What a Deal! Ch. 31

An adult stories – What a Deal! Ch. 31 by deadeye_76,deadeye_76 A reminder that this is part of a Non-Consent/Reluctance series. If you don’t want to read about sex where someone is put into that position, then stop now and move on.

This is a continuation of what would be considered a “stroke” story, or as I like to call then a Jack(off) and Jill(off) story. I got some requests to continue this not very serious, fictional sex romp, so I’ll try to keep up.

In the last chapter, Cindy and Dennis had finally gotten Barb to play with her and Dennis. However, things were about to take an odd turn for the entire group.

Recurring Cast

Dennis, 42 years old, 5′ 11″, 175 lbs, brown hair, blue eyes, Cindy’s husband.

Cindy, 42 years old, 5′ 4″, 105 pounds, brown hair, blue eyes, Dennis’ wife.

Diane, 42 years old, 5′ 7″, 140 lbs, auburn hair, green eyes, recently divorced friend of Cindy’s.

Becky, 39 years old, 5′ 9″, 155 lbs, blonde hair, blue eyes, Cindy’s friend, widow.

Jack, 43 years old, 6′, 185 lbs, black hair, brown eyes, Louise’s husband.

Louise, 39 years old, 5′ 4″, 130 lbs, blonde hair, brown eyes, Jack’s wife.

Jackie, 20 years old, 5’6″, 125 pounds, dark brown hair, blue eyes, neighbor girl.

Katy, 20 years old, 5’6″, 115 pounds, blonde hair, blue eyes, Jackie’s friend, now Dennis’ sub.

Suzanne, 37 years old, 5’5″, 125 pounds, brown hair, brown eyes, neighborhood acquaintance.

Bill, 39 years old, 5’9″, 170 pounds, black hair, brown eyes, Suzanne’s husband.

Brittany, 28 years old, 5’8″, 120 pounds, red hair, blue eyes, Jimmy’s wife.

Jimmy, 23 years old, 5’10”, 160 pounds, brown hair, brown eyes, Brittany’s husband.

Lucy, 28 years old, 5’5″, 105 pounds, auburn hair, blue eyes, elementary school teacher, Ed’s wife.

Ed, 29 years old, 5’10”, 180, pounds, brown hair, brown eyes, Lucy’s husband.

Jan, 29 years old, 5’5″, 130 pounds, brown hair, blue eyes.

Barb, 26 years old, 5’2″, 125 pounds, blonde hair, blue eyes, Wes’ wife.

Wes, 28 years old, 5’8″, 190 pounds, brown hair, brown eyes, Barb’s husband.

—— 6 months after Barb’s seduction ——

Over the next six months, the company went through a major move and reorganization. The entire operation, due to the increase in contracts up north near the major city where I had done a lot of work, was moved to just south of that major city where there happened to be a large warehouse area. One of the warehouses was changed into office space and almost everyone moved up there. This included Barb and Wes from across the street.

Cindy, Katy, and I didn’t want to move. As a key member of the company and now a senior VP, the CEO, who was very thankful of all the work I had been able to get for the company, gave me the choice of working a couple of days a week in the new office and the others at home. He would let me set my own schedule. It was a great deal. We had an apartment over the garage that we had used time to time whenever I had to work from home, so we turned half of it into a full-time office.

Along with this change, I lost my administrative assistant. She was married to one of the individuals moving north, so they moved up there and the company found her a new job. I had to find a new assistant.

I discussed it with Cindy.

“So, what will we do with our current arrangement when I have an assistant here?”

Cindy grinned. “What, no more naked Thursdays in the house? At least you don’t have to worry about all those little playthings you had. Most have moved away or moved on. Their lives changed and so did they. We still have Suzanne around at times with her husband, and Jan is still able to play. But obviously, things around here with Katy and I will have to be a little less open.”

“That’s true. I’ll have to be careful when it comes to someone who works for me.”

Cindy punched me in the shoulder. “Poor baby. Something might come along.”

“Relax, nothing like that is going to happen.”

Cindy shrugged. “I know, but I can always hope, can’t I?”


A couple of weeks later, I had completed a few interviews and my favorite so far had been Heidi. I wanted to ask her where she got that name, but refrained during the interview. However, she was the most qualified educationally. She had a Bachelor’s degree in English Literature and carried herself very well. She had graduated from college 5 years ago, but not worked since. She quickly mentioned getting married and having a child when I asked why she took so much time off. It was nothing unusual. I called her back for a second interview.

