Who’s Watching the Babysitter by 2stfauther

Who’s Watching the Babysitter by 2stfauther..,

This is a story about the trials and tribulations of a young father concerning his babysitter , I was married at a very young age, much too young as turned out. She was my high school sweetheart and she was so beautiful that I thought I’d better take her off the market before someone else did. That was good thinking but a bit naïve because just because a girl has a ring on her finger doesn’t mean that she is off the market. That was a painful lesson to learn but when I actually caught her in bed with a total stranger, to me anyway, that was the last straw so I kicked her cheating ass out and she left me with our 3 year old daughter.

As it turned out, she wasn’t even mine. My ex-wife had screwed a guy, got pregnant, had the baby and never let on that she wasn’t even my child. I’d still be in the dark if my Maggie hadn’t come down with this rare blood problem and they wanted a blood transfusion from me. But after checking my blood type they said that I wasn’t her daddy so they had to get the blood somewhere else. She’s fine now, a beautiful little second grader that’s full of herself but needless to say, I was shocked to fine out that she wasn’t even mine. Now don’t get me wrong because I love her just like she was my own but I had to keep telling myself that it would be okay in the long run.

I work as a salesman and most of my calls are in the evening so that means that I have to have a very good, dependable babysitter. She had to be mature enough to sit on Maggie when she needs it and to make sure that she practices good hygiene with her bathing and brushing of teeth every night. She had to tuck her in to bed in my absence, I usually came home around 9 so I would always go up and check on my little girl, and the most important part, she had to be self-sufficient when it came to transportation due to the fact that I could not take her home.

Well I found such a person and as it turned out, is was a neighbor girl that I befriended right after we moved in to the apartment. Her name was Katherine, Katy for short, and her parents, after meeting me and Maggie, readily agreed to the arrangement by sometimes allowing Katy to bring Maggie to their house when Katy had something special to do. It worked to be a mutual blessing for us both because I could go to work secure in the fact that my daughter was well taken care of and Katy knew that she had a steady stream of income coming in; a win/win situation for all concerned.

That was 3 years ago and Maggie, Katy and I were as happy with our arrangement as can be. Katy had turned sweet sixteen, Maggie as I mentioned is 8 and me, well I’m getting older with every day but my birth certificate says I’m 26. Everything was fine until one night when I had a cancelation so I came home an hour earlier than normal and my whole life changed.

I walked into my apartment and seeing no one in the living room, I headed for Maggie’s bedroom to see if the girls were in there. I heard them before I saw them and as I turned the corner into Maggie’s room, I spotted them sitting in front of my old computer that I gave to Maggie to play games on. There were the girls, Maggie sitting on Katy’s lap dressed in her night gown, looking at the screen, watching two ladies making love with each other. They were watching porn.

I went into a trance or something like that. I couldn’t believe my eyes. My trusted babysitter with my daughter sitting on her lap sitting in front of a movie of two lesbians making love with each other and SHE HAD HER HAND UP MY DAUGHTERS NIGHT GOWN!

I shuck my head in disbelief at see this. They were so engrossed in watching what the ladies were doing they didn’t even know that I was there. My God, what is happening here? I suddenly got very calm as I took out my cell phone and took a picture of the scene for evidence and then I stepped out into the hallway and cleared my throat loud enough to alert them of my presence.

I heard the scurrying of bodies rushing around, the computer being turned off and the chair rolling away as I walked back into the room. I was greeted by my daughter running to me to give me a big hug and a nervous greeting from my babysitter. Maggie jumped into my arms to give me my embrace and as I grabbed her around her hips, I didn’t feel any panties on her butt. My heart sank a little I was so disappointed.

“You’re home early,” Katy hastily blurted out.
“Yeah, I had a cancelation so I decided to come on home to see my two favorite girls,” I told her. “So, what’s happening anyway?” I was hoping to hear something about watching a movie on the computer or something to pin my hopes on that I really didn’t see what I thought that I saw. But I didn’t hear that at all.

“Nothing, we’re doing nothing but getting ready for bed, that’s all,” Katy managed to stammer out her lie.

“Oh,” I said, ending the untruthfulness. “Well, I’ll let you tuck her in and I’ll tell you my daughter good night then,” giving Maggie a big kiss on the cheek and an even bigger hug.

I walked back out to the living room not knowing what to do or say to Katy. Maybe I need to wait a day or two before confronting her with this knowledge to make sure that I handle it right. About that time she came out of Maggie’s room and got her stuff ready to leave for her house. I was watching her, hoping that she would say something, anything to make this all go away. But as she stood up with her arms full of books and homework, other than a strange look in her eyes, she looked and acted perfectly normal as she walked towards the door.

“See you tomorrow,” she said as she walked out.

“Yeah, see ya,” I responded.

My mind would not let the picture go of my daughter sitting on Katy’s lap with her legs spread out on either side of her lap and Katy’s hand buried deep up Maggie’s night gown. I know what it was doing up there, it was playing with her bare little pussy; my daughter’s pussy. She was molesting my daughter while exposing her to that crap porn that you can see everywhere on the internet; in my own house, molesting my daughter while watching my computer. The more I thought about it the more I wanted to go over to her house and show her parents my photo. That would teach her a lesson. I tried to calm down and think this thing through rationally. I had a whole day to think of a way to do the right thing.

All the next day I thought about what I had seen the night before and when it was time to schedule my appointments for that evening, I decided to cancel them all and confront Katy with what I had seen, just her and myself. I called my parents and asked if it would be alright if I brought Maggie over to their house for the evening and was reminded that it was a Friday and there was no school tomorrow, so they asked if it was alright for them to keep her for a couple of days. Since they don’t get to see their grand daughter that often, I told them yes and drove her over to their house.

After I got back at my apartment, I sat down and waited for Katy to arrive as I stewed about where this was headed. I really didn’t want to cause Katy any trouble because I liked her a great deal. After all, I’d known her for three years and never had any indication that she was like this, now to find out that she molested little girls, my God, what a total shock. About that time there was a ring at the door and I slowly walked over to answer it.

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