Can We Be Saved by NylonDreams,NylonDreams

It all started at an evening out with people I had thought of loosely, as my friends. In truth, they were my wife’s new friends whom she had met recently through her gym. We seldom saw our old friends who I much preferred.

I had missed a few, ok a lot, of such evenings recently but for once I was home from work early so managed it. Looking back, the look my wife Dorothy gave me was one of surprise and maybe a little bit unhappy I was home.

I’m Jeremy. I own and run a small business which is, even if I say so myself, highly successful. I have over two hundred staff. It’s digital based and the software I write has been patented and licensed so money is now no problem. I treat my staff well. I know I should spend less time at work, enjoy the fruits of my labour a bit more but I do love what I do.

Dorothy and I are both in our early thirties. We met at university and courted through our last two years there. Dorothy is fun to be around. She’s beautiful, about 5’4, slim with amazing natural 36D breasts which don’t droop. The areolas are about an inch and a half wide and go from pale pink to red when she becomes aroused. The nipples grow so much, if I’m not careful, my eyes can be in danger. Her bum is lovely, just big enough to caress but not so overpowering, the cheeks come to the knees. I just don’t get this big booty craze! Her long legs are well toned and look awesome in suspenders and stockings although she hasn’t been wearing those for a while unfortunately. Her pussy is one that just asks to be kissed. The labia hang down slightly as though inviting you. I never refuse an invitation, it’s so seldom issued. Her vagina is tight as she does her kegel exercises. She did trim her pubic hair which showed she’s a true blond but recently it’s been bare. It’s something I’ve never asked for. Not sure I’m keen. I haven’t experienced it yet!

While she is sex on legs as far as I’m concerned, she is quite restricted in what she will do sexually. I stopped trying to get her to expand her boundaries as it only led to arguments and weeks of frozen shoulders and backs.

As we dressed, I was looking happy. She spoke softly, “What’s making you happy?”

I replied, “It’s a long time since you wore something like this for me.” I lied, this was a first!

She was wearing a red satin suspender belt, red stockings, a red satin thong, a little red dress which showed, for her, a lot of breast. I had noticed the lack of bra, – a first. The thong – a first. Her usual panties were midis or maxis cotton monsters. Yuk!

She laughed, “Who says it’s for you?”

I would have laughed with her but her face said she wasn’t joking!

My smile dropped, my eyes stared angrily, “If it’s not tell me now. If this is to throw something in my face, you’ll not like the consequences.”

As she realised I had seen something in her which told me something was very wrong, she tried to deflect, “Jeremy, where’s your sense of humour? You’re seldom here. When have we talked at any length in recent months? Hell, we haven’t had sex in at least four months. Maybe I should take a lover as you don’t appreciate me as a wife, I’m just someone to hang on your arm and look good with.”

I retorted angrily, “Maybe if you ever said yes, I would try but as you are never in the mood, I stopped asking. I shouldn’t need to ask. As far as talking, who’s out with friends almost every night. You’ve no time for me. Is this why?”

She wasn’t happy. Neither was I.

So, the evening didn’t start well!

At first the group of eight, Don and Tricia, Mike and Yvonne, Derek and Susan, Dorothy and I spent the evening discussing all manner of things. As I said, it was a relatively new group Dorothy had befriended. I don’t know why. Our friends of longer standing were far nicer in my opinion, more like us. They seemed very superficial. As I had missed so many evenings, I had to be quiet as I tried to pick up the threads of conversations they had already shared.

I think because I’d been quiet, they thought I wasn’t paying close attention, especially to Dorothy. Dorothy was sitting between Mike and Derek, but very close to Mike. There were frequent glances between them and he was lightly caressing her forearm. This incensed me but I couldn’t jump right in. I thought it may be Dorothy playing me after our little discussion or it could be a sign of something far worse. I’m sure she and the others saw I wasn’t amused.

When we’d had a few drinks, the conversation changed dramatically.

It was Susan who asked the question, “Can any marriage be monogamous?”

I was surprised. I almost choked on my drink. I’m sure they saw that as they all smiled, that annoying knowing smile.

Yvonne answered, “It would be difficult. It would depend on how the couple were. If they talked, shared fantasies and played around with each other, it may work. If they didn’t something could happen.”

Tricia laughed, “Like the other week when a footballer took a married woman away from her husband. Apparently, he’s quite famous but I don’t follow sport. He did nothing for me. Her husband wasn’t very happy. I wonder how they are getting on.”

Dorothy laughed, “He’s probably happy a famous footballer wanted an evening with his wife.”

The men tried to say, “No he wouldn’t be,” but not very convincingly. The girls didn’t accept that.

As I listened, I saw that this had all been rehearsed. It was the way the speeches went. There was no spontaneity. I watched as Dorothy was apparently using her hand to stroke Mike’s penis under the table. He was obviously enjoying it.

I was beginning to have serious concerns that these people were friends. The conversation went around them. They all seemed open to playing around.

Susan asked me directly, “Jeremy, as you work so long hours, if Dorothy took a lover, you’d be okay with that?”

I looked at Dorothy. Her face showed expectation. She had planted the question.

I looked around them all and said firmly, “No!”

Dorothy looked at me with a frown, shocked I’d refuse her permission to fuck around. She spoke determinedly, “It’s my body. I say who can access it. You don’t control it.”

I spoke quietly, trying to suppress my anger at being the victim of this charade, “Dorothy, I agree with what you just said. However, in a relationship, if you do not consider what your actions will do to the other, then do you have any relationship worth keeping?

“If you wish to take a lover, I can’t stop you. It may be you have already auditioned Mike. The way you’ve been interacting, caressing his little dick, shows you have mutual interest. It may be a wind up after our spat earlier or it’s intended to show me what you desire or have done.

“In the same way, you are in control so am I. I shall react in the way which is right for me. If you have no consideration for me, we’d be over.”

Everyone was mad — at me.

Susan spoke with some anger, “You’d throw all those years away if she had a lover. You’re never there. She needs someone capable of showing her love and tenderness.”

I laughed but my tone showed how angry I was, “I can do that except Mrs Freezer there doesn’t want me. If she did, she would have addressed this in our home. Not have you all rehearse your little speeches which she hoped I would agree with so she can continue fucking Mike and maybe the rest of you as well. Maybe more.


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