Demon Graveyard by The Midnight Shade

Demon Graveyard by The Midnight Shade <br/> Sasha a Japanese girl is trying to get away from her ex-boyfriend by hiding in a crypt. Only she discovers a secret passageway to a place she may soon regret. , Sasha walked through the grave yard with a drink in hand, her finger going around one small … Read more


The Undead 2 Serial killers by The Midnight Shade

The Undead 2 Serial killers by The Midnight Shade <br/> Jerrod Hallow decides to get his power back, but not through gangs, that was boring, but through fear of the serial killers. , The world had greatly changed since the forties. More people own guns, police had better weapons and appeared more aggressive if not … Read more


Fantasies and Nightmares 2 by -KingKarma-

This is a collection of short stories, meant to be supplemental to a novel I have already written and a novel I am currently working on. The current order as of now is: 1) You Belong to Me 2) You Belong to Me 2 3) Fantasies and Nightmares 4) Fantasies and Nightmares 2 The head



MORE THAN JUST MOTHER AND SON by Oediplex True Story! and he did mom’s lez lover too! , MORE THAN JUST MOTHER AND SON True Story! and he did mom’s lez lover too! Presented by Oediplex 8==3~ The following is a narrative shared from a real mom – until just after the shower scene – … Read more


A Mining Colony-Prison part 1 by SwampRat & Sir Brucie

A Mining Colony-Prison part 1 by SwampRat & Sir Brucie The pick rose, striking the impacted earth. Again, it fell to gouge at the dirt. A guard eyed the muscular body with more than just passing interest. It was pretty much devoid of scars.. The face had some interesting ones, however. He chuckled to himself, … Read more


Dark Desires. by tonybs

A literotic sexstories: Dark Desires. by tonybs , KAW 4 was a writing competition with the theme “Darkness”. This was one of my entries. Servalan walked through the door to her suite and smiled. These were accommodations befitting her status as a Sovereign Minister. However, now she relaxed, she would be just plain Servalan and … Read more


DaddysLilPrincess by RandyDaddy

A literotic sexstories: DaddysLilPrincess by RandyDaddy I am a 40 year old white male 6’0″ 180 lbs, and i am Princess’s Daddy! Princess is a cute little 8 year old black girl, that my Then wife, had adopted. Princess is the cutest little thing you ever saw. About 4’3″ and maybe 65 lbs. She has … Read more


Tara the Barbarian verse the Slimy Tentacle Monster by projectweird

Introduction: A total fantasy not based on anyone or any book. Enjoy. , Tara the Barbarian was bone tired and her party of adventures were dead but they had been victorious in killing the Master Ghoul. Tara needed to get back to town, collect her reward, then pay the priestesses to resurrect her friends and … Read more


Dark Desires Ch. 04

An adult stories – Dark Desires Ch. 04 by forcedcuck87,forcedcuck87 Mark entered the room. It was half the size of the previous room. It looked like a doctor’s office exam room. There was a medical chair in the corner, a tall bench seat in the opposite corner that looked like a tall piano bench. One … Read more


a night in the woods with wolfs by tbone91

A literotic sexstories: a night in the woods with wolfs by tbone91 , THIS IS NOT MY STROY FOUND IT ON ANOTHER SITE WANTED TO SHAREThe forest was dark and creepy too. The sun was nearly gone, staining the milky blue sky with swaths of pumpkin orange. Kyra felt pinecones crunch under her feet, the … Read more