Do you really know your wife? by taniadaniels

Do you really know your wife? by taniadaniels <br/> My husband Richard is not a writer, and so I decided to write this episode in our life from his point of view. I was the lady involved of course, but the feelings I express on his behalf are what I knew he felt at the … Read more



“We are way past SEX 101,” I explained. “Should we pursue new levels of sexual pleasure? Do you have any special requests in search of new levels of sexual pleasure you would like to share with me?” I am Allie, my husband Alan and I married young, we were forty when we rediscovered our sex


Cave Exploring by pickticket69

Cave Exploring by pickticket69 Embark on an exhilarating journey with ‘Cave Exploring’ by pickticket69. Dive into a thrilling adult erotic story filled with passion, adventure, and unexpected encounters that will ignite your fantasies. Discover the depths of desire as characters explore both the captivating cave and the hidden corners of their intimacy. Don’t miss this … Read more



I am Allie, my husband Alan and I married young, we were almost forty when we rediscovered our sex lives with no children at home anymore. It happened quite by accident when we came across a porn channel. We soon realized our sex lives had been pedestrian, compared to the people in the clips. “Compared


A Guy and His…? 27 Fourth by pars001

A Guy and His…? 27 Fourth by pars001 The next one? , Jake tried to open his eyes, the problem was they seemed to weigh a ton and he was really comfortable laying on the soft lap that he was. Almost as if in the distance he could hear Trully talking to someone, “… it … Read more


My Discovery by GSpot69

My Discovery by GSpot69 I discover my son is smelling my dirty panties for self pleasure. I get carried away.. , It all started out like a typical Saturday. I was able to sleep a little later than usual and, since it was so pretty outside, decided to enjoy my morning coffee out by the … Read more


Jamie Chapter 1 – Kelsey’s Sexual Awakening (REPOSTED) by Lady_Jennifer

I accidentally deleted this story trying to delete something else, I’m so sorry! Please leave any feedback, I want to continue to improve!! It had been a long week for 29 year old Jamie Green. She worked as a personal assistant at a high power law firm in the city, and the near constant stream


How My Sister Took My Virginity by slave_boy69,slave_boy69

19 year old virgin me was nothing but a pervert. No, I didn’t watch porn and jerked off all day long. Actually, I never watched porn. I was constantly spying on my 22 year old sister. Always peeping, trying to get a glimpse of her naked body, always with my rock hard dick in my … Read more


Sharing is Caring! Pt. 01

Sharing Is Caring! Part One.  This whole story started during our third year of high school. My best friend, William, and I, Simon, were home alone at my parents house watching Star Wars the Clone Wars. We were both 18 and my girlfriend, also 18, came by to chill with us. My parents are very … Read more