My Virgin Summer

This is the second stop on my Tour of Literotica, where I plan to write something for every category. Currently, I have several pieces in the Erotic Couplings category, all part of my series called: Portmanteau.

My first category was a visit to INCEST/TABOO with a twisted tale called: MY MOTHER’S WICKED GAME

Warning: That one is extreme.

You found this story in the FIRST TIME category. It is a fun, adventurous, sexy story about four teens looking to lose their virginity before college starts. I do like to push limits, so please expect the unexpected.

You have been warned.

TAGS: 18-year-old, blowjob, anal, teen pussy, teen, nipples, cream pie, loud sex, first time, virgin, teens, shower, romantic, deflower, big tits, anal cream pie, armpits, underarm hair



“So, it’s settled then; we’re doing this on for the 4th of July,” Tyler declared. Miriam smiled and nodded in agreement.

Summer looked at John with a hopeful glance, and they agreed with a nod and anxious smiles.

As the girls went inside Summer’s house to get changed into dry clothes, Tyler and John remained in the hot tub discussing the pact they all agreed upon – they would lose their virginity on the 4th of July, which was just a few weeks away.

All four had recently graduated and, despite being 18, were all still virgins. Their reasons varied. Miriam was from a deeply religious family, and despite a strong streak of rebellion, she had yet to stray too far from the righteous path.

Summer was bright, analytical, and always put a stop to things from getting below the waist for a variety of reasons. She wasn’t ready with anyone thus far.

Despite being an adult, John was a mama’s boy who always asked permission to do anything and seemed the most resistant to the pact.

Tyler was the athlete of the group, outgoing and fun but was raised to respect women and never wanted to push too hard.

Despite their reasons for still being virgins, all agreed they wanted that title behind them when college started in a few months.

Tyler met Miriam in a college prep class, but since she was from a devout Apostolic Christian family, he could not date her in the open. Summer lived a few houses down from Tyler, and the two had grown up together. When Tyler started seeing Miriam, he enlisted Summer to be her friend.

Summer liked Miriam enough to agree to the ruse, sometimes picking her up to bring her back to Tyler’s house and dropping her off after she had spent the afternoon hanging around with him. Since Summer was the class valedictorian, Miriam’s family was okay with spending time at her house. As for Tyler, they were blissfully unaware he even existed.

John was intelligent and thoughtful. However, Summer planned to lose her virginity to him for one reason. Rumor had it his cock was huge. She had decided that was the only way to start her sexual journey.

Summer overanalyzed everything. She was all about the scientific method, which consisted of observation, research, hypotheses, experiment, data analysis, and conclusions. Her observation from watching porn videos for research was that a large penis created greater pleasure. Under the guise of science, she studied porn far more than most 18-year-old women. She hypothesized that the generous size of her partner would create a vaginal orgasm far better than the clitoral ones she had mustered with her fingers. Having John enter her with his enormous dick would be the experiment she needed to draw an educated conclusion about sex and pleasure.

She was horny, and the ruse of scientific research was her subconscious excuse to get laid before heading off to Princeton in the fall. At college, she assumed being experienced would make her more desirable. Like the others, Summer did not want to enter college as a virgin.

On the afternoon of the 4th, Miriam’s parents dropped her off at Summer’s. They were unaware that Summer’s family was out of town for a week, and their daughter was left with three other horny teens hell-bent on consummating relationships.

As her parents drove off, Miriam pulled her arms inside her white peasant top, removed her bra without taking off her shirt in a move only women know, and shoved it in her bag. Her top was snug enough that her thick nipples tented the top. Content with her sexy hippy look, she went inside.

John was the last to arrive, having argued with his mother about spending the night at Tyler’s. That was the plan. John said he was at Tyler’s; Tyler said he was at John’s. Miriam was staying at Summer’s, whose parents were gone. Lots of moving parts, but it was all working out fine.

The four walked to the park to see the fireworks bringing some bottles of Boone’s Farm wine to relieve the anticipation and tension.

It started to rain when they were almost back to Summer’s house. Summer and John ran ahead, but Miriam stood there enjoying the cooling shower letting it soak her. Tyler stayed with her, getting soaked as well. She looked amazing as water covered her peasant top, causing it to stick to her skin, turning transparent, and revealing her small tits with large puffy areolas.

