The Librarian Pt. 03 by LT56linebacker,LT56linebacker

The Librarian- Part 3 This is the end of John Dorne’s/Michael Starne’s odyssey. I apologize again for the time lag, but life sometimes interferes with your hobbies. Mrs. Bear thanks the several people who offered condolences on her sister’s passing. Marion was 82. She had a long, happy life. This is Mike’s last chance at … Read more


His Professor Aunt Pt. 06 by Zootonius,Zootonius

Friday came, and Sarah offered to take Mike to the nearby pizza place. They sat in a booth where they could talk in private. The two talked about the week at first, but the conversation drifted to their sex lives and the conquests of the week. Mike teased her about bedding two of his friends, … Read more


Through the Kitchen Window by Mikeymalt,Mikeymalt

Lazily, Maura ambled into the kitchen of her small apartment to put the kettle on for tea. It was late afternoon, the sun was already setting, and she hadn’t managed to change out of her baggy sweatpants all day. She hadn’t even bothered to put on panties or a bra on that morning, and now … Read more


Special Someone by anon_one,anon_one

“They have got to be kidding.” she muttered as she flipped the channel. Another pointless commercial. Another pointless day. She had spent the majority of her day lounging in her hotel room, watching dull TV and reading even duller books. Her body felt restless, her brain felt numb. “Why did I make this trip?” she … Read more


Time with Shannon by SummerLake,SummerLake

Chapter 1 Shannon had been my hairdresser for a few years. She was very pretty, but I don’t think she thought she was. She also had this quiet wisdom about her. She seemed to understand people and life. Maybe it was because of all that she had lived through. Or maybe it was because of … Read more