When she arrived, she was dressed very professionally. She was a beautiful woman, 5′ 5″ tall, with a nice shape and a ready smile.

“Good morning, Heidi.”

“Good morning, sir.”

“You can call me Dennis.”

“Okay, sir.”

I chuckled at her response. “Heidi, I want to offer you the position. HR will be in contact with you later today with the specifics. Are you still interested in this position?”

“Yes, sir,” she answered enthusiastically.

“And can you start next Monday?”

“Yes, sir.”

“You understand the physical arrangements, correct? We will be working most days from here, but will travel to the main office a few days a month.”

“Yes, sir. I understand.”

“Good, you should hear from HR later today. They will call you and verify some information, and then send to your home email an application and some other documents to complete. Okay?”

“Yes, sir.” She then looked down at where her hands were folded in her lap. She seemed concerned.

“Is everything okay?”

“Yes, sir. It’s just that I’m worried that my situation will affect what you expect of me.”

“Well, what’s the situation?”

“I’m a single mother of a 4-year-old daughter.”

“Yes, you mentioned that you had a child, but as long as you have childcare of some kind and do your work, that’s not a problem.”

“Yes, sir. I’m just worried about when she gets sick. Right now, I’m living with my mother, who is providing the childcare. But she may want to go back to work and I’ll have problems juggling everything like that. I don’t want to mess up and lose my job.”

I looked at her. She must not have discussed this much with other women. It was illegal to discriminate against someone before you even hire them because they have children. You couldn’t take action unless they ceased doing their job. “Heidi, there are millions of women in the workplace who deal with this every day. We will support you in this and your work. As long as you make the effort, and it appears that you will, things will be fine.”

“But you also mentioned that there will be times when we both have to go up to the main office or meet customers, sir.”

“Yes, that’s true. If something happens during one of those planned trips and you have to miss it, then that’s fine. As long as I don’t feel that it’s a continuing problem, it will be okay. I usually want my assistant there because you will be making all the arrangements for our travel and stay, will be distributing all the materials we have for any meetings, and taking copious notes to type up as a record of the meetings. Also, if we are working on a contract, you will assist the individuals working on our proposal and act as a go-between for me and them. I can do that once in a while, but need my assistant there most of the time. Are you still okay with those travelling requirements?”

“Yes, sir. I can do that.”

“Okay, then. We are going to be fine.”

Heidi smiled and stood up, extending her hand. “Thank you, sir. I look forward to hearing from HR.”

I shook her hand. It was a little damp, probably from her nervousness. “Okay, good. Thanks for coming by again. I look forward to you joining the company.”

She left and it left me puzzled about how she brought that up. Surely, she knew that we couldn’t hold that against her as long as she kept up with her work. And she never once called me by my name. She kept saying “sir”. Maybe she was just getting used to being in the workplace and wanted to be polite. Well, she was smart and well educated when we had discussed a few items I always asked my interviewees. I felt like it was a good choice.

Heidi went to work the following Monday and turned out to be excellent. She organized the space we set aside for the office in the apartment and was always working to improve the work we were doing. She was very personable, but I could never get her to call me by my name. She always called me sir.

Heidi was also always usually wearing very nice clothes that showed off her shape. She wore dresses that accentuated her legs and ass, and her blouses showed that she was fairly well endowed for a small-boned woman. There was nothing slutty about it, just nice office wear that showed she was a sexy woman.

We made one trip up north after a couple of weeks. Everything was still getting settled and my presence was not required as much as the boss initially thought. We were able to do most of our work over email and Zoom.

About 4 weeks after Heidi came to work, and not having had much of a rest while putting in some long hours on a new contract, I decided that we needed a little break. It was Friday afternoon and at about 2pm I closed everything out on my computer and stood up. I wanted to find out some more personal things about Heidi. She had continued to be very polite, calling me sir, immediately responding to my every request, and making sure that I knew all that was going on with the work we were doing. She was very efficient. I just had to find out some more about her. She didn’t talk much at all about her personal life. She seemed a bit like an iceberg to me, so much more hiding than showing.

And she also gave all indications of being submissive. In both actions and words, she seemed to me to show that. I didn’t want to make any assumptions and it was dangerous to discuss some things with a subordinate, but I had to find out at least a little more about this beautiful, efficient, and educated woman.

