The Penelope incident – 4 by MissFortune

Heviya is imprisoned 5 Heviya was engulfed in total darkness. She was currently crimped inside one of the empty torpedo magazines for the Helldrivers aft launchers. Something sharp pressed into her upper back and her knees and elbows hurt horribly from constantly having to support her weight or hitting the confines of the metal casket


Writer’s Block by ReclaimingLostTime

I still wasn’t wholly convinced this was the right thing to do. On the face of it, it had to be, I needed a break that much was evident, but my whole work ethic screamed at me to get my head down and work through it. I was an author with two successful novels behind


How Could I Refuse by pickticket69

How Could I Refuse by pickticket69 My sister’s boyfriend cheated on her. They were supposed to go on a couples retreat. She asked me to go. , My sister had two expensive tickets for a private bus tour through Southern California. It was the romantic kind of tour where couples would be taken from destination … Read more


USAF Lawyer Finds Love with DIL Ch. 02 by JohnLaw1950,JohnLaw1950

This is part two of a story I previously posted. If you haven’t read it, I would strongly recommend you do so before reading Chapter 2 so you will understand all the characters. I received several comments about Chapter 1. I was called an asshole for fucking my son’s wife while he was deployed to … Read more


This Stays Between Us, Right? by LydiaWilde

A literotic sexstories: This Stays Between Us, Right? by LydiaWilde , Chapter 1: Brittany. Brittany is a hot little redhead just begging for a good time with her best friend’s dad! I was sitting on my couch as I did just about every Friday evening. It was about 8 pm, I was eating a slice … Read more


The Life that is Dreamt of: Chapter 1 by Hallaballooo

Introduction: Giovanni has always been a pretty laid back person, this walkthrough of his life and the things he has experienced is something I'm very excited to continue writing if it is well received. Thank you for the support and I would love to take suggestions for further chapters! Enjoy. -Hallaballooo , I have never … Read more


Exposing Lisa by SimonDoom,SimonDoom

I met Lisa for the first time at a restaurant at noon on a Wednesday in early May, where we had planned, through a flurry of emails, to have lunch and get acquainted before a long-planned photoshoot. An hour later, we were fucking in my hotel room. But that’s not quite accurate. We hadn’t met … Read more


What We Yearn For Ch. 02 by Ohheyjude,Ohheyjude

What. The. Fuck. It’s all I can think as this young man drapes his long arm over my shoulders. The man is strange, but at the same time, seems vaguely familiar. I look at the side of his face and feel something tug at the back of my mind. I can’t help but think that … Read more


Stocks in Midsummer by Summoner1506

Stocks in Midsummer by Summoner1506 Her crimes were falsified, but her punishment is all too real , Author’s note: This story is set in a small late-1700s American town, the name of which has been lost to time. There are a couple minor gay (male on male and female on female) scenes. They’re not too … Read more


Dylan’s Bedroom Mirror by DylansNo1Fan

Introduction: First chapter begins a journey leading a Celebrity wife into spicing up their sex life , Dylan’s Bedroom Mirror Chapter 1 I am Brian, most of you don’t know me, but I am sure that is not the case with my wife, Dylan Dreyer. All that I am about to reveal to you now … Read more