Summer Fun – Chapter 2 – One Thing on My Mind by JTrevor

Summer Fun – Chapter 2 – One Thing on My Mind by JTrevor <br/> There’s a saying, “Young, dumb and full of cum.” Well, I’m “young.” “Dumb?” I would like to think not, but I do say some dumb things from time to time. And, finally, “full of cum?” Good god… more than I ever … Read more


8- My High School Sweetheart’s Little Sister -pt. 8 (Practicing with Stacy / Poolside) by JadeGrey

8- My High School Sweetheart’s Little Sister -pt. 8 (Practicing with Stacy / Poolside) by JadeGrey <br/> This is the eighth chapter of this story from my late teens, where my girlfriend’s little sister made it through puberty only to lose her innocence due to my uncontrollable lust for her. In this chapter, Cindy wants … Read more


Monsoon Coming by Actingup

This is a companion piece to my first story, ‘Map of Tasmania’, and is also an Australian travelogue, but set in the deep tropics of Australia’s remote Top End. It’s got more sex in it than the other story, generally in the ‘Erotic Couplings’ realm but with other elements as tagged. I’m also entering it


The Lifeguard Part 3 by ghostwritten

***Author’s note*** Check the tags on this one, a section is pretty rough. Feel free to skip to the next set of stars and if it is too hard, the rest isn’t like that. Thank you. Lifeguard 3 After the previous night’s unwanted visitor, I woke up nervous about going to work. I did my


It started at the nudist beach by Yvonne

It started at the nudist beach by Yvonne Those readers who have enjoyed my earlier, somewhat violent and sadistic stories, might be disappointed by this purely sexual story. But then again, I know that many people do not like the cruelty I’ve previously written of, and may enjoy this story more. The other thing that … Read more


Tanning Virgin by tuija

Tanning Virgin by tuija my start into hard sex , I was 2 weeks past my 11th birthday when my life changed badly. At 11 I was carefree slim blue eyed true blond girl. No boobs yet, but everyone keeps telling I am beautiful and if I happen to wear skirt or shorts, men can’t … Read more


Summer Teasing by wallcleaner

“Olivia, we’re home!” I heard my twin brother Paul yell after walking through the front door of our house. I heard some rustling and suitcases rolling in while I did yoga in our living room. Paul left earlier to pick up his best friend from the airport who was coming here to stay with us


Kayla's Summer Memory by mdb5056

A literotic sexstories: Kayla's Summer Memory by mdb5056 , This is a story I have put some thought into over the past couple of days. Let me know what you think please. I am strongly considering a follow up to this story and I have several avenues I can take. Opinions are always welcome. Happy … Read more


Camping at the KOA can be Fun

An adult stories – Camping at the KOA can be Fun by CarterJ,CarterJ Some would say fantasies rarely come true. But when they do, OMG. My wife, Claudia, and I booked a camping site at a KOA outside of Boston so we could take in a Red Sox game and have some adult time. We … Read more


A Cabin on the Lake Pt. 03 by TheOldTexGuy,TheOldTexGuy

The Cabin on the Lake III This is the last installment of the Cabin on the Lake. I have had fun writing it and I hope at least a few of you enjoyed it. This story is more of a love story than one that has a lot of sex. All people were over the … Read more