She reached out and pulled Tyler close for a deep French kiss that indicated she was ready for so much more.

The rain let up as they got to Summer’s house. Summer and John were coming out with their bathing suits on for some hot tub time.

Miriam led Tyler inside to get their suits on and join their friends in the hot tub, but once inside the house, she took off her soaked top revealing her small breasts and engorged nipples. Tyler could not resist and began to knead and lick at them until Miriam guided him up the stairs and into Summer’s brother’s room.

Summer and her brother had separate bedrooms with a shared Jack and Jill bathroom. A sliding door on each side of the bathroom allowed access from each bedroom.

Miriam led Tyler into the room and turned to him. A lava lamp in the corner gave a blue sheen to the two. This allowed Tyler to study her breasts before returning his tongue to her nipples.

The thrill of being suckled by Tyler caused Miriam to moan loudly. She fumbled with his belt as he slipped both hands down the back of her shorts, cupping her ass in his hands as she undressed him.



It had been a month since graduation and another month before we all headed to college. My girlfriend at the time was Miriam Hayes. Coming from a large Apostolic Christian family, she would soon head to some small college in Ohio. Miriam’s family didn’t want her to date outside their church, so she told her parents she was friends with my neighbor Summer and then sneaked to my house to hang out.

She was cute and sporty with a great personality. She was the girlfriend I always wanted, but I wasn’t having fun sneaking around to spend time with her. My other frustration was my desire to lose my virginity before college.

Summer lived a few houses up the street and had been my friend since elementary school. We shared a lifetime of adventures in the neighborhood and even had birthdays on the same day. She often told people we were twins; since we acted like brother and sister, they believed it.

A few days after our 18th birthday, Summer, Miriam, and I were in my parent’s hot tub on a June night, and the topic of losing virginity came up. We discussed college and what might happen there. Miriam was concerned that when I was at Boston College, I would have sex with a woman and forget about her. I assured her I would not, but the idea of having sex with anyone in college helped swell my balls and my ego.

Miriam was an attractive dynamo with small firm tits, a nice body, and a flared ass. She was a bit of a band and theater nerd. While religious, she was not against bending any rules that precluded her from having fun, except one. She was still a virgin. But then again, so was I, and I didn’t have religious beliefs to blame.

After the fireworks, we returned to Summer’s house to hit the hot tub when a rainstorm hit. Summer and John sprinted ahead, but Miriam stood in the rain, letting it soak her. Her thin white peasant top, which hid her braless tits, began to turn sheer with the rain. I enjoyed watching the wetness slowly reveal her body as her shirt stuck to her tight stomach. The white top went transparent, revealing her large puffy areolas.

She reached out and pulled me in close for a deep French kiss that indicated she was ready for much more. We made out briefly then the rain suddenly let up.

When we got to Summer’s house, she and John came out with their bathing suits on to get in a soak.

We told the two we would change and come back. Miriam led me inside. No sooner were we out of view of Summer when Miriam took off her top to reveal her small tits with engorged areolas and nipples. There we were in Summer’s kitchen as I began to lick and fondle her without concern of being caught.

“Let’s do this now,” she whispered, guiding me up the stairs and into Summer’s brother’s room.

A lava lamp in the corner gave a blue sheen to the room as I attacked Miriam’s tits with my mouth. She responded with a deep moan. She began to fumble with my belt as I slipped both hands down the back of her shorts, cupping her ass in my hands as she undressed me.

She stood facing me. Her small, pert tits beckoned me as she opened my belt and unzipped my pants, setting my stiff cock free.

Miriam responded by slipping off her jean shorts and presenting me with her nude body. She was short in height with tan, toned arms and muscular legs. Her hips flared out, and her ass was thick and sexy as hell. Her breasts were small but inviting, and her pussy was unshaven with a light brown fur punctuated by a pronounced labia that created a chasm I wanted to touch and taste.

I found my hand wandering unconsciously to my cock and rubbing it as I looked at this brunette beauty. I slipped my hand into my shorts and began to stroke my erection. Miriam responded by gently running her fingers across her stomach, then slid a finger down the center of her labia, parting it open to reveal her inviting pink insides. Her wetness was evident by the thick viscous curtain of her juices sticking to her fingers.

