Galaxy of Terror X-Rated Cut by Omegaxypher

Galaxy of Terror X-Rated Cut by Omegaxypher This is a 2.0 rework of my wold story, reworked the entire thing really. , In the depths of space, beyond the boundaries of the human imagination, floated a world shrouded in evil. In languages that none living now spoke, its name was Morganthus, and it had visitors. … Read more


A Mining Colony-Prison part 1 by SwampRat & Sir Brucie

A Mining Colony-Prison part 1 by SwampRat & Sir Brucie The pick rose, striking the impacted earth. Again, it fell to gouge at the dirt. A guard eyed the muscular body with more than just passing interest. It was pretty much devoid of scars.. The face had some interesting ones, however. He chuckled to himself, … Read more


Destination Mars, Part 2 (The Jr Academy) by Silverpen69

Destination Mars, Part 2 (The Jr Academy) by Silverpen69 ,Introduction: Introduction: Hardy has now left home and is living at a Jr Academy, where his training for his journey to mars has begun in earnest. Only 20 % of his class will graduate and hardy is willing to do anything to insure he is at … Read more


Gray Jedi Ch. 2 by auguy86

A literotic sexstories: Gray Jedi Ch. 2 by auguy86 , Malik and Serra come to terms with their feelings. Gray Jedi Ch. 2“Serra, they’re on our tail!” “I see them! Hang on!” Serra Keto and Malik Ran rocketed through the Coruscant system, the Republic navy chasing after them all the while. The Z-95 Starfighters were … Read more


Earth: Tentacle Breeding Ground – Chapter 9 by worldender

Introduction: Follow me on Twitter @EnderWords for updates and such. , It didn’t take much time for A’luhr to outfit the rest of the group with the remaining weapons and some satchels, which slung over their shoulders, and seemed capable of holding plenty of any supplies they might find. A’luhr remained equipped with her two … Read more