Picture Pregnant Romance by Crazy Dog Lady Theresa

Wendy is feeling lonely after her husband deploys to the Gulf, but at least his best friend is there to comfort the pregnant woman. — This is not a cheating story! This is a book by Rachael Ross “You never heard the story?” Marcia smiled as Sadie shook her head. “Tell her Wendy, it’s a


The Girl – Stories: Mission 4 by boardpin123

This is a standalone companion story, to the Book 3 of “The Girl”. If you didn’t read the other stories, a quick introduction is in order: Lilly is a slave to Hank and Sam, and has a standing order not say “no” to any man. I recommend reading the “Trip to Mexico” story. The truck


And Then I Saw Her by wayniepoo62

An adult stories – And Then I Saw Her by wayniepoo62 My attempt at a 750 word story starts after the **** ****************** I walked into school on that first fateful day of high school. A few mates had gathered and we were shooting the shit about what we had done during the holidays. And … Read more


Fourth Down and Inches: A Steamy Tale of Loving Wives – Passionate Romance Story by OlympusMons90

Fourth Down and Inches: A Steamy Tale of Loving Wives – Passionate Romance Story by OlympusMons90 It was a warm September morning in Houston, the city I was born and raised in. It had been two years since I last woke up in my hometown. As I drank my coffee sitting on the front veranda … Read more


Pilot in the Cock Pit by Ajars

Pilot in the Cock Pit by Ajars Work of fiction. , My bosses always ask me, Walter how do you do it? How do you do those 7+ hour flights with such a short staff? I always say, “Time flies when you’re having fun” and people always laugh and move on, not wanting to talk … Read more


Bad Seed Ch.13 by pars001

A literotic sexstories: Bad Seed Ch.13 by pars001 , The BROTHER TROUBLES “Stealth Trigon,” Wren almost growled. “Stealth achieved, I believe that his ship detected our presence, though I am not sure,” Trigon said as he started to run system checks. “Fire a few missiles at his ship, standard pack, let’s see if they can … Read more


What We Yearn For Ch. 05 by Ohheyjude,Ohheyjude

When I was sure Milan understood where we stood, I allowed him to walk us to the car. For a moment I thought he would drive us to a place of his choice since he was the one in fact paying. But Milan surprises me by asking me where I wanted to eat. I tell … Read more


The Other Woman by GingerMinx,GingerMinx

I stand trembling at the bedside, nervous and anxious. I slowly lower myself into position, preparing for what is to come. Fighting my battles with myself before you begin yours. Dreading the first strike, yet tingling with anticipation. You start off slow, allowing me time to get ready, you pause, I flinch. You strike, I … Read more


The Slut In Her by NatashaTsarinaPublishing,NatashaTsarinaPublishing

Anna skipped down the street from the high rise where she lived with her parents. There were three of them and they all had twelve floors and sat on a hill. During the winter, cars with front-wheel drive would have a problem coming up the street if it wasn’t properly sanded and salted. Now it … Read more


Fiction – Lilly Ch. 02 by MemoirFantastique,MemoirFantastique

It had been three or four days since Dave had appeared in Lilly’s small screen escapades and they had not spoken since. There was no malice or ill will involved, it’s just that their paths has not crossed since. Life’s like that sometimes. In yesterday’s mail, Dave had received a parcel from his parents. They … Read more