“We don’t have to go any further,” I offered.

She did not wait for me to finish my sentence, offering her a polite exit. Instead, she crawled up on the bed, then across until she was close to me, and got up on her knees so she faced me. She licked her fingers and then gently massaged her puffy areolas and nipples. It was an exciting opening move that she knew would work for me.

My mouth met hers in a rough French kiss that ended quickly as I moved to her nipples and began to suck on them. As I enjoyed her small tits, She held my head, pushing me against her breasts, reveling in our connection.

I noticed hair under her arms, something I had not seen before, something she kept hidden by her shirt.

She caressed me as I nursed on her, but I was distracted by her armpits and wanted a better look. Pushing her to the bed, I aggressively moved her arms over her head as I continued to kiss her nipples. By now, the curiosity of her underarms overtook me, and I buried my face in the thin growth of hair under her arms.

She smelled clean but earthy. She was salty with a taste of beach sand. I had never seen underarm hair on a woman my age and found it intoxicating.

She could see me reveling in it and stroked my hair as I kissed her armpits.

“You like my natural look,” she said with a smile. It was a statement of observation, not a question.

“My mother doesn’t allow me to shave under my arms. She says it sexualizes me.”

Something within me wanted to rub my cock against her armpit, but I resisted. Still, she could see my fascination and smiled.

“Someday, I’ll tell her how wrong she was,” she whispered.

I continued to move between her armpits and her tits when I felt the touch of her fingers on the sensitive flesh of my shaft, causing me to harden. It was here where her inexperience was evident. She didn’t stroke my cock, just held it firm.

I resumed our deep kiss, wishing she would move my cock up and down a few times and masturbate me. But she did not. She kept holding it tight like a tennis racket.

Finally, I pulled my underwear down, exposing my cock and balls. She broke away from our kiss to study my thickness. I put my hands on hers and guided them up and down so she could feel what I needed. I started her masturbating me. She was being delicate, but I was urging her to stroke harder.

Now that she was at least moving my member, it was time to touch her pussy. I had fingered her but never gotten a look and her naked body.

A lava lamp illuminated her skin with a blue shimmer, and I used that opportunity to view her virgin snatch. It was near perfection. Her vulva was hair covered and plump. It was swollen with desire; her labia minora lips, which protruded from her hairy pussy were sealed with her moisture. A flesh hood at the top of her slit protruded like a volcano and covered her clitoris. Along with this was wetness. A flood of her nectar let me know she was ready for what would happen.

I put my hand on her vagina and let it rest there, feeling her moisture. She did not flinch, so I gently moved my fingers until one of them parted the slit to her warmth and dipped inside.

As my finger sunk into her wetness, I could feel her body shiver slightly, and the sensation was complex for her to hide. As my finger probed her warm insides, I could feel her getting wetter and wetter. Keeping one hand slightly massaging my cock, her other hand went to her snatch and helped guide my hand to her sensitive spots. I slid my middle finger inside her, but she drove in my forefinger to double the intrusion, and I began to massage her pussy aggressively.

Her moans were an indication that I was on track. Her moistness was amazing.

“I get so wet when I’m horny,” she declared. “I didn’t want you to think it was pee.

“I wouldn’t care what it was,” I replied. “I was just happy to be right here, right now.”

She guided my fingers up and down but kept concentrating on the top of her pussy where I could feel a firm bump. From how she reacted to my touch in that area, I knew it had to be her clit. I pressed firmly, and she responded with a breathy moan.

We remained in this position for five minutes, me massaging her pussy, and she tentatively stroking my cock. Finally, she broke free and laid back on the bed, inviting me to join her. Her kinky auburn hair spread on the pillows as she waited for me.

I crawled on the bed and then laid astride her waist, looking at her inviting pussy before me. I slid back and laid atop her so her breasts pressed against my chest. Her nipples were rock hard, and I could feel them pressing into me. We began to kiss passionately as my hands probed her body. More than once, I returned to her armpits, savoring her fragrance.

“Please, go down on me,” she asked.

