Senior Year Memories Ch. 36 by aimingtomisbehave33,aimingtomisbehave33

“Maybe. I hope so. It’s worth a try, anyway,” I admitted. “But if it’s alright, I need to run back home before this gets worse!”

“Need a ride?” she asked me. “The trunk’s empty, you can stuff your bike in the back if you’d like.”

This wasn’t an offer I needed to think on for long. “Sure!”

Lauren popped the trunk, and I trundled both my bike and backpack inside of it before hopping into the passenger seat next to her. The rain started to kick in properly, so it seemed my timing was pretty perfect.

“Thanks for the ride,” I said.

“Anytime,” Lauren said, pulling back onto the road. “I was just heading home, but I wouldn’t mind a bit of a detour.”

“From the office?” I said, looking her attire up and down.

“You know it,” she replied, brushing some of her red hair over her ear. “Client called in at the last moment wanting to go over some proposals and… it was just a clusterfuck. A slow-moving clusterfuck, at that. Whatever, it’s done, now.”

“Well, good,” I answered.

“Please tell me you’re having a better Valentine’s Day than I am,” Lauren said, looking at me and smiling, amused.

“It’s that obvious?” I asked.

“Very,” she replied.

“Yeah. I’m having a pretty good one. Busy, and a little crazy, but good,” I said, thinking about what she had said. “Sorry that things aren’t going as well for you.”

Lauren shook her head slightly, laughing miserably. “Don’t worry about it. I knew what I was getting into when I married a high-class chef, and that Valentine’s Day would always be a work day for him. Still, doesn’t mean a girl doesn’t want to be romanced even a little on the day, you know?”

Now, I don’t think that she was hitting on me then, since it seemed more like she was letting off steam. Nonetheless, Leah’s spell and my vow for the month came to mind as I looked Lauren McNeil over. I remembered her luscious body, and the time we had spent together. It was in that spirit that I made a move I wouldn’t have expected.

“Well, I can’t promise you romance, exactly, but I can do something else for you…” I said.

Lauren laughed, a high, pleasant sound. “Is it better than that cheesy line?”

“Much,” I answered, dropping my voice low.

Briefly, Lauren turned to look at me, her lips parting briefly as she took in a breath. “Oh.”


Lauren McNeil’s car was pulled into my house’s empty garage. Not only did this keep the rain from pounding down on top of her vehicle, but it certainly helped keep prying eyes away as we set the car rocking.

“Oh, fuck, Ryan! Fuck!” Lauren exclaimed, her eyes rolling back in ecstasy as I fingered her in the backseat of her car.

I would have said something, but my mouth was busy. With her blouse unbuttoned, she had pulled her tits over her bra and let me feast upon them as if I were a starving man. With her immaculate DDD’s in my face and my mouth full of bright pink nipple, I had quite a bit of fun pleasing her with my lips and tongue alone, while my hand was quite busy down below. With her skirt hiked up around her waist and her panties pulled to the side, I had perfect access to her hot, sweet pussy, fingering her clit vigorously with my thumb while thrusting my fingers in and out of her cunt.

“Oh, fuck, goddamn it, Ryan, why don’t we do this more, why don’t we… fuck… keep it going, remember this, remember me, remember how fucking hot I am… you may keep Valentine’s for all these high school girls, but at the end of the day you’ll never forget meeEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!” she cried out in release as her orgasm powered through her. She shook and shuddered, her pussy clamping down on my fingers while I kept my hand and mouth busy. I looked into her eyes as she came, pushing her through wave after wave of pleasure as I continued to finger her perfect pussy.

When she finally came down, I pulled my fingers from her cunt, and she greedily pulled my hand to her mouth and suckled on them. It was an intensely erotic sight, and one I would have loved to do more with.


Fuck, this next part was hard to say.

“…I really need to get inside and get ready for my date.”

Lauren sighed. “I know, but, thanks for that. It seems I really needed a good cum.”

“Well,” I said with a grin. “You know where to find me.”

She smirked. “I’m going to remember that.”

Looking at the hot-bodied redheaded MILF in front of me, I said, “You’re welcome anytime.”


I stood beneath my showerhead for a long while, washing a day’s worth of sweat and exertions off of me and loosening up sore muscles under the hot water. It had been a long day, and if it had ended here, I could probably have been a happy man. It wasn’t the longest day of my life, to be sure, and not the longest day even this year; that probably had to go to the orgy I went to on New Year’s. Even so, between the bike riding and all the women I’d pleased today, I was in need of a moment of downtime to relax, to cool down (so to speak, anyway, under this hot a shower) and reassess.

I had done the crazy part of today. Now it was time for me to get ready for the real intense part.

Brianna Roth.

In the days immediately after I’d lost my virginity, a number of Kaitlyn’s friends started eying me, among them, Brianna Roth. Known as one of the biggest flirts in school, that I had her attention then was a little, well, intimidating. It was hard not to be intimidated by her, really, on sight alone.

Though a fairly fit 5’4″, 18-year-old Brianna was utterly stacked. With a pair of very full F-cup tits that managed to strain the seams of any top she wore, and an equally epic ass, her body was thoroughly impressive at a glance. She carried a healthy, light tan that went well with her shoulder-length dirty blonde hair. Her face was an equal mix of sweet and sultry, with some of the most mouth-wateringly full lips that were often curled in a smile, and some of the biggest, softest brown eyes you were bound to see. Considering that she kept company with Kaitlyn Pruitt and other cheerleaders and tended to date some of the biggest guys in school, and you can understand why back when I was a background extra at school, that she seemed a few steps past untouchable, as well as highly intimidating.

It took the experiences of this year for me to understand that she was a surprisingly kind girl who was frustrated by the ways that a lot of the more popular guys in school viewed her. Our contact had been limited so far, a brief conversation here, me going down on her there, but I had known for a while now that I wanted to spend some real time with her, to get to know her and to, well… do I really have to spell it out at this point in the story? I knew she was a sweet girl with a positively nasty side hiding beneath that surface, and I was looking forward to seeing what the two of us could get up to away from school.

If you’d told me a year ago that I’d be having dinner on Valentine’s Day with one of the most popular flirts in school, well… actually, honestly, I wouldn’t have believed anything you’d told me about this year, so, I should probably get on with things.

It took a while before I finally felt fully clean and relaxed enough to step out of the shower and dry off. I hadn’t considered how long I had taken, nor how long I took with Lauren McNeil, but when I heard the doorbell ringing, I quickly realized that I should have probably looked at the clock once or twice while I was showering.

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