“I think that’s enough work for today, Heidi. Let’s have a drink.”

“Oh?” Heidi looked up at me. “Now, sir?”

“Yes, now. We have been working our tails off with all the work coming our way and making sure everything is properly organized because of the move. You’ve done excellent work, too. It’s time for a break.”

I walked over to the refrigerator and pulled out a beer. “I’m having a beer. What would you like?” Heidi hesitated, but I could see her looking at the alcohol alongside the refrigerator in this small apartment. “Something alcoholic? Scotch? Gin and tonic?”

“Uh, well, gin and tonic would be great, sir.”

“Excellent.” I went to the cabinet and pulled out some tonic. “I have a wonderful aromatic Fever Tree tonic here and it is great with gin.”

Heidi stood up and came over to me. “Sir, I can make my drink.”

I stood back and grinned. “Yes, you can. Go ahead. I’ll get out some snacks.”

Heidi started to mix her drink, which I could see was going to be rather strong, while I got out some crackers and chips. I knew we had some cheese, too, so I could cut some of that up. Cindy had made sure that I had some munchies in the apartment.

I put the crackers and chips out. “Do you want some cheese, too?”

Heidi looked at what I had placed out there. “Yes, sir. But I can get it.”

“Nonsense. Sit and relax. It’ll just take a second.” She seemed like she thought she had to wait on me. She was my assistant, not my waitress, but she was always that way.

I cut up the cheese and, rather reluctantly, I saw Heidi sit down. She smoothed her skirt down and sat rather primly on one end of the couch.

I finished and sat down on the other end of the couch. The munchies were on the coffee table in front of us. I had a couple and then Heidi started munching on some. I waited a few seconds and then tried to ascertain more about this new employee that I had.

“So, Heidi, you have a 4-year-old daughter. I haven’t seen any pictures of her. Surely, as a mom, you have plenty to show me.”

Heidi smiled. “Yes, sir, I have a lot of pictures of her. Her name is Elizabeth, but we call her Beth.”


Heidi opened her phone and scrolled through her photos. She finally scooted a little closer to me, turned the phone toward me, and started showing me pictures of her little girl. She was adorable. She looked a lot like Heidi and had an amazing smile. I saw pictures of her all dressed up, some from her last birthday, and all the while Heidi talked like a proud mother.

I looked up at Heidi. “She’s beautiful.” Heidi smiled when I said that. “She looks just like you.”

Heidi blushed when I said that. “Yes, she looks more like me than Josh, my ex-husband.”

When Heidi looked up and smiled, I said, “Well, you are lovely, so that’s a good thing.”

“Thank you, sir.” She looked away with a small smile.

I got up to get another beer, and took her almost empty glass to make another gin and tonic. She protested that she could do that, but I made her sit while I got the drinks. I made hers as strong as she had, about two shots in the glass.

She couldn’t drop the sir, but at least I got her talking a little. She then told me about her mother, who was Swiss and gave her the name Heidi after her grandmother. She told me more in the next five minutes than I ever knew. When she mentioned her ex-husband had moved out to Oregon to be with his family, I asked the question that I was wondering about.

“You never talk about him. I hope he wasn’t abusive or anything.”

“Oh, no. Nothing like that. We just weren’t compatible.”

“Okay. So, what about your mother? How long has she been in the U.S.?”

Heidi then provided a brief history of her family and how her mother and father met and married in Europe. She described how they came to settle here and how she ended up here.

At the end of that discussion, her drink was empty so she got up to make another and got me another beer. She was drinking pretty fast for the amount of alcohol she put in the drinks. But, anyway, I told her a little about Cindy and I, but I left out the open marriage and how we did all kinds of things like fake home invasions and other things. She definitely didn’t want to hear about that.

I told her more about the history of the company and how I had been there for most of its existence. I had started as an IT technician and worked my way up to VP as the company grew and I proved my personnel and contract-winning skills.

When I finished all that, Heidi got another drink. I was only halfway through my third beer and she was on her fourth gin and tonic. Each one had to have at least two shots of alcohol. I might have to get her an Uber home, if this kept up.

Finally, it was nearing 4pm and I figured she might want to go early. I started to stand, but then she put her hand on my arm.

“Thank you for everything, sir. I really enjoy working for you.”

I sat back, a little surprised by her touch. “You’re welcome. You’ve been doing an excellent job. Since you are helping so much on the contracts that I am trying to win, you will get a small bonus every time we win one.”

