My Boyfriend’s Father I by makoma

My Boyfriend’s Father I by makoma A teenage girl goes on a trip with her boyfriend’s family and comes back changed , When I was fifteen my boyfriend invited me to travel with his family to attend a wedding of his father’s cousin. The wedding would be in another state so I couldn’t believe when … Read more


Convoluted by itiswhatitis

Convoluted by itiswhatitis <br/> … MATT sat sipping his late night coffee and eating a muffin. He glanced around at the well wishers; Clara and Hugh-s wedding had gone off without a hitch, nice kids Matt thought. After spending the night watching over Clara he had been given a half hour break. Matt smiled, damn … Read more


His Mother’s Diary by tw_holt

His Mother’s Diary by tw_holt He learns a lot by invading his mom’s privacy. , His Mother’s Diary -1- “Ahh yeah, yes!” Curt was furiously jacking off in the shower, thoughts of Miranda’s big, juicy butt slamming down on a big, black cock. “Yes!” He thought back to that night he peeped into her bedroom, … Read more


A Welcomed Guest 4 by pars001

A Welcomed Guest 4 by pars001 <br/> The story goes on , Driving like a maniac the man made it home in record time. What in the hell was going on? With Bast at least he knew where he stood but these two new women? I may be dead by the end of the week … Read more


I Miss that Dog by Cassey4kink

I Miss that Dog by Cassey4kink Hi, this is a true story of what happened to me through my own sexual curiosity when I was fourteen. Please contact me if you enjoy what happened. , I was fourteen. I was already exploring anything sexual. I had lost my virginity to my current boyfriend. My boyfriend … Read more


Mejere pt.1 by Revy18

Mejere pt.1 by Revy18 ~~~This is the beginning and im not good with starters but I promise the next will be a lot better. I would like you to leave a comment and tell me what you think I should do and please nothing mean like “This story sucks and You should stop writing”. I … Read more


Helping My Big Sis by Eccho

Heya. Here’s a futa story to satiate your impure thoughts. Hope you enjoy. If you do, I take commissions with absolutely no limits at all. Suggest whatever you want if ya wanna. Monique is the best person in Natalie’s life. She’s like her best friend. They tell each other everything, encourage and assert each other


My Mom’s Friend by maxam

My Mom’s Friend by maxam 12 year old’s first try is wonderful , My Mom’s friend I was almost 11 when it first happened. My Mom owned a small two room summer cabin in an older resort beach area. Her best friend, Anne, who lived at our house, also had a young son, Rob, he … Read more


Brown beauty by adam tindale

Brown beauty by adam tindale As I watched Melanie, my mouth went dry and my heart raced. She was so petite and beautiful, with her delicate curves and blonde hair. I loved and lusted after her, a tangled mess of emotion that left me speechless every time I saw her. Each day, I delivered the … Read more


Never Alone Again by badsammie

She knew what she wanted. She always had. Always driven to get what she wanted, to achieve what she wanted. It caused problems of course. People often called her rude, or abrasive. They’d get offended at her blunt questions. Her direct statements. She excelled at most things she attempted, but decorum was never one of … Read more