I’m sure she felt my cock get stiffer as she whispered those words, and I was only too happy to slide down her body until the top of her groomed muff was in my face. Her pussy lips were large and protruded from her pubic hair like two thick lips. As I got my face closer, I could smell her scent. It reminded me of the distinct earthy smell of tomatoes on the vine with a hint of butterscotch minus the sweetness. Whatever it was, it was inviting.

I knew the smell of a woman’s pussy. John’s mom was pretty hot, and when I recently found myself in their laundry room, I stole a pair of her panties and took them home. I would inhale her woman’s scent every night while jacking off to the thoughts of having sex with my friend’s mom. That was a few months ago, and the inviting odor had long since dwindled, but the smell of pussy remained ingrained in my memory, and here it was again. A little different but distinctly feminine and equally intoxicating.

My first lick of her pussy served to wet her flesh. My second pass was more aggressive, and I could feel her pubic hair and hot juices against my tongue. I continued to lap at her vulva, getting my tongue deeper and seeking the sensitive spots. Miriam helped me by opening her legs wider and pushing my head harder against her virgin mound.

She brought her hands down to her thighs, massaging them as I licked. I could tell she wanted to touch herself but was embarrassed to try that in front of me. I took hold of her hand, pulled away from her pussy for a moment, then sucked on her fingers, wetting them. I returned to lapping at her gateway and guided her hand to her mons, allowing her to play with her longing clit as I probed her with my mouth. Her fingers were like a laser pointer and went right to the spot I was searching for – her clit. As she rubbed the tender bump, I probed her deeper. She began to moan, and I knew we had hit the right spot.

I let her finger be my guide and licked around it as she rubbed. With her fingers monopolizing her clit, I chose to go south. Moving down her warm pink slit, I came to the fourchette of her vagina, where her perineum met her pussy, and explored this area. Below me, I could see the tight knot of her ass. The hair around her ass was thick and coarse–the result, no doubt, of her mother’s control over her personal grooming.

I returned to her pussy, but now my cock was getting so erect that I feared I might prematurely ejaculate. I brought myself up her flat stomach licking her belly and tits, finally finding her mouth again. I wasn’t sure if she would want to kiss me after my mouth was where it had been, but she seemed excited about tasting my mouth, even licking it, becoming drunk on the tailings of her essence.

My cock was now pressed against the mound above her slit. She brought her hand down and gripped it tight, gently stroking it.

“Should I give you a blowjob?” she asked. “Do you want that? Is that what we should do next?”

The answer in my mind was yes, but I declined because I knew I would not last long in her mouth; no matter how inexperienced she was, I was unsure what to do. Should I cum in her mouth? Would she want that? There was so much we had not discussed.

“Lay back; let me play with you,” she whispered, and I obeyed. I lay on the bed, my head on the pillow, as she opened her bag and took out a bottle of baby oil.

She poured some of the oil on my cock and then stroked it. She silky sensation of the oil and her hand made me groan with pleasure. If she kept it up, I was going to cum right there and then.

But she had a plan.

“I want to be on top of this,” she whispered, and she quickly got atop me and maneuvered herself over my cock. She took my baby-oiled cock, and guided it to her waiting pussy. I rubbed the tip against her clit and then found her wet slit. The end of my cock spread her labia open, and I could feel the thickness of her secretions against the sensitive skin of my glans. I held my cock on the threshold of her opening.

This was it. I was about to push my way inside.

She rubbed my penis on her clit, and I could see her eyes close in pleasure. Using her fingers, she plunged her wet pussy, took her love-coated digits, and slathered her personal lube on my cock, which, when added to the baby oil, made it slick and ready.

She shuffled forward so my erection slid along the crease of her pussy, then her perineum, until it was poking against her tight anal pucker. Reaching back, she pushed my erection against her back hole and settled against its thick blunt head.

I was confused.

I could feel a tightness against my glans as my cock penetrated her sphincter and began to spread her anus wide.

“Wait, I think this is the wrong…”

“Shhh,” she whispered. “I’m saving my pussy for my future husband.”

“But we agreed to we were going to…”

“We are, baby, we are. But I need you to make love to my ass tonight.”

“I thought we…”

“All the girls in my church do it like that so we can remain pure,” she whispered as she pushed her ass back, slowly engulfing the tip of my cock inside her anus.