“Really?” She looked up at me and I could see that she was a little drunk. She was starting to look a little woozy. “I love working for you. You are so sure of yourself about everything, and so demonstrative.”

“Thanks. I like what I do and I think I know how to do it well.”

“You do. I wish my husband had been more like that.”

“What do you mean?” She was slurring her words a little and I was wondering if some deep, dark secret was about to be revealed.

“We thought we could make a go of it, but we were too alike.”

“What does that mean?”

“After Beth was born, we started having problems making decisions, and we would argue about it, but we didn’t even really fight well. We sought counseling.” She hiccupped. “Excuse me, sir. Anyway, we went to one psychiatrist who said that the problem with us was that we were both submissive. Neither one of us could be in charge. So, he decided to go live with his mother. I don’t even know if he will come back to see Beth.”

Did she really just say that? She was submissive? Was it just a slip, or had she really wanted me to know that? She didn’t hesitate, but that could be due to the alcohol. Shit! She was looking very delectable, but she was still a subordinate. Maybe I should ask a little more.

“Heidi, you said that the psychiatrist determined that you were submissive. Did they make you take any tests to determine that?”

“Yes, sir. She made us take a lot of tests.”

“Okay, well, you look a little affected by the alcohol, so I think I should take you home now.”

Heidi leaned back against the back of the couch, her skirt riding up dangerously high on her thighs (and lovely thighs they were). “Okay, sir. Thank you.” But she didn’t move. I was standing there looking at her and she grinned at me. She put her arms up towards me like a child needing assistance to get up. “I’m ready.”

I shook my head. “Okay, here we go.” I leaned over and grabbed her hands. I started to pull, but she wasn’t helping much. I then leaned over and put my hands under her armpits to help her stand. She giggled and put her arms around my neck. She pulled and I stood up with her hands around my neck and my hands under her arms. That allowed me to get her to a standing position.

“You seem to have had a lot of alcohol in a short period.”

Heidi giggled again. “Yes, sir, I have.” She was standing pressed up against my front, looking up at me. “Is there anything else sir needs?”

She said that like a real submissive. My cock responded faster than I wanted, but I hoped she didn’t feel it. She was still my subordinate. I decided that maybe taking her home wasn’t a good idea at that moment. I could imagine her throwing up all over my car.

“Uh, yes. I need you to come in here and lay down for a while. I think we should let the alcohol wear off a little before we get into the car.” I turned and, still holding her up by putting my left arm around her waist, lead her toward the bedroom.

“Yes, sir. Whatever you say, sir.” She followed along into the bedroom.

“Now, just lay her awhile. I’ll get you a glass of water, and then, when you feel a little more sober, I’ll take you home.”

“Yes, sir.”

Heidi turned toward the bed and I released her as she put both hands on the bed. She then crawled up onto the bed on all fours, her skirt again showing me most of her thighs as she was bent over. She then turned to lay down on her side, facing away from me, and her skirt settled up past her delectable ass. I stared at it. She had a perfect small, but bubbly ass, her thong barely visible above it. It was smooth and unblemished. It looked like that of a 16-year-old girl. Well, at least it looked like I remembered a 16-year-old’s ass looked like when I was 16 and trying to get them out of their panties.

I went back into the other room and got a glass of water. I took it back in there and she had turned over onto her back, her skirt up around her waist. Her small thong panties were partially wedged into her pussy, leaving her right lip exposed. Damn! I had a boner now. I was going to attack whichever woman I first ran into, Cindy or Katy, when I went back into my house.

I went back in the small living room and sat down. She admitted that she was submissive, and, after seeing her lower body exposed, it was going to be very hard not to make her do all the things that I wanted right at that moment. Shit!

I walked into the bathroom and dropped my pants. I was going to have to pee as soon as my erection wilted a little. I was standing there in front of the toilet when the door from the bedroom opened on the other end of the bathroom. I turned to look and Heidi was standing there staring at my erection.

“Sir, do you want me to suck your cock?”

That was the last thing I was expecting to come out of her mouth, but I was past caring in that moment. My big head was going over all the things that could go wrong having sex with a subordinate, but my little head was screaming ‘Suck me! Suck me!’.

“Yes, you may.” Shit, little head wins again.

Heidi came over, closed and sat on the toilet, then stared at my hard cock directly in front of her face.

