Seduced By My Mother’s Boss by Rutger5

Seduced By My Mother’s Boss

By rutger5 (Copyright 2012)

I had just climbed out of the shower when the sound of the phone ringing came to my ear. Quickly toweling off my hair I then wrapped the towel around my waist and padded out to the hall. Since I had just gotten home from my summer landscaping job I hoped the call might be from a friend with something to do that evening which was why I decided to answer the phone.

“Hello” I said after hitting the talk button.

“Jake, you’re home. Thank God” came the voice of my Mom over the line.

“It’s not for all that Mom, I sometimes do come home you know.”

“Yes I know Jake but I need a favor so no time for smart ass comments, okay?”

“Sure what’s up Mom” I told her as I checked out my reflection in the hall mirror. Had to be honest that I looked good. Since I’d started working out last year I had developed some decent size to go along with the definition I always had from being naturally slim and working hard all day in the sun had only tanned and hardened me further.

“Jake, your Father and I are out to dinner when you know who called me about some work.”

“Angie?” I asked her.

“That’s right and I need a big favor from you. It seems she lost the file she needs to complete a project of hers that’s due tomorrow.”

“Well what do you want from me Mom, I don’t know anything about the project. Besides I’m not really the type for office work” I told her teasingly.

“Ha ha. No fooling, what I need is for you to go into my bag, the one I bring to work. I should have a disk in there with a copy of the file on it. Otherwise I’m going to have to come home and get it myself. And if I do your Father is not going to be happy with you. It’s not easy to get a reservation at Le Snobisme you know.”

“No problem, I’ll do it. Where’s your bag?”

“It should be in the front hall Jake. Usually I just put it down when I get home unless I have work to do that night.”

“Okay Mom I’m heading downstairs so hold on a minute.”

Dripping water as I went I reached the front hall shortly after. Right there on the floor was my Mom’s work bag like she said. Once I opened it I saw that there might be a problem. There were three disks sitting in there and none of them had any markings on them.

“Well your bag is there Mom but there are three disks in it and none of them says what they are.”

There was nothing but silence on the other end of the line.

“Mom?” I asked.

“Hold on Jake, I’m thinking. I’m not sure so I’ll tell you what. When Angie gets there just explain the situation and give her all three disks and let her figure it out.”

“What! She’s coming here. I was planning on going out tonight Mom. When will she be here?”

“I don’t know Jake. Just wait there until she comes. To be honest I’m surprised that she isn’t there yet. She really wants to finish that project and she normally drives like a maniac and now with a reason I can only imagine how fast she’ll be driving.”

“No problem. I’ll wait no matter how long it takes even if it costs me my social life.”

“Oh how noble of you. Thanks and don’t stay out too late and stay out of trouble. Love you Jake.”

“Don’t worry Mother, I’ll be good” I sarcastically replied.

I turned and left the hall carrying the three jewel boxes and put them on the table just past the door. Before I could reach the stairs the doorbell rang. Since I was only in a towel I was undecided on whether to hurry and put something on or get the door when two more rings came in rapid succession. Angie was living up to her reputation for impatience, that much was for sure.

Immediately I headed to the front door and opened it a crack before peering out. Standing there with an annoyed expression was my Mom’s boss Angie. She was a short, thick woman who had big, black hair, fake nails and a permanent tan with her most prominent feature being her very large chest. She looked at me with her brown eyes which were surrounded with so much mascara she almost had the look of a raccoon.

“About time Jake, have you spoken with your Mother?”

“Good evening to you as well. Umm yes Ms. Bertolli, but there is a small problem.”

“Why of course there is, why would today be any different. Well are you going to let me in while we discuss this or do I have to stand here on the doorstep sweating in this damn heat.”

“Sure Ms. Bertolli I guess you can come in…” I started to say but she simply pushed the door open wide enough for her to rush right past me. All I could do was close the door behind her and follow after. She stood in the living room, impatiently tapping her foot, and once she saw all I was wearing was a towel for a moment she was speechless but that didn’t last long.

“Nice outfit Jake, now what’s the problem?”

While she said this I noticed her eyes were feasting on me like I was a ham sandwich. When her gaze wandered over my abs and even lower she actually licked her full, red lips.

“Ms. Bertolli I have the disk but there are three of them and I’m not sure which is the one you’re looking for honestly.”

“First Jake you should call me Angie as I’m sure you wouldn’t be calling me Ms. Bertolli if I wasn’t here, right? And you’ve been to more than one of the company parties so you’re almost family. Secondly do you have a computer that I can use and I’ll figure out which disk is the one I need. Thirdly do you think you could get me a drink? I hate to be a bother but it’s so hot and humid tonight.”

“Sure uh Angie. Is iced tea all right?”

“That’s a Long Island iced tea right?” she said smiling broadly at me.

“I’m not sure how to make one of those Angie, I’m only sixteen so I can’t drink. If you tell me what’s in it I can figure it out I suppose.”

“Plain iced tea is fine Jake, I was only kidding.”

I went to get her drink but from what I’d heard from my Mom I wasn’t so sure about her kidding. She said Angie worked hard but she also liked to drink hard. In fact she’d once been arrested for driving while impaired. Figuring it couldn’t hurt I poured some vodka into the glass before adding the iced tea.

She was standing there with the disks in her hand when I returned and she took the glass from me and as she did our hands touched sending a jolt through my hormonally charged teen body.

“My laptop is in my room Angie” I told her as I turned to go and retrieve it.

“Lead on Jake” she answered and without another word she followed right behind me.

I had expected her to wait in the living room while I got the computer which would also give me a chance to put something more on than the towel. However I already knew from my Mom that Angie was impatient and bossy and didn’t take no for an answer so I just went along with it without protesting. The sooner Angie got what she wanted the sooner I’d be able to go out.

She followed close behind me as we climbed the stairs and walked down the hall to my room. Considering how things had been, with me very busy lately, my room wasn’t in terrible shape. There was a little disorder but I wasn’t embarrassed with having someone see it. My laptop sat open on my desk though it was turned off. Hitting the on button I waited for it to resume. Without asking Angie commandeered the only chair in the room and sat down and as she did she pulled down her tight navy skirt that barely reached her mid-thigh. She placed the jewel cases next to the computer as well as the untouched drink and waited and in a minute the screen was up.

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Undulating Waves by Rutger5

A literotic sexstories: Undulating Waves by Rutger5 , Undulating Waves By rutger5 An Original Story Copyright 2017[Dedicated to and inspired by the shades of those that have gone before. Small, petty minds can’t appreciate greatness but can only attempt to tear it down.] Of course I’ll tell you my story if you’re willing to listen, … Read more