Whores for the Fatherland-Part 1 by shane36

Whores for the Fatherland-Part 1 by shane36 Sister Klara Wiese,was no pushover and she stood her ground firmly. The Obersturmbannfuhrer was growing weary of the nun…..”Dear Sister,you seem incapable of understanding that you have no choice in the matter.There orders come from as high up as Reichsfuhrer Himmler himself.For the final time read the letter … Read more

Sex beach by Xxx-knight

A literotic sexstories: Sex beach by Xxx-knight , On a nude beach, a couple convince a girl to have sex with them. 1 The sun is bright and shiny on an early spring day. A little wind is welcome. It is so hot that Mr and Mrs Riley are glad they decided to go to … Read more

My School project # by biggoxx

A literotic sexstories: My School project # by biggoxx , My School Project, MOM 3It had been a little over a month since Louis and Terry used hypnosis to fuck their moms daily. The deal they had made about fucking their mom’s pussy had been adhered to 100%. Since both women had had their periods … Read more

3 evil sisters part 9 new by Ev1Leye_1

A literotic sexstories: 3 evil sisters part 9 new by Ev1Leye_1 , Like many others I was unhappy with parts 9-12 of this series, I have read the previous chapters and am continuing from duskflair’s part 8, the story it how I would’ve wanted it to got instead of the original part 9 with was … Read more

My school project 4_(0) by biggoxx

A literotic sexstories: My school project 4_(0) by biggoxx , My School Project, Mom 4Terry and Sherry sat at the kitchen table Wednesday afternoon; he had just gotten home from school. Since his father was home Louis could not come over to fuck his mom, so she was in a foul mood. His father was … Read more