“I will suck your cock and swallow your cum anytime you like, sir.” She still seemed a little drunk.

Fuck, just do it!

She leaned over and licked the head of my cock. Then she slowly took most of it into her mouth. I groaned. Damn, she was taking her time and savoring it. She must love doing that.

I then got another idea. “Heidi?”

She pulled off my cock, holding it with her left hand. “Yes, sir?”

“I want to see you naked. Stand up and strip.”

Heidi stood up obediently and unbuttoned her blouse. She pulled it apart and I could see her bountiful tits. They were encased in a nice lacy bra that allowed her pink nipples to peek through a little. She pulled the bra down from her tits, releasing them. They were gorgeous and I really liked seeing them in all their glory.

Heidi then took the bra and turned it around her body so that the clasps were in the front and removed it. She unbuttoned the single button and then undid the zipper on her skirt and let it drop to the floor. She easily pulled her panties down, exposing the last of her body to me. She was an extremely well-built woman. She was mesmerizing.

Heidi was focused on one thing, however, my cock. She immediately sat back down on the toilet and reached out to pull me close enough to suck my cock. But I had other ideas.

“Wait. Let’s go into the bedroom.” I walked into the bedroom, removed the rest of my clothes, and lay down on the bed on my back, my cock sticking up. “Now, suck my cock.”

Heidi had followed and now crawled up onto the bed on all fours. “Yes, sir, I will suck your cock.”

This was all very interesting, but I was sure I would pay for it tomorrow.

Heidi had crawled up 90 degrees from me so that I could reach those great tits and that delectable ass and pussy. I started running my hands over them and when I reached her pussy, I found that she was extremely wet.

But for now, she proved to be a great cock sucker. She licked, sucked, nuzzled, and acted like it was her favorite thing in the entire world. Damn!

I could feel my orgasm coming. I had propped my head up on the pillows and watched, amazed at how focused she was on sucking my cock. This entire scenario had really struck me. That, and the fact that I hadn’t fucked all week, meant that I was primed to blow early and a lot.

“I’m going to cum!’

Heidi rose up briefly. “I’m ready, sir.” Then she started sucking on just the head while she jacked it off into her mouth.

“Fuuuucccckkk!” I came hard, my hips thrusting upwards as she sucked to get all the cum out of my balls. I spurted and spurted and spurted, and she swallowed and swallowed and swallowed.

When I finished, Heidi sat back and grinned. “I love your cum, sir.” She then leaned over to the side of the bed, and grabbed the glass of water to take a long drink. She sat back and looked at me.

Heidi grabbed her tits and held them up. “Sir, do you like my tits?”

Now playful, huh? “Yes, they are quite marvelous.”

Heidi then sat up onto her knees and turned a little to the side. She ran her hand over her pussy, which had a light downy patch over it. “And my pussy?”


She smacked herself on the ass as she turned enough for me to see it in profile. “And my ass, too?”

“Yes, it’s as delicious looking as the rest of you.”

“Good.” At that, Heidi flopped down alongside me and snuggled up to me. “I am a submissive woman who needs a strong man to manage her.”

She didn’t seem as drunk now. “And you want me to be that man?”

“Yes, sir.”

“Have you had anyone dominate you before?”

“Yes, sir.” She propped herself up on one elbow and looked at me. “My husband could not do it, but when I was in college, my roommate took charge and made me do things.”

“Like what things?”

“She had a boyfriend and she liked to make me eat her cream pie whenever she came home from fucking him. She also just liked to make me eat her pussy for hours on the weekends.”

“So, you are bisexual?”

“I am whatever my master wants me to be, sir.”

I sighed. This was a great opportunity, and a dangerous one. What do I do now?

I lay there for a few, enjoying the warmth of a beautiful, stacked woman snuggled up against me. But I had to get her home. She seemed to be asleep, so I tried to roll out from under her and get up. She stirred when I did.

“Do I have to go home now, sir?”

“Yes, I think that’s a good idea. You get dressed and tell your mother you need to come over tomorrow to finish something up and we can have more fun.”

“Thank you, sir, for taking charge of me. I’ll be back at 9am tomorrow. Anything else you need, sir?”

“No, that’s it for now.” Heidi got up and didn’t seem to be drunk at all. “Are you okay to drive home?”

