Unrequited Love

An adult stories – Unrequited Love by WhyNotUs,WhyNotUs Author’s Note: Trying a little something different. This is a Love Story. Hopefully you enjoy the character development and the struggles they go through searching for a happy ending. I was scrolling through Twitter and a retweet from someone I was following caught my eye. Not the … Read more

For You, Who I Never Got To Love

An adult stories – For You, Who I Never Got To Love by Prettylynne,Prettylynne Sometimes at night I sit on my back porch and think of you. I don’t know anything about you now, but I think about a timeline in which we are together. It is a fantasy, to be sure; in this timeline, … Read more

Betrayed, But I Still Want Her by metalgear11,metalgear11

Note to readers — as mentioned in a few of my previous stories, this contains some lingo from my native country. It may read a bit strange to some. I’ve translated it as much as I can to make it understandable. Thanks. ************************** I met this very young and cute girl sometimes in 2011 when … Read more

A Platonic Relationship by The_Technician

Introduction: Marcella Henry watches over a sentient computer at night. What she doesn’t know is that the computer also watches her. , This is a GEEK / NERD story. The beginning is very technical and is not at all sexy. The last portion gets sexy. Depending on how this is received, I will most likely … Read more

The Relationship That Never Was by FreddieTheCamel,FreddieTheCamel

VICTORIA TEMPLETON WAS angry and confused. She considered herself intelligent, well-educated, fun to be with and good-looking, yet here she was approaching the end of her thirties and still single. The closest she had come to marriage was in her late twenties when she lived with her boyfriend for five years, but he turned out … Read more

I Never Thought Susannah Fancied Me by raindance,raindance

I had no idea that Susanna fancied me. We work for the same company, in different departments, and we’d only met a few times before, at various business functions. We’re both fairly senior, but we do very different jobs. We knew of each other’s existence, and from my point of view, that was about the … Read more

Loneliest Man Who Ever Lived Ch. 22

An adult stories – Loneliest Man Who Ever Lived Ch. 22 by GaryLMMartin,GaryLMMartin [Note: This is a romance story with some erotic scenes. It is not a story with erotic scenes in every chapter. Some chapters have incredible sex scenes, but many others have none.] A Very Brief Intermission Harry spent two weeks searching for … Read more

Everybody Except Me

An adult stories – Everybody Except Me by Hooked1957,Hooked1957 Again, a thank you to the fine folks at Specialized Iterations for their help on this story. As I lay in bed spooned around the best wife any man could ever have, I reviewed my day with a smile on my face. I went to work … Read more