This was not the moment for me to get into a theological loophole discussion. I had come to this room to fuck and cum, and if this religious rebel was willing to let me fuck any of her holes, I was in for the ride.

“Are you ready?” she asked but did not wait for a reply as she pushed herself against my greasy cock, causing her barrier muscles to relent and allow me passage through her second barrier, and she slid down my shaft with a wince and a smile.

My cock felt the smoothness of her anus as it entered her forbidden virgin darkness. I wasn’t sure what a vagina felt like, but I had a lot to look forward to if it were as pleasurable as this.

“Oh fuck,” she groaned as pleasure and pain swept over her.

My cock was in a tight place of pleasure, and thinking about ass fucking this young virgin made it even more significant.

“Oh, God, this feels good,” I whispered, almost hyperventilating.

Miriam could feel my cock expanding in her ass, and I could feel her tight muscle walls stretching as I grew. Her thick moisture felt like my mother’s hand lotion that I used for masturbation.

“Does it hurt?” I asked

She didn’t speak, but I could see her face wince as she concentrated on relaxing her muscles. I didn’t think this would work out for a few seconds, but she must have found the ability to relax enough because she dropped further onto my penis, which slid deeper into her smooth dark tunnel.

She came down slowly, taking my entire cock into her ass so that only the hilt and my balls remained outside. She needed to pause and allow herself to accommodate this intrusion. I felt the swell of an impending ejaculation and relaxed into the moment, not wanting to move too fast. I wanted to linger.

I felt the need to take the lead and slowly lifted her halfway up my pole, then pulled her back down, burying myself to my hilt and watching her wince from the pleasurable pain. Deep moans interrupted her breathing, letting me know she had never experienced this level of pleasure.

Miriam was lost in lust when I saw the light from the bathroom emanating from under the door. Knowing Summer was in the bathroom next to us, just a few feet away, made the moment all the stranger. I could hear her peeing, and my imagination wandered to images of her naked, sitting, and emptying herself. The moment was surreal. There I was with my cock in Miriam’s ass and imagining watching Summer pee.

This is so fucked up, I thought to myself.

Miriam brought me back to focus with a deep kiss as she wrapped her arms around my back and whispered in my ear, “How do you like this?”

A surge of testosterone flowed through me, and I wanted Summer to know how virulent a lover I was. It probably was some caveman gene trying to promote my control over any female around me.

“It’s good,” I roared. It was standard porn talk, but it was all I could produce now.

Miriam smiled. She placed her hands behind her on my thighs, relaxed, and then rode my cock up and down. Her stretched starfish was now accepting of my penis, and she began to use her ass like a pussy, riding up and down, masturbating me with her rectum. What had started as lovemaking was becoming carnal fucking, and we both needed it.

My attention was on Miriam, but I knew Summer and John could probably hear us. Even on the other side of the Jack and Jill bathroom, between the bed noise, Miriam’s moans, and my porn talk, I wanted them to hear this moment.

“Your ass is so tight,” I moaned.

I knew the sensation of cumming from masturbation and hand jobs. But this time, the sensation was different. It began in my toes, and I could feel it coursing up my body with an electric tingle. I kept pumping vigorously, but I knew the end was close.

“I’ve got to pull out,” I whispered.

“No, it’s safe, fill me,” she replied.

I wanted to sound experienced when I ejaculated, but all I could muster was a long and loud groan as my cock blasted a heavy load into Miriam’s now dirtied hole. My pleasure went on and on, and I could feel my hot semen filling her tight bowels and then pushing out of her anus where ever the seal was compromised as a thick cream in aggressive rivulets that were then snagged by the pubic hair around her tight knot.

Miriam’s orgasm followed me for a few seconds. I think the sensation of bringing a man to orgasm within her was the mitigating factor, and her body went rigid.

I could feel her anal muscles contracting. The contraction was so tight that I feared it would cause me pain. The contractions came and went rapidly, creating a milking sensation that urged any remaining cum out of my shaft and into the dank vault of her bowels.

