Camping with Gearhart by Silverpen69

Gearhart is Ron’s uncle visiting from Germany. He takes a special interest in Roon’s best friend and pushes their new relationship to the limits without letting Ron know This is one of those stories that is based in fact and built on fantasy. It took place long ago while I was in my youth. I


Casual Drive

An adult stories – Casual Drive by Sweetlydreaming,Sweetlydreaming Barry and Samantha were having a casual Saturday, the plan was a drive into town, with lunch at a cafe, and a casual drive home. The weather was perfect and their busy lifestyles had given them a rare chance to have a casual day and totally enjoy … Read more


Into The Wild – Taboo Desires Unleashed

An adult stories – Into The Wild – Taboo Desires Unleashed by Dirtyoldman1979a,Dirtyoldman1979a All characters are over 18 years of age. ***** Chapter One: Around the Fire The sun has just gone down and all three are sitting around the camp fire drinking beers and smoking some weed. “Man, how long has it been since … Read more


Road Tripping Pt. 11 by Stagger_Lee44,Stagger_Lee44

CHAPTER 11 Readers, this a fictional road story set in the 1980’s, before cell phones and the internet as we know it today. All sexualized characters are fictional and over 18. This is part eleven of what I hope will be a many part series. It was a dark gray dawn that Molly awoke to, … Read more


The Paladins Folly by sinfulwritings

A literotic sexstories: The Paladins Folly by sinfulwritings , Rosaria is a paladin in the land of Pasor. She plans to go and fight an ancient evil and things do not end up like she planned… The Lich had been a plague upon the provinces of Pasor for generations, none who now lived remembered how … Read more


My vacation with family by Argo 63

A literotic sexstories: My vacation with family by Argo 63 My vacation with family by Argo 63 True Story, Anal, Consensual Sex, Incest, Virginity, Young Author’s infos Gender: N/A    Age: N/A    Location: N/A Posted Sun 21st of March 2010


Western Empire and Eastern Princess

Background: The world is divided up into great empires, each spanning whole civilizations. The biggest powers are the Western Empire, which has recently grown in size and strength, and the Eastern Empire, which just recovering from a civil war, was in no place to fight. As such, now the Western Empire was seeking to go … Read more


Bird Watching_(0) by Sarah Lovely

A literotic sexstories: Bird Watching_(0) by Sarah Lovely , A woman goes bird watching with her husband and gets a unexpected surprise I had never really understood the appeal of bird watching, but my husband loved it. We’d been married for a little over three years when he finally got me to come out on … Read more


Vacation: Day One – A Short Story by the_ontarian,the_ontarian

I step outside. The sun hits my naked body. My wife Natalie is laying on a lounge by the pool, similarly unclothed. As I approach her, I realize that she’s fallen asleep. This isn’t the pool at our home, though. We’re at Caribbean Sun Spa and Hotel, an 18+ sun destination well-known for its clothing … Read more