Water Park love part 7: Belize day 2 by raider187

Water Park love part 7: Belize day 2 by raider187 Note: This I s a continuation of Water Park love and involves male on male. Don’t let the door hit you on you way out if you don’t like it. The music pounded and I didn’t know what was happening. I remembered “Stereo Love” pounding … Read more

Bob, Sue and Anita’s holiday romance – 2 by Nellymcboatface

Bob, Sue and Anita’s holiday romance – 2 by Nellymcboatface ,Introduction: Introduction: Bob was a red-blooded heterosexual but had never had a holiday romance in his 55 years, but now he was going to get one. But one he wouldn't have expected in a million years. , Dear Reader, hopefully you will enjoy my story. … Read more

A Working Holiday

This is my second story. We have all had unrequired love, the question is what would happen if it got a chance to get out there. Two people who are actually very shy get thrown together and face what they have tried to hide. This could be the result. Of course the opposite would probably … Read more