John Updated His Profile Picture by Finnable,Finnable

Hmm… Hello John.. haven’t talked to you in a while… I had an intense dream about John the other night… Maybe the universe is pushing me towards him. John is a guy I met at a metal show maybe ten years ago. He was dragged along by friends and mostly stood in the back sipping … Read more


Office Hours Ch. 13 by JadeOceanWrites,JadeOceanWrites

All characters are at least 18 years old. —— Hank Thank God and the janitors that the classroom didn’t smell like sex in the morning. My Tuesday-Thursday classes with Psychology 1302 felt so surreal, standing in front of everybody in the exact place I engaged in sexual acts in. The entire time, my mind was … Read more


A Spoonful of Sugar – Session 5 by DarkSecrets2,DarkSecrets2

The next session began with the conventional cleanout, but I was escorted to the bathroom and they watched me purge myself. My brain was saying “OMG – this is so embarrassing.” Cindy noted that my privacy was to be shared with my lover and that it was not just mine now. Cindy held a camera … Read more


Ashley's Story by bruce1971,bruce1971

In my original plan for The Madonna and the Manatee, the wife, Ashley, was going to be a bit character, basically a shallow foil to set up the ultimate confrontation between the main character and the man who cuckolded him. As I wrote it, though, I decided that I wanted to create someone with more … Read more


Swept Away At The Outer Banks by Ragnarok,Ragnarok

Kevin Wilson sighed deeply as he watched the sun rise above the distant rim of the Atlantic Ocean. Ordinarily, he would be renewed by the appearance of the reddish-yellow globe on the horizon, but today only reminded him that another day of dull boredom had arrived. Ten years ago, Kevin wouldn’t have even considered rising … Read more


Afternoon Delight by CuddlyPoolNoodle,CuddlyPoolNoodle

This afternoon her and I had lunch together and she came over to mine afterwards. We were sitting on my couch and things started getting heavy. We hadn’t seen each other in a few days so the tension was high and we were playing footsies under the table during lunch. So there we are, making … Read more


Discipline from Jen, Chapter #2 by M@tt

Chapter #2 I halfway expected Jennifer to join me at some point in the shower, but to my temporary disappointment, she had apparently decided this event would take place solely in bed. As I opened the shower door to reach for a towel, I realized that at some time while I was washing, probably while … Read more


At Last by zenmackie

Introduction: Although this is a work of fiction, it was inspired by an actual online relationship. We were never able to meet in person but we often fantasized about it together and this story was the result. (Women interested in exploring their submissive side, please see the ad on my Profile page.) , They knew … Read more


Young Erin by wickedsin

If you’d have asked me a month ago, I never would have imagined doing the things I just did. As I drove along the Pacific Coast Highway back towards my house, my mind was flooded with a mixture of emotions. My hands still trembled as I gripped the steering wheel of my 2005 Ford F-150 … Read more