She tipped her head back with her mouth open, and while I expected her to moan or groan, her body went still, her breathing stopped, and she held in place practically frozen. The moment lasted almost 30 seconds. When it ended, her breathing grew rapid and profound, her skin perspired, and then it happened again, only this time lasting shorter.

This happened three times in total, and I was beginning to get freaked out. Is this what an orgasm is supposed to be like?

Her breathing and muscle control returned to normal, and she smiled in bliss.

“What was that?” I asked her with panic in my voice.

“When I orgasm, I kind of pass out,” she replied. “Not really out, but immobilized. It’s called Le Petite Morte. It means little death.”

“You could have warned me,” I said as my breathing returned to normal. “I was going to call 911.”

“I used to masturbate against my bedpost. The first time I made myself orgasm, this happened. My mom found me writing on the floor and freaked out. She said it was because I made love to the Devil.”

“Ok, that’s fucked up,” I answered.

“I should have told you about it all: the armpits, the anal, and the petite morte. But hey, you had fun finding out, right?”

She pulled me close for a passionate kiss.

“Thank you,” she whispered. Once again, overthinking everything, I wondered if she was thanking me for deflowering her ass or for the orgasm?

My erection had diminished in size and was slowly retreating from her cum filled ass.

I pulled out, followed by a slightly embarrassing release of air and then a surge of aerated cum.

She grabbed my cock in her hand and pumped it a few times, draining the final globs of cum from my balls.

I looked down as my spent cum leaked from her ass. When my erection finally went limp, she gently massaged her pussy.

“Oh, I don’t like that feeling of you pulling out of me. It goes from feeling so thick and warm to empty.”

“I’ll stay inside you longer next time,” I replied, stroking her hair.

“About that. I don’t think there will be a next time,” she replied as her senses returned.

I looked at her, confused.

“I’m leaving for school next week. We’ll be thousands of miles away, and I don’t see how it will work,” she whispered.

“We’re breaking up?” I asked, hurt.

“We’re going our separate ways,” she replied. “If we find our way back together, that’s great, but I can’t see that path right now. Do you?”

“I’ve got a weird question,” I said, “are we still virgins?”

“I know I am,” she replied, “my husband will take my virginity.”

I wasn’t sure what to say or think. As far as I was concerned, I had intercourse, but she gave herself a strange “out” so who was I to complain? I knew several “love ’em and leave ’em” guys, but Miriam was the rare female version, which was fine with me.

I didn’t have the energy to argue and wasn’t sure I wanted to. I pulled her close and spooned her naked tight body, and we both fell asleep.

Her alarm went off at six AM, and she quickly dressed, putting on her bra and then her shirt as she returned to her conservative life. Her parents were picking her up in a few minutes for a family event out of town. She made me promise not to leave Summer’s house until she was long gone.

It was way too early for me to want to walk home. I kissed her, and she left. I could hear her getting in her parent’s car and driving off. I knew I would miss her, and I also learned that someday, a conservative Christian guy would find his world rocked on his wedding night when Miriam, the “virgin,” crawled into their honeymoon bed.

It was early, but I was too excited to sleep longer. I entered the bathroom and closed the far sliding door to Summer’s room. I could see her asleep on top of her sheet, her t-shirt up slightly, revealing her pink panties. John must have left before Miriam. I closed the door and turned on the shower.

This was an incredible day, and it was only 7 in the morning.



Summer awoke from a dream that covered her body in a sheen of sweat. It was 7 AM, and she had to pee badly. She could hear the shower running and knocked on her side of the bathroom door.

“Tyler, can I come in to pee? I gotta go so bad,” she said with urgency.

“Sure,” he replied from the shower, “curtain’s pulled. I won’t watch.”

Summer sat and enjoyed a long overdue piss. She had too much cheap wine last night, and as she squirted out an endless stream of urine, the relief was almost orgasmic. She shuddered with the pleasure of emptying a full bladder.

“So, how was it?” she asked.

“How was what?”

“Seriously? You know what I’m asking,” Summer replied.

“It was good; it was different. A lot different than I expected,” Tyler said.

“Different? How?” she asked.

“I don’t want to go into details, but I finished, she finished. It was great. It just wasn’t what I planned on. That’s all I’ll say.”

“Ok, now you’re being cryptic,” she replied.