“No, sir. I need to take an Uber or have you drive me. I’ll take an Uber back tomorrow to pick up my car and then you can do whatever else you want, sir.”

Whatever else I want? Did she realize what that list might include? “Okay. See you tomorrow.” I stood up and she stood up. As she went to get dressed, I stopped her. “Wait a minute. Come back in here and lay on the bed.” I directed her the way I wanted and then got on my knees between her legs, her wet pussy directly in front of me.

“Sir, are you going to eat my pussy?”

“Yes. I want to taste this delicious looking treat. However, there is too much hair here, so I will make you an appointment with someone I know who can shave or wax it, your choice.”

“No, sir, you must choose, like a master must.”

“Okay, then you will get it shaved for now. I will make the appointment.”

I then leant forward and gave her pussy a long lick. She threw her head back and gasped.

“Master loves eating pussy.”

“Thank you, sir.”

I went to town on her pussy, licking the lips, nipping at her thighs just on either side, and pushing her legs back to rim her ass. She was delicious and clean and tasty.

“Oh, sir, you are good.”

I grinned and pressed on. I finished her off with a finger in her pussy rubbing her g-spot as I hummed on her clit. She had been so worked up; it only took about three minutes to get her off.

“Thank you, sir, for making me cum.”

“You are welcome. Now get dressed. We have a lot to do tomorrow, okay?”

“Yes, sir. And you should know that I have wanted this all along.”

After she dressed, Heidi came back over and looked down at my cock. I was still naked. She looked up at me and said, “I can’t wait to enjoy that cock everywhere.”

“Even in your ass?”

“Yes, sir, but I have not done that before.”

“Don’t worry. I have women who can help you with that.”

“Yes, sir. See you tomorrow sir.”

The Uber arrived and she left. I got dressed and went in the house. Cindy was sitting there watching TV as Katy ate her pussy.

“You were working late.”

“Yeah, it may be a mistake, but Heidi is a natural submissive and I just took control. She is a fabulous cock-sucker. I also need to make an appointment with Bill to get her shaved. I want her to get used to him doing it.”

Katy stopped eating Cindy’s pussy and looked back at me. “Can I play with her, too?”

Cindy put her hand on Katy’s head. “We’ll figure that out later. For now, just eat that pussy, slut.”

Katy grinned. “Yes, mother.”

Cindy looked at me and laughed. “Smartass.”

The next day, I got a text from Heidi telling me that she would be there promptly at 9am. She and her family had nothing on their plate for that day, so she made the excuse that she had some work to do.

At about 8:45, Suzanne and Bill showed up. Last night I had ascertained that Bill didn’t have any clients until 10:30 for his hair removal services, so I had arranged for him to come over here and do Heidi. Since it was just shaving, he didn’t need all the wax support materials.

Finally, at 9am, Heidi arrived. When she did, I met her at the stairs to the apartment and took her over to the house. Cindy and Katy were eating breakfast and I introduced them. I could see that Heidi was a little reticent about meeting my wife. Then we went into the den, and Suzanne and Bill were there. I introduced them as my friends.

When that was done, I told her that I had arranged to shave her that morning. She glanced at Suzanne and Bill standing there and then looked at me. “Yes, sir.”

I took her by the hand and led her upstairs. “You will be shaved up here in the master bathroom and bedroom. Suzanne will be assisting Bill, who will be doing the shaving.”

“Bill? The man?”

“Yes, Heidi, the man. He does it professionally and his wife will assist. He will bathe you and get you all clean. Then he will shave your legs. Finally, he will bring you in here, lay you on the bed, and shave your pussy and ass. Also, I have paid him for a happy ending. After the shaving, he will eat your pussy until you cum. He does this a lot.”

“And his wife is his assistant?”

“No, it’s normally another woman, but she volunteered to assist Bill today since they are not at home.”

Heidi stared at me. “I’m sorry I sprung my secret on you last night. I was a little drunk and wanted you to be my master. You are very professional and forceful, and I needed it.”

“I accept your apology. Now strip.”

Heidi was in jeans and a t-shirt. She had them off quickly and as she finished, Bill and Suzanne came in.

Heidi looked a little afraid and shy, but Bill told her exactly what he was going to do. He then took her hand and led her into the bathroom. Suzanne and I stayed in the bedroom.

We could hear Bill bathing Heidi. But Suzanne pulled up the skirt she was wearing, revealing her lack of panties. She grinned at me.

“Wanna fuck?”

