New Family Secrets V by Dirty Dogg 32

Introduction: Ryan's fun continues , Sorry it's been so long but I'm back now… Enjoy New Family Secrets V I lifted my head in time to see these two beautiful women crawling up on either side of me. Misty on my left and Kara on my right, as they leaned across me to kiss each … Read more


Just by Chance by Mr56543434,Mr56543434

We were coming back from the east coast from a 2-week vacation in DC. And we pulled into a rest area for a stop as we headed home. When I pulled in there were motorcycles everywhere. As I parked our Sports car, I knew we would cause a few men that ride them to look … Read more


Testing Times by UltimateSin,UltimateSin

A/N – Hello! I’ve been writing all sorts of stories lately. An idea will hit my mind and I usually try and start immediately while it’s fresh. Sometimes it works out, but I’ve got a few documents on my laptop where I’ve got around halfway and run out of steam, or just don’t know how … Read more


Man in the Box Ch. 01 by artmp3,artmp3

Disclaimer: This is a multi-chapter, long read story. It is a fictional story that involves some homosexual acts and should be avoided if not your thing. I have a similar past to a lot of other men. Married young, family, career, divorce, blah blah blah. Being that my ex and I weren’t missionary only type … Read more


The Camgirl Pt. 71 by taylorstorms,taylorstorms

LXXI: Don’t Stop Liam and Blake Liam “Okay, table’s set, food is on the table. Anything other than the Brussel sprouts?” Liam shook his head as he turned off the heat on the stove and carefully tipped the hot pan into the waiting bowl, “Just these. You think Blake is ready by now?” Sophie took … Read more


Another day at work and the night club by CrazyJoe1073

Introduction: My sister and our neighbors started stripping me and with my sister holding it over my head with our parents she had me naked a lot and in front of a lot of people, many more chapter to this happening I hope you enjoy reading them as much as I am reliving them by … Read more


Max is a Freak pt 3 by nutzbubby

Introduction: part 3 , chapter 1 Joyce was licking her stepsons Max's asshole as he sat on the couch , watching his mom Carol lick his girlfriend Ravens 20YR old cunt . as Max wacked off he told his slutty stepmom to begin licking his nuts . He had trained both his mom & stepmom … Read more


Beth the Cum Slut Ch 16 – 18 by Not a writer

Introduction: Continuing sexual adventures of Beth which now includes her parents. , Chapter 16 The next morning, I woke up in my parents’ bed. Dad had already gotten up and I heard the shower running so I assumed he was in there. I took a chance and got up and went into their bathroom and … Read more


Kissing Cousins by allsexstories,allsexstories

“Dance with me!” she begged, grabbing my shaking sweaty hands. She was so good at dancing, and I was so bad. Whenever we went to a club she would tease me about my terrible dance moves. She held my hands, and we slow danced on our grandpa’s shaky wooden dock. The beautiful august night sky … Read more