“How was it with John? No, that’s not my business. Forget I asked.”

“He’s gone. His mother picked him up,” Summer sighed.

“She’s too much,” Tyler replied.

“Miriam or John’s mom?” Summer asked.

“Both, I guess. So, how was it for you?” he asked.

Summer didn’t respond.

Tyler stood in the shower, his penis semi-erect from the odd sex conversation.

“It didn’t happen. John left last night. His mother came over after you guys went upstairs. It was a whole thing.”

“He’s an adult; why would he go with her?” Tyler asked.

“He was so freaked out about doing it. He told his mother what he was here to do. It was so embarrassing, and she was not cool with it.”

“Sorry you didn’t get to-”

“I think I chose John because I knew he would back out,” she replied.

“So, you’re still a virgin. I might be, too,” Tyler commented.

“Might? I don’t think that’s how it works,” she added.

“OK, true confession here, and you can’t repeat this. Miriam would only do anal. My only time with a woman was anal sex,” Tyler said in exasperation.

Summer did not respond.

“You about done peeing? I’m getting wrinkled skin in here,” he responded.

Again, Summer did not reply. Tyler assumed she left the bathroom. He pulled the curtain open to see Summer standing completely nude. She was tall and shapely with large soft breasts that hung in a sexy teardrop.

Where Miriam was short with wide hips, Summer was curvy and inviting. Her areolas were pink and perfect, and her nipples were engorged and purple. She had a body built for riding, and somewhere in Tyler’s mind, he wondered how he could have missed that all these years.

Tyler could only stare at the woman, unable to move a muscle. The funny thing is the penis is not a muscle and moves plenty as it immediately became erect at the sight of her nudity.

They stood looking at each other motionless.

Then, she stepped into the shower, returned the water to a warm cascade, and embraced Tyler.

“From the time I ever had the urge to have someone inside me, I’ve always wanted it to be you,” she whispered as she pressed her body against Tyler, giving him a deep, soft kiss.

“Let’s be each other’s first,” she whispered in his ear, then began to suck his ear lobe.



“She would only do anal. My only time with a woman was anal sex,” Tyler said from beyond the shower curtain.

I had already begun to disrobe when he dropped that bomb. That little church nut had temped him to lose his virginity and then figuratively fucked him up the ass by having him fuck her up the ass.

I continued to disrobe, trying to figure out what I was doing at the moment or why.

“You about done peeing? I’m getting wrinkled skin in here,” he said.

I was now naked in the bathroom, inches from Tyler, who was behind the frosted shower curtain. I panicked and turned to leave quickly, then stopped, gathered the courage to possibly humiliate myself, and pulled back the shower curtain to reveal my naked self.

Tyler stood there naked and frozen, unable to move a muscle as he stared at my body. Despite his shock, his cock quickly went rigid.

I still had the option to turn and leave. But I did not, and I stepped into the shower to find Tyler confused yet aroused. I let the water sexually cascade over me.

“From the time I ever had the urge to have someone inside me, I’ve always wanted it to be you,” I whispered in his ear as I pressed my body against him and kissed his mouth.

“Let’s be each other’s first,” I whispered.

Taking a bar of soap, I began to wash before him. I soaped my breasts, fondling my nipples, cradling each soft breast gently like a kitten. I kept my eyes on my bosom and could feel his gaze.

Handing the soap bar to Tyler, who was now sporting a full erection, I turned away to face the showerhead and waited. It felt like an eternity, but finally, I felt the soap bar on my back washing it gently. He traced the curve of my back, feeling my soft, smooth skin. I wet my long hair as he pressed himself against me. I could feel his rock-hard cock push against the crack of my ass. The sensation of his phallus cradled in the separation of my tender cheeks was euphoric. He grabbed me by the hips and slid his cock up and down my ass massaging himself with my soft flesh.

He pulled away, and I turned to him. We were about the same height, and I wrapped my arms around him, bringing my face to his in a deep and passionate kiss. His firm erection was now pressing against the mound above my pussy.

His hands began to massage my tits which were soft and tender. I knew Miriam had small tits. Mine were what most men fantasized about. Large, soft, and nourishing. His mouth went to my nipple and began to suckle them. I took both hands and lifted my left breast up and out, feeding him like a child.

