Vampire Desires's 3 Revised Version by Max89

A literotic sexstories: Vampire Desires's 3 Revised Version by Max89 “Hurry! Get him on to the bed!” screamed one voice in a desperate panic. “Is he going to be all right? Right?” panicked another trying to get some reashurance.########################### “We’re loosing him! Quick pass me that medicine! Quick!” ordered the first voice. “What have I … Read more


A Lady called Fire by TheDok,TheDok

This story is set In Bath in England and Lima and Cuzco in Peru. I have visited them all and prefer to write about places and subjects I know something about. As I sometimes do, I have included endnotes for those who want to read them. A Lady Called Fire Bath, England Felicity had a … Read more


A guy and his…? 35 Mary by pars001

Introduction: Can mary cope? , A guy and his…? 35 Mary ———————————- “Mistress I am so weak it is hard to move, please mistress help me,” came the pleading voice of Mary's Jinn, Inger. Mary was pretty weak herself as she looked into the almost begging eyes of Inger the exact same eyes that Mary … Read more


My redhead sister's redhot love_(2) by

Introduction: I got this story from that guy named I asked him if I could post it after doing some editing. He told me I could have the story bacause it was a dissaster. So I took it and made a few changes. Hope this time it is beter.. , It was summer and … Read more


After Town by truth02,truth02

I had fun in my life despite being a virgin but that changed in one night. I have several mates that are girls but I have been interested in a couple but that was it, nothing went any further except in my own head until that weekend. At first it was a normal weekend we … Read more