I grinned and took off my pants. “Sure, but you need to make my cock hard.”

Suzanne chuckled and got on her knees. She started sucking my cock and I was hard instantly. Suzanne then moved up to the bed and bent over. She put her arms on the bed and left her feet on the floor, pulling her skirt up over her ass. She wanted it from behind.

“Not getting enough cock lately?” I said with a laugh as I smacked her ass.

“Just fuck me already.”

I laughed and fed my cock into her pussy, which was already pretty wet. I grabbed her by the hips and started long-stroking her. I was fucking her hard and she was bracing herself on the bed as my hips slapped up against her ass.

I was in the middle of fucking her when Bill and Heidi came out of the bathroom. Heidi stopped for a second at seeing us fucking, but then continued to the bed.

“Just lay back on the bed and I’ll shave your pussy. Don’t mind them. Suzanne and Dennis like to fuck each other.”

“Okay.” Heidi agreed, but I could see that this was all so new to her. Her roommate had not done anything with her watching.

Bill had all his accoutrements set up and was shaving Heidi as I continued to fuck Suzanne. She kept looking up at me and then glancing away. She seemed to be a little shocked at this turn of events, but she had thrown her submissive body at me last night.

Suzanne then announced her orgasm coming, so I gave her some extra hard thrusts and she came all over my cock. She put her head down on the bed and rested for a few seconds. Then she lifted her head up and looked at Heidi, whose towel was wide open and showed her entire body as Bill finished shaving her.

“Wow! You have a great body, Heidi.”

Heidi blushed a little at Suzanne’s remark, then moaned a little as Bill was moving her pussy lips around to make sure to get all the hair without nicking her.

Suzanne got up and my cock fell out of her. She moved to sit at the end of the bed and looked at my hard cock. “Where do you want to put that thing?”

“After Bill is done, I’m going to have my little submissive slut here suck me off. She needs to learn to enjoy the taste of pussy on my cock.”

Heidi looked up at me and I saw the fleeting hint of a smile cross her face.

Bill then pushed her legs back to her chest and cleaned up any hairs over the perineum or around her asshole. Then he put her legs down. “Ready for the happy ending?”

Heidi looked up at me, so I answered for her. “Yes, Bill, she’s ready.”

Suzanne stood up and her skirt dropped back into place. “I’m going to go downstairs and see Katy and Cindy.” She left.

Bill started in on Heidi and I sat next to her on the bed. I grabbed her hand. “Just let it go. He’s good at this.”

Bill had Heidi cumming in about 3 minutes. Evidently, she was very worked up by the time he was done with the bathing and shaving.

Bill then stood up, wiped his mouth off with a towel, and grinned. “All done, Dennis. I’ll wait downstairs, too.”

I looked down at Heidi. “Too much, too fast?”

She smiled up at me. “Maybe a little, sir. But I will adjust.”

“Well, I’m sorry about that, but after last night, I thought you could use a little awakening.”

Heidi looked down at my cock. “Should I suck your cock now?”

“No, not necessary. I think you’ve had enough of an introduction today. But I should explain some more to you about me and my friends. My wife, Cindy, and I have an open relationship. We have sex with many people. She is bisexual, as is Katy, who lives with us. Suzanne was one of the first women I turned into a hot wife. She now fucks whoever she wants with Bill’s permission, and he provides the shaving and waxing service to whoever he wants. He can eat as much pussy as he works on, but cannot fuck them. He has an assistant who gives him a blowjob afterward.

“I also have several other women friends who I have sex with. We also provide a service to people who have strange fantasies. We have staged some fake home invasions where the occupants were forced to have sex with us and each other. Overall, we enjoy ourselves without hurting anyone. Are you okay with that?”

“I am okay with anything you say, sir.”

“Really? Or are you just trying to find someone to put some control in your life?”

“No, sir. I will be your submissive and do whatever you say.”

“Okay, let’s get dressed.”

We got dressed and went downstairs. The others were just sitting around having some munchies.

I told Heidi to go home and enjoy the weekend and that I’d see her on Monday. I also told her that whenever she got to the office, she was to go straight to my desk and remove her bra and panties and put them in the top right-hand drawer. She agreed with a grin and left.

The others told me I had moved to quickly on Heidi, but I told them the story and they all laughed and told me I was the luckiest bastard in the world. Yeah, I thought, as long as nobody at work finds out.


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