His left hand dropped to my pussy, and his fingers found their way inside me. He entered me with three fingers gently curled up and into my snatch, nearly lifting me off the ground. He then began to plunge my insides with his fingers. The wetness of the shower made his probing loud, with a wet fapping noise each time he pulled his fingers in and out.

I returned to kissing his hungry mouth aggressively, then reached back and turned off the water. I drew the curtain open and stepped out, throwing him a towel and taking one for myself. We did not say a word as I took his hand and walked him to my bed.

I took my towel and dried him off, gently mopping up the water. He did the same. I dried his back; he dried my ass. I dried his chest; he dried my legs, my tits, and more.

Tyler raised me in his strong arms, carried me like a bride to my bed, and gently placed me down. I patted the space next to me, urging him to join me. He lay next to me and took me to him.

We began kissing each other while his hand gently massaged my tits. My hand stroked his arm gently as our kisses became deeper. He rolled me to my back, then went to my tits and began to lick and kiss them gently as I stroked him softly.

I let my hand drift to his turgid cock pressed against my thigh. It felt significant in my grip, and I could tell how sensitive it was by his gentle moans of pleasure as I stroked it. I wanted to know what it felt like to have it in my mouth, and I began to kiss his belly as I slid my hand up and down his shaft. I was inexperienced, but I had researched enough and knew where and what to touch and caress.

He was shower clean, but I could still taste his essence. He tasted of the lightly oxidized sweat of male pheromones that increased my lust exponentially.

I grasped his thickness by the balls and guided his meaty cap into my mouth. I could feel the blunt head and meaty shaft moving between my cheeks. It was a sensation I had imagined but was different in reality. Not in the wrong way, but something you need to experience to describe. I attempted to suck it while masturbating him to his hilt.

I worked his cock like a popsicle. Putting it deep in my mouth, then pulling out, licking the shaft as if some of the flavors were escaping down the side.

I got on my knees, put my hand on his stomach, and got a little more aggressive, stroking it harder and taking it deeper in my mouth with greater force.

Suddenly he reacted with a wince and Immediately knew why. My teeth were dragging across his flesh. I opened my mouth wider to hide my teeth, so only the flesh of my lips and the warmth of my tongue touched his penis. It was a rookie mistake, but hey, I was a rookie.

I could tell I was back on track as he pushed his pelvis upward to fuck my mouth harder. I had to breathe through my nose as I bobbed in and out, finally getting the hang of it. My long blond hair spilled on his stomach, blocking his view, and he would move it back, enjoying the sight of me giving his cock such care and respect.

More than once, he pushed inward, and the thick head of his cock hit the back of my mouth, making me gag slightly. I knew there was much more to sucking a man off than I would learn in one night. My next thought was about him finishing in my mouth. Would I swallow it? Spit it out? Unbeknownst to me, he thought the same thing and gently pulled out. I would have swallowed it. I would have done anything he expected of me.

I held his saliva-soaked rigidness as I licked up and down the shaft. His cock was thick and veiny, and I could feel his pulse as his blood raged from the excitement.

I crawled onto the bed and lay on my back, then began to massage my pussy, inviting him with my eyes. He lay beside me and resumed kissing. We started gently, but it became more carnal with each moment.

“Did you go down on her?” I whispered.

Tyler nodded yes.

“Do it to me. Lick my pussy, please,” I begged. While I was itching to get fucked, the mystery of what a man tasting my pussy would feel like was overwhelming.

Tyler began his descent, stopping at my tits which rolled and swayed. I was proud of their softness and had even been able to lick my own nipples on days when I was getting experimental.

He licked across my belly, then down toward my vagina. A gentle trail of fine blonde hair served as his highway as he went lower until he entered the jungle of light hair covering my quim. I kept the edges trimmed so my curls didn’t show in my swimsuit, but these were the full bush days, and I still miss them.

Using a finger, he located my labia and drew a finger through it, parting my purple curtains to reveal the pinkness of my insides. His tongue met my hot pussy with a long slow lick that felt like soft butter spreading over a warm muffin. I groaned to let him know how receptive I was to his actions. He began his second lick far lower than the first, below my pussy, then upwards.

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