Backyard Trouble by DarkThunder

Backyard Trouble by DarkThunder I wrote this within a few days. It probably could have been better, but this is a story I tried to do without re-writing or re-reading too much. I know I can’t make it perfect, at least not the way I’d like it to be, but.. eh. , Today is Saturday, … Read more

A Cabin on the Lake Pt. 03 by TheOldTexGuy,TheOldTexGuy

The Cabin on the Lake III This is the last installment of the Cabin on the Lake. I have had fun writing it and I hope at least a few of you enjoyed it. This story is more of a love story than one that has a lot of sex. All people were over the … Read more

Part (6)- The Duplex (Mowing the Backyard) – part 6 by JadeGrey

A literotic sexstories: Part (6)- The Duplex (Mowing the Backyard) – part 6 by JadeGrey , This is the sixth chapter of this 14-part story from my early twenties, when my girlfriend and I moved into a duplex in a low-rent neighborhood. In this chapter I get to know the older Hispanic lady next door … Read more

Hot Midwest Summer – Part 1 – Breaching Into Unknown Territory by CoolMidwest

Introduction: Husband and wife discover wife-sharing and love the dynamics it provides. While the story is true many aspects have been amplified or otherwise romanticized for the sake of the story. Obviously names have been changed. One final note, Hot Midwest Summer is a series of several parts. For comprehension and flow, it's best to … Read more

A Quiet Backyard

An adult stories – A Quiet Backyard by mseg14,mseg14 All characters in the story are above the age of eighteen. It was a Sunday afternoon and I was hoping for a couple of quiet hours in the backyard. On that happy spot you are protected both from the noisiness of the street and the nosiness … Read more

Bird Watching_(0) by Sarah Lovely

A literotic sexstories: Bird Watching_(0) by Sarah Lovely , A woman goes bird watching with her husband and gets a unexpected surprise I had never really understood the appeal of bird watching, but my husband loved it. We’d been married for a little over three years when he finally got me to come out on … Read more