( pt 4 ) Kims second night at Keiths by biguy181

( pt 4 ) Kims second night at Keiths by biguy181 <br/> Kim wanted to be fucked by the dogs again , It had been a few weeks since we took Kim to the swingers club, but had met her a few times at our home for some more fun, each time we pushed her … Read more


Love is Being Stupid Together Ch. 02

Kait and Nick continue their quest to prove that even geniuses do stupid things. All characters in the story are 18 years old or older. It had been a week since Beth shot the videos and Kait and Nick had intercourse for the first time. … They had enjoyed the minor risk-taking of having Beth … Read more


Cuddle, Kiss and Comfort by trigudis,trigudis

This is a follow-up to Lovely, Dark and Deep, published in the romance section on 1/25/2022. For a fuller appreciation of what follows, I’d recommend you read that one first. Rhiana lives in the newer section of this neighborhood. The houses, ranchers and split-levels with lots of glass, were built after the Second World War. … Read more


Emily and Katie Ch. 01

Emily and Katie I could feel my heart pounding as I looked in the mirror, running my hands through my hair as I changed the way I had it styled for what must have been the hundredth time. “This is stupid. Emily. You’re being dumb” The thoughts ran through my head repeatedly. I knew I … Read more


Falling In, pt 3_(0) by sanfranonenight

Introduction: Two young lovers begin to explore each other in delight , Continued from “Falling In, pt 2” Jackie and I spent the rest of he morning lazing around the school doing the stupid shit teen kids usually do at school before it starts. Walking the halls, joking, spending time with friends. Jackie stayed with … Read more