Whores for the Fatherland-Part 1 by shane36

Whores for the Fatherland-Part 1 by shane36 Sister Klara Wiese,was no pushover and she stood her ground firmly. The Obersturmbannfuhrer was growing weary of the nun…..”Dear Sister,you seem incapable of understanding that you have no choice in the matter.There orders come from as high up as Reichsfuhrer Himmler himself.For the final time read the letter … Read more

Sharing a Bedroom with my Sister Ch. 02

An adult stories – Sharing a Bedroom with my Sister Ch. 02 by chris99999,chris99999 If I’d put my mind to it, like I always did with my college work, then I would have realized that this outcome was highly likely. Perhaps even inevitable. But foolishly, I hadn’t thought about it. Instead I’d been reckless, living … Read more

I Lost My V Card to My Coach Pt. 02

A couple weeks passed after the first night we made out. More and more, Dan was seeking me out for after practice make out sessions. Our passion grew as we learned each other’s bodies as we kissed, groped, and grinded each other. On a Thursday night, we were in his car after a passionate session. … Read more