hand back down and slips her wet fingered hand under the waist band of my pyjamas, her fingers run through my pubic hair pushing between the fork in my pussy lips. I shuffle my legs further apart trying not to appear desperate as she runs her fingers up and down my soaking wet slit, I moan and tilt my pelvis up to meet her touch. Again she removes her fingers bringing them to her mouth provocatively licking my juices and stands up offering her hand pulling me off the bed.

Still holding my hand she pulls my body into hers, putting her lips to mine she pushes her tongue into my mouth licking my lips, I open my mouth to allow her tongue to explore, my tongue furtively caresses hers as the kiss becomes more intense. I can feel her nipples hard against mine as she snakes her hand around to my arse grasping my cheek and pulling me closer so our groins touch. She unbuttons my top gently removing it from my shoulders I can feel her breath on my breasts as she leans into me. Her hands hook into the waistband of my pyjama bottoms, she tugs them over my hips and lets them fall to the floor telling me to step out of them. I stand naked in front of her, I am by now so wanton I make not attempt to cover myself.

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