The Wrong Bikini by mrs_mackenzie

Eighteen Months Ago Everyone at Kingley University knew that the ski trip was about sex, not skiing. The Ski Club had three hundred members and at least two-thirds never did any skiing. In fact, I’d never been skiing before in my life. But if you weren’t in the Ski Club, you couldn’t go on the

Oz Beach Boy Does Schoolgirl Mia by MyBareTorso,MyBareTorso

NOTES: This is a direct continuation of my previous story “Oz Beach Boy Flips Cougar” and is another instalment in my “Schoolgirls” sub-series. It can (hopefully) still be read as a stand-alone story. This is a fairly gentle, wholly consensual “first time” story featuring CFNM and various types of male/female sex. In mentioning previous events … Read more

First Time with Barb by Shoreguy,Shoreguy

I’ve been married to my wife Barbara for just over 21 years. We shared an apartment for about a year before we were married and sex was generally uninhibited before the wedding. We put off having any children for a few years while we got on our feet financially. We now have one son and … Read more